Hello and My Story

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Hello and My Story

Post by Lightened717 »

Hi All,

My name is Peggy, I'm from the Chicagoland area. I've been a quiet observer of this group since about January, despite having been prompted to post a few times in the past; I'm kind of a chicken what can I say, although there is no reason to be afraid of you wonderful people!

I guess the reason I'm posting now is because I feel like I'm on the verge of a major life change and I need the support and guidance of some kindred spirits who've been through it. I have a few I know personally that I've shared my experiences with, but I need to broaden my audience :)

I'll try to keep this as brief as possible, but I can already tell this will be a little long as it's been a long time coming. Thank you in advance for anyone who spares the time to read through it.

Ever since I was young, I've been fascinated by the esoteric, and I've always held beliefs about God and Jesus that didn't quite match up with anything I'd ever been exposed to, much the same as others on this board. I was raised as a Protestant but also had a lot of family in the UCC. We stopped going to church when I was 5 or so because my parents found out the church leadership for our congregation did not believe in evolution. I came to form my own opinions about religion and spirituality, basically coming to the conclusion that Jesus was our example to meet as far as how to treat others, and that there is some truth in all religion. I felt like I "sensed" spirits in my house when I was younger, and had a remarkable experience with a Ouija board...I didn't know what they were so I feared them. My parents told me they weren't real, but I even went so far as to hold my own "exorcism" one day. I had become so afraid of the things I couldn't see but knew where there, that I read from the Bible, lit a candle and asked to be left alone.

Looking back now, that's when it all "turned off". I started turning away from what I held right and dear and started making decisions to be "successful" or to make people proud of me. I'm a singer, I was successful at it in high school, and I thought I wanted to go into Musical Theater. Then my pragmatic self took over and I went into Accounting because I was good at it and it was less risky. I thought I wanted to climb the career ladder, I wanted to be a high powered executive, I wanted to break the glass ceiling. I'm currently a CPA in management at a large real estate firm with a good reputation and if I so chose, could stay at this company for a long time.

At least that's what I thought until last year. I'm 27 and my husband and I have always said we'd have kids around 30. Last year I started thinking...the office I work in now is not so bad, it's flexible with working mothers, I get to work from home 2 days a week, would it be so bad sticking it out in this role for another 3 years or so? Then I thought, do I even want to go back to work after I have kids? That was a BIG change in my belief structure at the time.

In January this year, I started seeing 11:11. I saw it four nights in a row. Then a fifth. Then I saw in the next morning, and my curiosity got the best of me, so I googled it. And now here I am. When I first stumbled upon this message board, I feeling of love enveloped me that I've experienced so many times since that I burst into grateful tears. It's a moment I will never forget.

The last few months I've been experimenting, growing, learning. Through meditation, reading of the UB, reading other books that have been led my way (The Akashic Records: Sacred Wisdom for Transformation by Ernesto Ortiz and Free Your Voice: Awaken Life Through Singing being two of them), falling down the rabbit hole of this message board. Last but not least, through my Reiki Teacher, Massage Therapist, and Kindred Spirit, Cindy.

I started going to Cindy in January after receiving a gift certificate for a massage; I have had chronic pain in my neck/shoulder from getting by a car while jogging on 11/11/11. Seriously. At first I didn't tell her, but I started visiting her each week and by the fifth week I was basically pushed into telling her about the numbers. Since then we have embarked on exposing me to Reiki; I am scheduling my second class right now. We both believe that our Spirit Helpers want us to work and learn together.

A few more numbers in my life:
My work office street address is 1111
My birthday is 7/17, my husband is 8/28. 1 month, 11 days apart. I believe we're meant to be together and our relationship was predicted by his great grandmother...a story for another time. My husband and I both see 717 and 828 all the time, I've come to believe that the 8's and 2's in particular are the calling card of my Teacher. I see them everywhere.
My parents married on 7/11

Between now and then, I've had a lot of internal fears to overcome, and I've had too many amazing experiences through meditation to document here, but I would like to share one. Early on in my meditation practice (maybe 2 or 3 weeks into Stillness practice), I believe I was visited by Jesus/Michael. I had been laying on the ground, stilling my mind, when someone knelt next to me and held my hand. I looked up and saw Jesus and just started bawling...he wanted to visit me and congratulate me on my progress because I was advancing very quickly. I had a hard time believing it at first, but what's a bigger lesson than, "Stop Doubting!"

