Walking partners lighting the way

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Walking partners lighting the way

Post by crluvearth »

It's been a long-long time since I've posted, recent activity and new found sisterhood with a recent Urantia book study group that started in my area has reenergized my want and need to share my experiences, as well as hear about all of yours.

At our book study this past Friday we were sharing about time prompts including light post prompts. One of our group members had shared a great experience around this with several lights going off in succession. I've only ever experienced seeing one go off at a time but last night, while on a walk with my husband, as we were approaching a light post one actually turned on. It was a pretty dark street we were going down so I asked him if the light just turned on (even though I knew it had) and he said yes. We continued on and the next light post we approached turned off, right as I walked under it. Then several feet ahead the next went off. I actually started laughing out loud and my husband asked what was so funny. I told him that every light I had walked under either turned on or off, sadly he hadn't noticed any others which is really hard to believe since the street was so dark but he is just not "aware" in that sense. I was happy enough to enjoy this experience with myself and now all of you :loves

Funny how we hear an experience and think how great it is only to turn around and have it happen to you!

Much love and light!
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Re: Walking partners lighting the way

Post by Sandy »

Hi Cindy, :D
You know, I'm sitting here thinking, but I don't think I have never had a street light go off or on for me. So it would be lovely to experience what you just did, a fabulous reminder that we do not walk alone in this world and we have tons of 'support" along the way. Thank you for sharing this. My heart is lighter today because you did.

I would love to learn more about what your Urantia Book group is studying too. We have an open Urantia book forum if you would like to share with us you and your group's thoughts as you ingest this awesome book.

I'm glad you are back and sharing this latest news and experience. :sunflower:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Walking partners lighting the way

Post by Geoff »

Hey Cindy,

That was a great experience with the lights, and like Sandy I am not sure its one I have had. Certainly had others.

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
said Chief Flaming Arrow.
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Re: Walking partners lighting the way

Post by crluvearth »

Hi Sandy,

Yes, we certainly do not walk alone and I love how many different ways our paths are lit, whether it's time prompts, street lamps, colors or direct messages. Today I got the 11:11 time prompt, I hadn't seen one in a while so it was a nice reminder to get on this site since I had been thinking about it so much lately. It's actually what "prompted" me to come on here and post today :D

Our UB book study meets once a month, we host dinner and discussion rotating at each others homes. There are 4 of us, all woman which is lovely. Right now our format is reading then sharing as we go along. All of us, I believe, have or are reading the book on our own as well. I am personally on my 2nd time through the book and it's been life changing. I will be sure to check-in on the UB discussion here, it's so much to digest, so fascinating! Thank you for reminding me about this :flower:

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Re: Walking partners lighting the way

Post by Sandy »

Hi Cindy,
Your monthly Urantia book circle sounds wonderful! I longed for something of that sort years ago...actually had it briefly 10 years ago in a strange way with a teeny tiny meeting every 2 weeks with a good friend of mine who worked with me. We were all, religious/spiritual gals even if we were on different "pages" at "the Shoppe" But one day, Wanda and I decided to have a get together every couple weeks and discuss books while longing around at a back table at McDonalds. Coffee and fries...yes I know LOL a deadly combination. ;) Anyway, the first book, happened to be "The Center Within: Lessons from the Heart Of The Urantia Book" I remember loving the way the conversations and discussions would evolve as we each contributed from our own life experience and lessons. It brought a sort of lovely understanding and acceptance of the lessons of "The Book" and each other... a better feeling of oneness I suppose as we each found respect in the other. I miss those meetings to this day, but maybe I traded Wanda for George. :mrgreen: We are blessed in what ever way we can share with others what is inside us and without us, eh?

Please jump into any discussion or start a new one...We sort of fizzle out as you may have noticed. But we're still around and could use your fresh insights.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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