Can somebody pls explain this to me?

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Can somebody pls explain this to me?

Post by Meadowfun »

I started seeing 11:11 everywhere after my husband and I decided to become officially be "exclusively dating" on November 11, 2009. It was definitely unplanned.

I started to see 11:11 everywhere. Oftentimes my attention will be drawn to clocks and see 11:11 even if I didn't have the intention to know the time. I would look at things and didn't even know there's a clock and see 11:11 or 1:11.

I sometimes would see 11:11 in the morning and evening and 1:11 in the afternoon.

Just today, I finally decided to ask and sign up here. It's somewhere maybe 6:45-7am here I New York but I just didn't change the time zone that says I'm in Europe. Guess what? The time is 1:11.

I'm 25 years old and I had my first spiritual experience when I turned 18.
I'm a charismatic Catholic.
Sometimes, a thought will just pop in my head and it will happen.

I can't explain it but I could sometime share emotions with the person I'm praying for. For example, during vigils prayers for retreat participants, while we pray for them individual I could feel different emotions going in and out of my heart.

I still don't understand after reading this forum...I really want to know about prompts.

I recently read a book by Doreen Virtue. For the first time in my life, I have an explanation about thoughts and ideas that will pop in head or informations that I just know.
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Re: Can somebody pls explain this to me?

Post by overmind »

Hi Meadowfun,

Time prompts can act as spiritual wake up calls or confirmation that one's faith has substance -- that something is truly "out there". More info can be found in the FAQ's, but I (or others) can answer any specific questions you may have regarding prompts or almost anything else.
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Re: Can somebody pls explain this to me?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Meadowfun,
I love your name! In a funny kind of way, it brings back good memories for me of being a child, running through the beautiful meadow by my home growing up.
... and I enjoyed your post and learning a little bit about you and where you live.

You wrote:
I'm a charismatic Catholic.
Ah ha! In the use of the word "charismatic" you find within the definition of the word a hint as to why you are receiving the 11:11 time prompt.
The definition for Charisma in my little dictionary:
Charisma, n personal qualities that give an individual influence or authority over large numbers of people. So Charismatic is charisma in action.
I just wrote this in an earlier post and hopefully it applies here as well, and perhaps it may give you just a little broader perspective of the 11:11 time prompt you are receiving.
I guess if there were ever a general message in the 11:11 prompt it would be to practice Love in all find your loving Higher Self, your gift of the Divine God within, and to ever nurture and grow this Love in every way you can and are led. Love is something that is universal. It embraces all people, cultures, and religious and spiritual groups not only here but where ever they exist in the entire enormous universe. So it is Love then that unites us all and in following Love, whether it leads us to our own back yard or to the ends of the universe, we find our greatest joy and our greatest challenge as mortals now, and as eternal beings in the many thousands of years to come.
So the 11:11 beckons to all of, asking us to be pro active in Love... to stretch ever higher in our pursuits of knowledge of the Divine and how this applies in real terms, and in a unified way for all people of the earth now and in the times to come when death allows us to walk through the veil and into the wonders beyond. The 11:11 is also an invitation to take our place along side many other of God’s more advanced "celestial children." It is a hello and an opportunity to work with many types of knowledgeable and loving celestial beings, of which the Angels and the Midwayers, are but a few. But most importantly, the 11:11 time prompt is encouraging us to always consider the most important goal which is an ever closer relationship to the Paradise Father.
So we learn to pray and also just as important...we learn to listen in prayer, meditation and stillness. In doing this we open up the spiritual door always a little wider, allowing us to grow and gradually view the most wonderful gift within, the gift of a fragment of God Himself/Herself. This may very well be the Source of your gifts of intuition... Your post speaks abundantly of a heartfelt closeness you feel when you pray, an empathy with others, so I suspect you already know/ intuit these things, however.

I could go on and on...I am a hopeless rambler” but thankfully, I stop here. ;)

It’s nice to meet you, Meadowfun. Please ask as many detailed questions as you wish. We will try to answer, but keep in mind that as individuals we all have a unique path and way to Paradise and a relationship with the Divine Father. In many ways there is no one answer fits all. Often times it is in our own personal discovery, as we approach God one on one in prayer and respectful listening that our paths become clear.