Finally as to why I'm posting now. Up until yesterday, I thought I was going to be getting a promotion at work. I received a job offer on Wednesday last week, countered on Thursday and was waiting for their response. Then I get a call yesterday.

The offer was rescinded.

I've been through a lot of ups and downs since yesterday. Downs being...I felt like I was led specifically to this position, what happened, did I miss a lesson somewhere? To the Ups, where I realize that this just means that there is something else meant for me. I'm beginning to feel like this is the Universe kicking me in the butt to finally commit myself to my true path, a Teacher/Healer.

Problem is I don't know what that will look like...the more I think about it, the more I feel like it will be in a form I can't even imagine right now. I feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start. The Reiki is the first step, but I also feel drawn towards sound healing (especially from the voice), massage therapy, perhaps not abandoning finance altogether and going into a Not For Profit...there are too many options, and not always a clear path for learning those types of skills.

For those of you who are now Teacher/Healers, how did you get your start? Did you change careers to do so? How did you know which path was the right one?
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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by overmind »

Hello Peggy, welcome to the message board. I am not sure I can really answer your questions since I'm not cut out to be a healer. I'm more of the philosopher type. My mind could probably understand the principles involved if my subjects knew what I was trying to do, but I simply can't measure my own success. I also find it impossible to fall into a trance, so I can't do long distance healing the way some of the others can.

Anyway, I thought I would say hello. :hithere
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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by Sandy »

Hi Peggy,
I am sorry I am late coming to this today. We had some expected and then some unexpected distractions over here. :roll: :) But I am pleased to read your lovely post and to finally get to meet you.

I smiled when I read that you had been here since January as I have recently done the same thing as I was investigating another board. It's funny, I am happy as clams here...This is my home on the internet but I feel a little exposed elsewhere. silly huh? I think it is just my natural shyness coming through again perhaps. But I am truly glad to read your lovely post.

I am sorry you didn't get the promotion. I am sure that it is no reflection on your abilities or even the companies evaluation of your abilities as I am sure you are a great asset! Maybe it is just a money thing... It sounds like it is their loss at any rate. You have a very healthy attitude though. Let's see, how did you say it...
To the Ups, where I realize that this just means that there is something else meant for me. I'm beginning to feel like this is the Universe kicking me in the butt to finally commit myself to my true path, a Teacher/Healer.
It very well could be just that... a similar thing happened to me and I'm afraid I didn't have any spiritual sense back then...still don't LOL but looking back I can see that it all led to this... well whatever this is anyway... my husband, George, and meeting people all over the world. It's all good. But it hasn't been easy.

Wow!!! To meet with Jesus ...that is a joy that will never leaves you! :cheers: This experience will always be there for you to remember and cherish and feel all over again when needed. I am so happy for you!!!! Thank you for allowing us to share a little of that joy that came through your words! :sunflower:
You know, when I was a child, I used to wish that I could sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to him teach. I wanted that so badly! Imagine my joy when I discovered that we truly can, even now in these times sit at the master's feet, or rather sit with him on a bench in my Akashic garden. ;) Its hard to explain this to people who would love to see me on a more accepted path to the Divine Father. (My parents. ;) ) But my heart has grown tenfold since I began searching some years ago...sort of like the Grinch. ;) Sometimes we just know we are where we are supposed to be... our insides sort of light up and there's a "knowing" of a sorts that is impossible to explain.

But each one of us are the best judges as to the best place for us at this time... I forgot that recently...and got a good reminder that we can never choose for someone else. What we experience may lead us into some highs and lows but ultimately at the end of the day...we learn a whole bunch regardless of outcomes. And having the freedom to choose the lessons learned is priceless and is worth the crooked paths and rough terrain of heart, soul, mind and emotion.

