Does God reveal atrocities in the afterlife?

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Does God reveal atrocities in the afterlife?

Post by happyrain »

This is a very, specific question. Not sure there's an answer, or whether particular text may reference something like this. I wonder, if a people are oppressed and don't know it- crimes against humanity kind of stuff, say like a giant social experiment killing people. Is the reason for an individuals death revealed to them in the afterlife? I ask because, I have people in my circle confused why they're experiencing, "unexplainable" symptoms- and I don't think they'll have the privilege of knowing in this life. It makes me think about the atrocities of our past, where entire societies were misled into demise.

The more I think about it, the sillier I think it sounds- that there might be someone there to explain, "this is what was really happening while you were here, and this is how you died." Maybe we'll never know the extent of the misdeeds that've maimed us.
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Re: Does God reveal atrocities in the afterlife?

Post by Welles »

Hi Eric,

I'm not sure there's an exact answer to that question either. The UB suggests that with the dissolution of the material brain many of the memories of our natal world are forgotten. Memories that have a spiritual component are maintained. That goes along with my feeling that our Souls are containers of those experiences in which Spiritual values were created. It is said that kindred spirits who have shared experiences of spiritual values can collectively recreate some memories of their physical worlds.

It is my belief that a certain portion of today's human population are making huge spiritual strides by taking the responsibility to learn, understand and reject the remnants of the Lucifer Rebellion that are being played out on this world presently. Because of the spiritual implications of such growth I believe that some individuals will have a greater sense of what occurred to them.

I further believe that many people now alive will be exposed to the fact of the actual horrors occurring on this world. Some percentage will never be able to realize that truth, maybe 30% or so. Right now I think about 10% of humanity is quite awake, but the larger bulk cannot believe the level of evil on this planet and don't want to hear it for they are at least passively complicit. I would hasten to add that it isn't their 'fault' and will be afforded every opportunity to be rehabilitated. Those who stay true to spirit and seek God will be incredibly blessed for no level of iniquity will ever be attractive to them again. It is a rare set of circumstances that can try souls so completely and allow such a great triumph. They are not to be wished for but I'm grateful that this is my lot in life.

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Re: Does God reveal atrocities in the afterlife?

Post by happyrain »

Thank you Welles, what a thoughtful and wonderful reply.

You've really helped me here.

Kind regards.
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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