Welcome! :hithere
Memawlaura was just speaking of her own empathy (sharing the feelins of others) on this thread with Mael. ... 6&start=25 (near the bottom)
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Re: Can somebody pls explain this to me?

Post by Meadowfun »

Thank you so much for the quick and positive reply, for not making me feel like I'm just imagining this and for saying that it's normal.

Charismatic Catholics are working with the Holy Spirit in worship and prayer. In a way I have always believe that I am more open and sensitive about spiritual things. I wouldn't say that I have a very strong catholic practice but my belief is very simple. I know my God. I love Him and He loves me so much.

If you don't mind, I just want to ask you (whoever is reading)..what is the background of your faith? I believe that Angels are sent to become God's messenger and helpers.

Usually when I see an 11:11 I pray and wish. What do you do?

What brought you in this forum?
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Re: Can somebody pls explain this to me?

Post by overmind »

My faith was rooted in my upbringing as a Methodist, which later expanded as I became more interested in God. I do not call myself a Christian, but accept the label if another person's definition of the word matches my thoughts or behavior. I do not simply believe in God, I know God. And I know how necessary God is if any value is to be drawn from life or the universe. He plays a role in my philosophy, actions, goals, desires, thoughts, emotions and existence.

I am actually one of the few here who do not pay much attention to number/time prompts. I don't really do anything if I notice them. I came to the forum after I contacted George about something, but it wasn't prompts. I was reading the Urantia Book at the time, and my email had either to do with the midwayers or some other concept I was researching.
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Re: Can somebody pls explain this to me?

Post by pointman19 »

I currently have no mainstream religion but i was raised catholic. As i became older and more perceptive, i noticed contradictory information in some things there preached and it confused me. Not to start an open debate or anything, just one quick view. It was about how God was supposed to be about supreme love but he "condemned" certain groups of people. I read a quote somewhere about him/her saying "When you were in the womb, i knew you". So how can he condemn certain people, and their only sin is Loving one another...when there are more serious people who commit crimes against humanity that can be saved. It just sounded so contradictory to me and didn't sound like the God i sounded like man twisted his words to suit an agenda. Just my two cents.

I know god, i love him and i know he loves me. by trusting in my intuition and my constantly trying to reach out to my higher self...ive become more spiritual and open minded about forces in the universe and in this world that man cant understand or comprehend. But just be cause we cant see them or hear them, doesnt mean they dont exist.

Im starting to believe, and know, that there are truths out there that are being covered up. That man can truly ascend and become more like beings of light and love...if they just searched within themselves and listen to that unique divine spark thats within every human being that is in existence. Theres a part of God, in every person out there. We just have to re-learn how to reach out to him inside of us..and truths, one by one, will slowly become revealed. And when you learn at an early age that "we are all created in the image of god", it will carry a whole new meaning to you when you begin to become more aware of the universal vibrational frequency of love and how we all, as one, can project that emotion and create a more beautiful, compassionate world.

It sounds like it could be an impossible task right? Well, dont listen to that "ego" mind. When you get in contact with that divine spark and begin to connect to the other people of the world that have accepted the universal truth when it comes to the power of love...ANYTHING can become possible. just look within yourself, meditate...and feel what you always known :)

Light and love,


“A better world starts with the thoughts of each individual. Do have ‘better thoughts.’ --Teacher Monjoronson

It so life changing. --Sandra Barnard
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Re: Can somebody pls explain this to me?

Post by Sandy »

That was lovely! :) I was just thinking of you last night, wondering what you have been doing and how you were getting on in the frigid Northeast ( I know...Ohio is classified as Midwest and I still don't quite get it being just one state over from the east coast of the US. But greater minds then mine have it all figured out so who am I to challenge. ;) )
Just wanted to say hello and tell you that you have been missed. :hithere :D
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Re: Can somebody pls explain this to me?

Post by Meadowfun »

I've been away for so long because I was busy with school. I'm finally graduating Nursing! I've been longing to finally serve other people through healthcare.

I'm still getting the 11:11 prompts. It has gotten more serious than the usual. It used to be just the time in my phone, in the car or a computer. However, lately I've been noticing a lot of 111 heartbeat/min of the patients in the monitor, 111 table in a restaurant during special occasions, 111 room and address, number 11 counter when I shop.