Oh yes, you asked some questions about healing. So after all this jabbering I should at the very least try to mention healing a little bit eh? :lol:
I'm beginning to feel like this is the Universe kicking me in the butt to finally commit myself to my true path, a Teacher/Healer.

Problem is I don't know what that will look like...the more I think about it, the more I feel like it will be in a form I can't even imagine right now. I feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start. The Reiki is the first step, but I also feel drawn towards sound healing (especially from the voice), massage therapy, perhaps not abandoning finance altogether and going into a Not For Profit...there are too many options, and not always a clear path for learning those types of skills.

For those of you who are now Teacher/Healers, how did you get your start? Did you change careers to do so? How did you know which path was the right one?
Well I am not the best person to answer that as I am not on a career path as a healer... more of a "shoot from the hip distance healer." You see, anybody can be a healer if they wish to be. It is the love and intentions that make it so... If you can weld love and you want to help someone...voila The Creator of all can and will use you. It seems "healing disciplines" come to us in some way... we get these nudges and sometimes step out of our self appointed life role to investigate a little more closely. You feel a connection and are drawn to something different and new. For instance Reiki and you mentioned, sound healing... that is a very good start and from those steps your path may very well become clearer. I like the idea too of a not for profit at first to see how healing fits your life mould? This worked very well for a friend of mine, carol some years ago. She contributed her Reiki talents every Tuesday night to a not for profit while still keeping her chosen field. But this is your life... you know your passions, your strengths, you hopes and dreams...well if you don't just now, I bet you will. :D You are being guided even as we speak, from within, and from there comes the very best of trusted answers.

Well I think I have gone on long enough and should probably end this before I put you to sleep. Hopefully some of the other healers will pop on and share with you what they have learned as they journey onwards.

It is a pleasure to meet you Peggy! I hope you come back often to share with the family here. Huge Welcome!!! :D
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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by Lightened717 »

Thank you both for the welcome!

Sandy, I am always amazed reading through your posts how personal and loving you can be through a computer screen. Thank you for the kind words and support! I feel truly touched.

I'm still not sure where my career is headed but I scheduled Reiki 2nd level for this coming Monday and am staying open to all possibilities!
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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by KurtSchluter »

Welcome! Perhaps the old adage will apply to you- "When God closes a door He always opens a window."
Good luck and just listen to your TA within. They are never wrong.
Yes, Sandy is a very special person. I read her posts to brighten my day as her positive outlook reminds me of how Jesus lived his life. George is a lucky dude!!
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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by Sandy »

I'm blushing here now. :oops: In fact, it is you all who brighten my day. :sunflower: Thank you!

Kurt, George could tell you some tales. ;) :lol:

I have a question for you guys...Is anybody else getting missing emoticons? (smileys) I think we may have some broken links.
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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by Sandy »

Peggy as soon as I signed off I realized I had forgotten something.... You don't need luck but I will be thinking about you this Monday and those doors or windows that will be opened by your Reiki 2 level. :cheers: I look forward to hearing what you can share with us about it. :D
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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by Lightened717 »

I had my 2nd level class last night. I don't think I mentioned earlier that I've been taking the classes with my younger brother, which has been an interesting experience for both of us as well as our Reiki Master, Cindy. She has never worked with siblings at the same time, and says we've shown her some interesting things that she hasn't seen before with other students! Our energies play and work off of each other.

On Sunday before the class, I saw 5's and 3's:
3's and 5's, such as 353 or 335 - The ascended masters want to prepare you for a big life change that is imminent. They want you to know that they are holding your hand through this change and that everything will be alright. Embrace the change, and look for the blessing within it.
I wasn't sure what change they were referring to at the time, but during the session, I brought up those numbers to Cindy. Cindy then pointed me to her clock, which read 5:53. We then agreed that the "imminent change" might have to do with my 3rd eye opening (finally). Hasn't happened yet, but Cindy started coaching me on what I'll see when it does. She sees auras and occasionally spirits--she actually saw one of my spirit guides before I knew I had any a few months ago; it's how she knew we were supposed to "work together". Up until now, I've seen very faint things, occasionally I'll see orbs, I've seen shadows every now and then especially right before bed, but I'm pretty sure my "exorcism" back in the day shut my 3rd eye real good. I've been working hard to let go of my fears and doubts since then, including a really strong ghost fear, but I think I'm very close to letting it go once and for all.

Cindy also gave us both a grounding stone; I picked a quartz/amethyst...it starts as an amethyst and graduates to a white quartz at the pointy top. Cindy knew I would pick that one :)

We have to wait another month to build up our energies before Level 3, but I already know I'm going to do it. :D
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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by Sandy »

Hi Peggy,
I was hoping you would come back and tell us about your class. How great to be taking it with your brother. Does Cindy expect that your third eye will open over the next month before Reiki 3? 8)

I can imagine there would be a nagging fear hanging about after your incident as a young girl and that Ouija board. Not surprising at all as even the most ordinary of unsettling events can affect us well into adult hood. Isn't it interesting though that you intuited exactly what you could do to relieve the situation. 8)
It may help to remember that you are not that same little girl anymore. You have grown in stature and in spiritual strength and in reality have nothing to fear from those long ago images. You can safely let them go, knowing that you have the hand of God sheltering you and a number of celestial beings shining a Light to your path. Your brilliance is becoming more potent every day and as you share what you have learned and the Love reflected from your beautiful heart, this fear will ebb and be forgotten. It will no longer be needed and you will be able to shed the residue without any reluctance and trepidation. Trust that all previous experiences are important for the woman you are today and the one you grow into with each passing day. With your unique repertoire you will be mighty in the "fruits of the spirit", a force of Love and healing on our beautiful Urantia. :kiss:
With Love,
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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by Lightened717 »

I get the impression she thinks it's imminent and will occur before Level 3, although we never discussed a specific timeline.

Last night I stared in the face of one of my biggest fears and it was such a liberating experience...a few months ago I was told by one of the midwayers around me (I'm still having a hard time differentiating between personalities) that I would need to face that fear before I could progress further, and was told that all my spirit friends would be standing right next to me when I did it. Last night was the first time there was no fear.

As I was sitting here wondering if there might be anything else I would need to do to "let go" of the old, it occurred to me, maybe I should just ask for my 3rd eye to be opened now that I feel ready, if it be for the higher good.

And now it's 11:11 here. Must be on the right line of thinking! :bana:
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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by Welles »


You are doing wonderfully well. Your story reminded me of this little graphic I've had stashed away for years.


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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by Lightened717 »

Thank you Welles, for the encouragement and the picture! It truly touched my heart and brought me to tears of joy! :loves :kiss:
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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by faerierae »

Hi Peggy!

I can identify with your story. I just put myself through nursing school as a 2nd degree student, and am suffering major roadblocks in my career. I am not at all where I thought Id be at 35. However, after losing my last hospital job, life has opened doors and now I find myself with my first reiki client (after 7 years of trying!) a budding aromatherapy business, and a work-study yoga teacher training program at the local yoga studio. It seems my nursing career was destined not to work out on purpose, as to make room for these beautiful new avenues of expression and healing. Take heart, lovely.


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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by Lightened717 »

Hi Rae, thanks for the encouragement! I would love to hear about your first reiki client....tomorrow I am actually giving reiki and a guided meditation to a friend who will be the first soul who isn't my husband or one of my dogs :sunflower:

My father in law yesterday suggested I build a reiki practice for dogs haha (although my phone auto corrected dogs to God...coincidence? I think not :D ). He has a 14 year old Burmese mountain dog which has lost his hearing so he has anxiety along with bad hips....whenever I'm around his dog, the dog demands that I keep my hand on his head and follows me around. They can sense and appreciate the healings.