It has been amazing. It reminds me to say a prayer of thanks and praise during those moments instead of my the usual prayers of requests and questions.

It has also made me very much aware of my personal God sent angels.
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Re: Can somebody pls explain this to me?

Post by Sandy »

It is good to hear from you again, Meadowfun.
Congratulations on your graduation with a nursing degree! :sunflower:
The earth needs all the healers it can muster. I say a little prayer of gratitude for you and the loving work you do in helping to ease the ills of our world. May our wonderful God bless you always and those you touch.

I know your angels and the celestials work along side you and together... you all will be an awesome team.
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Re: Can somebody pls explain this to me?

Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello Meadowfun, It's an honour to hear from a nurse!
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Re: Can somebody pls explain this to me?

Post by Helen3697 »

Gosh, this is so unexpected and exciting. I came to this forum today because I was hearing a high pitched sound when I meditate. (I also get a lovely pressure around my temples). These things have been increasing lately. But Very recently I have been noticing number 1111, 2222, 1313 on digital clocks etc and it never occurred that it was connected. So it is very exciting to see it discussed here as a spiritual phenomena that other people are experiencing. I even mentioned it to my son the other day so i cant wait to tell him. He sees colours occasionally, but particularly in sacred places.. He is only 9...and understandably in two minds about what kind of world we live in. My older son revealed recently that he hears an intermittent sounds when it is quiet. (He has had his hearing checked.) I am getting the temple pressure as I write this. So although it used to be just when I meditate, it seems that I am also getting the connection at other times. Someone said it was probably my guide connecting with me. By way of back ground, I went on a silent retreat at Easter and it seems to have activated my some esp. Any similar experiences or thoughts?
In light...
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Re: Can somebody pls explain this to me?

Post by Sandy »

Hello there Helen!
I get the temple pressure too not only when I meditate but say when I am answering posts on the board or reading spiritual material, or simply in a peaceful state of mind as I busy myself with tasks around the house. I believe it might indicate receptivity...your state of awareness. I think it often happens when we have lowered our brains activity and are able to be open to the "whispers" of the Celestials (Angels, Midwayers, Teachers, Guides etc...) so I agree as has been suggested to you that your body, because of your receptivity, is reacting to a celestial presence. Sometimes at this time too, my glasses sort of pop and crack as if the air pressure surrounding me has changed just a bit... 8)

Isn't it exciting that so many people all over the world are experiencing the number prompts. They are such a blessing...not strictly the numbers themselves but the meanings behind them...the beings who are so loving and helpful to all of us as we learn to create harmony, well being and love for the Divine, ourselves and others. Speaking for myself, goodness me, do I have a long way to go but every little bit helps to change this ole world of ours. I guess in a way that is what the 1111 number represents. It's a wake up call, an invitation for all of us regardless of beliefs, spiritual or religious persuasion to get to know our gift of God Within (Higher Self) and to feel the unconditional Divine Love this ever growing relationship provides, as well as to meet and greet the many types of friendly celestials who silently work along side us, not only for our own good but for the welfare of the planet and those yet to be born. It is a call to empowerment, to take up the challenge "to change this world one person at a time through Love." Truly does it really get any better then that? :sunflower:

Don't mind me I always get a little excited thinking of the work going on even as we speak from spiritual groups and celestials all over the globe. And it is such a relief to learn that humans are not alone and without gentle guidance from beings who love us like family, because that is exactly what we are.
Anyway, enough out of me. :oops: Welcome Helen! So lovely to meet you! :hithere

P.S. Here are a few URLs you might take a peek out to learn a bit more about the number prompts, the beings behind them etc...

11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What it really means

11:11 More questions about number sequences.
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Re: Can somebody pls explain this to me?

Post by George »

Dear Helen,

Welcome to our MB. :bana:


God bless...
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Re: Can somebody pls explain this to me?

Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello Helen, your post sounds so familiar with me, and my kids too. Sandy's post says it all, so I needn't repeat eh? :lol:
Welcome to the MB and hope to see you around.
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Re: Can somebody pls explain this to me?

Post by Helen3697 »

Thanks. It is great to connect with you. :hithere
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