Sandy, I've been meaning to tell you that I really appreciated your last post...I keep coming back to read it for a quick smile :hithere
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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by Sandy »

Oh I love Burmese Mountain dogs!!! You are much like my George with those healing hands of yours, Peggy. :D
Our rabbit is putty in George's hands when he puts his hands on his head. He's Much different with me... the polar opposite... but he thinks I am his girlfriend...sigh.. :roll: He can't get it through his furry little head that we are different species and that I am married! :shock: :lol:
My father in law yesterday suggested I build a reiki practice for dogs haha (although my phone auto corrected dogs to God...coincidence? I think not :D ).
:D Love that! I'm with you ;)
Animals need healing too and help with all their aches and pains... you would be a blessing for them and for their human families.
xx Sandy
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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by pointman19 »

Hi Lightened, its nice to meet you

I was wondering, could you explain more about the sound healing your interested in doing? I have digging around latley and have ran across some articles that claim singing in A=432 hz has spiritual, theraputic and healing properties. If your looking to be a healer that wants to use the power of your voice, i have an site you can visit that explains the benefits of singing in a particular frequency and the healing impacts it can have.

http://www.miraclesandinspiration.com/s ... ncies.html



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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by Lightened717 »

Hi Jason,

Nice to meet you! I actually have a confession to make...I read one of your posts several months ago about vibrations and Nikola Tesla, and I was prompted to post about vocal healing, but when I had time to write it out, I couldn't find the post again! :hithere

As a singer I'm drawn to vocal healing in particular. Back in middle school, I actually wrote a research paper on Throat Singing, which is an ancient style of singing used in Tibet if I'm remembering correctly, where the singer creates 2 tones at the same time, one through the vocal chords and one through whistling while manipulating the roof of the mouth and tongue. If you've never heard it, look up a video on YouTube--it's nothing like you've ever heard before. Throat Singing is both a cultural practice and a healing modality. I "remembered" that paper, which I hadn't thought about in YEARS, during a meditation session after reading your post :D

I've been led to a few things while looking into sound healing, Zacciah Blackburn and his Sound Healing workshops keep recurring (http://thecenteroflight.net/SoundHealer ... ml#General). However, it's not inexpensive and the workshops take several weeks out of the year, so I've been reticent to seriously consider them.

I have found a local Voice Healer that I was planning on reaching out to to get an idea of how she was trained, because I'm completely at a loss on where to start. Here's a link to her describing her practice: http://voiceborne.com/SH/SH%20home.htm#whatisSH

I'm also coming to realize that just the act of singing, using one's voice, is restorative. Some of the times I've felt most spiritually connected is when I'm singing my heart out to Father! I've always felt like there were spirits around me when I sing, I always assumed it was my grandma...now I know better :) The book I reference in my first post is an advocate of just singing, and although I haven't gotten that far in yet, it provides lessons and mp3s for you to practice different singing methods to achieve a higher consciousness, so I'd say it's a great intro to the person who would describe themselves as not being able to sing (the author would strongly disagree with you!). Singing is also a great way to clear the throat chakra, an area I have trouble with.

Thanks for the link; I have seen that chakras are associated with certain notes but haven't tried integrating it into any reiki sessions--I think I'll try it out on my dogs first :roll

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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by Sandy »

Hi guys!
I've been having lots of fun checking out videos of Tuvin Throat Singing... :sunflower: It really is amazing! I could feel the vibration in my body as I watched the video... really cool just as you said, Peggy. :)
Here are a few...
Tuvan Throat Singing

This one from what I can listen too (running out of band width again) really illustrates the vibration the singer can project with this type od singing. (LoL not talking about Sheldon here.)

Oh and look what I found... you could meditate all day with this one...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5dU6se ... 5dU6serXkg

I found lots of goodies and have spent nearly two hours poking around . Lots of good stuff out there for just about anything that ails you.

Peggy, is this the post you remembered? Hope you don't mind me reposting it, Jason. I enjoyed reading through it again. :love
http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.p ... 2C#p182026
Good evening again, Lady :)

I really like that question on what did i think the prompts were before i thought it was all spiritual because i had analyzed and researchered so many different scenearios as i kept trying to understand the main question i kept asking myself...why? I never seen those numbers like that before and i certainly never took notice of them like that either.

So before i get into it, ive got to warn you...i like to write on the side so i like to try and include as many details asi can which sometimes makes my posts very long winded, but i promise to sincerly make this the short short version :P

The prompts themselves never were noticed until the winter of two years ago, when i would wake up and it would be 11:11 pm, happened three nights in a row that started to get my attention. Im a logical thinker and try to make a rational explanation to what i experience. And see those number prompts, three nights in a row were far far more than coincidental or mathematically possible. When i was 8 years old, a family freind once gave me a medallion. It was extremly odd and had the name (i didnt know it at the time) of five "angels" with these weird criss corssing patterns all over it. (ill take a picture of it and upload it to this post later on and do an edit). I asked Scott what it meant and he told me that he felt i was very speical amongst the other two of my brothers and that ill understand when the time is right. Now normally most kids would lose something like that. God knows ive lost everything else since i was a kid but this medallion has found its safe keeping by myself to even adulthood. I had it safley tucked away in a plastic container that ive carried with me throughout my nomadic life.

On the third night of noticing 11:11 on my digital clock, i threw off my covers, stood up and said out loud "Ok, this is too weird...whats going on here?" Thats the day ive always said i "woke up" and became aware of a force greater than mine. i started to pace the room and saw this gold glint out of the corner of my eye. It was the medallion that i had tucked away for the past 20 plus years...there it was, out of its container and it was like it was waiting for me. I have worn it every day since.

However, i dont know its meaning. A freind told me what he thought it was but when i post the picture (because i can find literally nothing on this on the net in any way shape or form) id like to see what some other people may think of it.


it took a little over a year and a half before i came to the conclusion of it being spirtual. There was one thing that always struck out at me, something ominous and it had everything to do with the number prompts and how the spirit guardians seem to prefer electronical devices to get the prompts out, even though there are many other ways they do it too (license plates seem to be a big one for me out this way, i dont know about anyone else). This is what started it, and it was before i knew anything of midwayers or the electornics phenomenon (street lights have always flickered and cut out completly since i was a child. When i started to believe in the spirtuality aspect, it took one step further and this began to happen....viewtopic.php?f=4&t=22648)

i was doing some alternate research on Nikola Tesla and came across a letter he had written to the United Way. It basicly said "i have found a way to communicate with some kind of foreign entity through my electornic devices." As he sat within the electrical flow of free electricty from his tesla coil, he was sittin in a chair doing some kind of research of his own. And then he started to hear a pattern "Popping" amongst the current. His own words were, it was faint at first but theres NO mistaking it and i have recieved a message from another world and i believe it to be a greeting to we humans. The message is 1...2....3...." (link broken)

Math? Feelings of love and reverence....and numbers?? Thats when i really started to look into 11:11 at that point. I really believed what Tesla was saying because it so coincided what i was feeling about numbers and this feeling of "love" i would get.

Months and months i poured over research, kept a little notebook and kept track of what numbers i saw and how frequently. They were always mulitples of 11..all the way to 99 with 11 and 44 being the absolute most i would encounter.

Eventually, i was getting nowhere. i was finding nothing on the net for a logical solution, nor were books on numerology getting me anywhere either. I felt like i had hit a dead end and i was giving up hope. Then this "feeling" washed over me, i cant put any of into words. i got on my knees and prayed for the first time in years. Not to my religeon, i had let that go long ago due to severe contradictions. i wont get into the whole prayer but i basicly said "I get it. i think i really get it now. Its not up to me to try and understand the workings of the universe. I think all religeons have your forgotten your main message and thats to LOVE your brothers and sisters. its all about love, and thats always been the main message..i think society has been twisting your (god, i was talking to god at this point) word to suit the standards of todays society. If im on the right path, if im getting "warm", im begging you, please please PLEASE give me a sign! Please give me something to believe in again"

Two things happened after that. I had done that prayer 15 minutes before i went into work. When i got there, my first customer that came up to my register was really kind teenage girl with an acoustic guitar and im thinking...well thats seems a little too nice to donate. She asked if she could sing a quick song and i thought it was no problem. Actually i thought she was going to sing for some kids or something...but no. She literally went to the middle of the store, sat right in the middle of every customer and began to belt out a song about Jesus...her voice, to me, was like a choir of angels....Thats when i realized, oh my...he heard me, this...this is incredible. i had made that prayer no more than twenty minutes prior. I had the presence of mind to get my camera and start recording when i saw what she was doing. i mean, this was totally random, stuff like this has never happened in the three years i had been there.

Heres the video of her performance (it was in great haste so the quality is not so great) video no longer exists

I then asked her if she could sing one more, one where i could get the camera stationary and get her song loud and clear. She changed it up, and sang a song she said sshe wrote two days ago, it was her first time singing it

and heres the video for that. video no longer exists

But thats not the strangest thing, after that had happened, i had a near death expeirence on the highway. One that i can say without a shadow of a doubt, that i should not be here today had it not been for some kind of divine intervention. I wont get into the detais because this is getting long enough as it is, but i did blog it. But just to forwarn you, the recollection of those events was written as soon as i got home, i wanted that pure raw emotion from the adrenaline from surviving to show through...so there is a LOT of cursing, and i do mean a lot lol...but heres the link for that. If swearing bothers you, i wouldnt read this :P http://elevensrunamok.blogspot.com/2013 ... rit_7.html

So...i know i didnt really answer your question...but thats because i was so confused as to what was going on, i didnt really know what to make of it but the events that led up to what i know is now spiritual is really one hell of a story that i felt i should share.

But there was one last question...one that i asked out loud. it was after the "goodwill girl" and the near death experience that led me to wonder if angels or spirit guides were truly real....i asked outloud...Is there a connection between the angels and numbers?

A week later i got my answer. The park manager for where i live just ordered new speed limit signs. When they got there, there was something on them that literally blew my mind. I had to literally ask the landlord if she intentionally ordered the signs that way. Nope, she responded. When i ordered them they were supposed to say five miles an hour because of all the kids running around. But when they got here, i didnt feel like going thru the hassle of replacing them. so i just kept them up.

The speed limit in my park is now 11 miles per hour.
Sound is very powerful...I really hadn't thought about it before you brought this up, Peggy. I remember one of the early meditation exercises that I practiced used sound (One note) to help to release things long held within. If I am remembering it correctly, they explained that sound helps us to release things at a cellular level...something like that anyway...it has been a long time. :scratch:
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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by pointman19 »

Wow has syncronicity really been an impact in this post, alone!

It was really awesome to read that post again, that was written i think some time last year or later. In a way, after just started researching sound frequency, this post makes me remember the tiny steps ive taken in this long journey that never seems to end....

and you wont get one complaint about that!

After reading that, it reminded me that i ran into the Goodwill Girl again right before i quit that job, and i was able to get her card. It appears that her whole family are musicians of some sort. If you get a chance and are interested, check out her website. I truly believe this girl was an Earth Angel, and once the powers that be heard my prayer, they set up the situations that would allow her path to cross over to mine, just ever so breifly, before she continued on hers. That song wasnt for me, the message that my prayer was heard and that im being guided...that very much was!

here is the family card. They are still trying to be recognized.

The Klein Family
"Show love in all that you do" 1 Cor 16:14


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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by Sandy »

What a lovely post. Your energy lifts me this morning... even though it is windy enough I could probably do a "Mary Poppins" should I be brave enough to walk out side with an umbrella. :lol:

Thank you for posting the URL for the "goodwill girl's" family. It is good to have a bit of "the rest of the Story." ;)
The Bible verse at the top of their website bears a lot of synchronicity for me this week... I'm getting this music/song theme from other places as well... ;)
"Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord." Ephesians 5:19
Well, I hope the Infinite Creator and our celestial siblings are ready for it, as I sing like a crow... hmmm I am quite capable of making a joyful noise, however.. ;) :D
Love you guys!
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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by pointman19 »

This entire post has been very wonderful from so many different angles and points of view. Seeing Sandy's replies are always so loving and uplifting.

And i truly hope to hear more about what you strive to accomplish when it comes to following your heart, Peggy.

peace and namaste to you all



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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by Sandy »

peace and namaste to you all
... and to you, Jason! :love
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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by happyrain »

hi peggy


happy belated birthday :hithere welcome and nice to meet you
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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by Sandy »

I'm sorry Peggy.... I missed your birthday! :oops: Hope it was a very good one! :sunflower:
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Re: Hello and My Story

Post by Lightened717 »

Thanks guys! I had a great day! Nice to meet you as well, happyrain! :hithere
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