Pancreatic cancer

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Pancreatic cancer

Post by lilaslight »

A very dear friend of mine just found out yesterday that her mother has pancreatic cancer. She is terrified. Could any and all who read this please surround her with prayers and give her name to the healers, George & Sandy. For any 11:11ers who do the Akashic Construct or other faith based healing, I plead with you to intercede on her behalf.

Elaine Beckett (née Harvey)
58 years old
Saskatchewan, Canada

Pancreatic cancer is a very deadly disease but no task is too great for God so I am praying she beats the odds and is healed.

Her daughter, my good friend is named Gillian Beckett and I'm sure she could use all positive energy sent her way. She lives in The Bahamas but is flying back to Canada to be with her mum.

Thank you in advance. These are very kind and loving people and they need a miracle.

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Re: Pancreatic cancer

Post by vivrider »

Sending prayers for Elaine and her family.

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Re: Pancreatic cancer

Post by 11light11 »

I would be terrified too, Lila. I can really relate to how your friend is feeling . . .I'll be bathing both her and her mom, and all Elaine's loved ones, in white light, and envisioning the body returning to a homeostatic balance immediately.

Lots of love to you, Michele :loves
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Re: Pancreatic cancer

Post by Sandy »

Dear Lila's Light,
I was thinking of you earlier this morning. I am glad to see you but so sorry about the circumstances. I will pray for Gillian's mom just as if she were my own mom and I hope with all my heart that she does indeed beat the odds and recover from this deadly cancer. You both have our support and that from healing participants all over the world As George is sending Elaine and Gillian to Progress Group Prayer circle.
With Love,
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Re: Pancreatic cancer

Post by Cassandra551 »

I will be praying for Elaine and all her love her today. I am bringing her with me to my place of peace and healing and watching her relax into the winds and light. I see her at a time of great challenge in her "earth workshop" but she is wrapped in the arms of the Divine.
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Re: Pancreatic cancer

Post by lilaslight »

Thank you everyone! Thank you so much. Please continue to pray for Elaine if you remember!

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Re: Pancreatic cancer

Post by lilaslight »

I originally posed this several months ago and since then it has not gone well. Elaine's cancer was not operable. Anyone who knows anything about Pancreatic cancer knows that is not good news. She is undergoing another round of Chemo and her children are rallying around her for support. However, I am asking God to defy the statistics and save this lady's life. She is a good loving soul and the entire family equally so. Even if I never have the pleasure of seeing any of them again I wish them all the best on earth (and in heaven). Almost every day I "happen" to look at the clock at 11:11 and I pause to pray for her. I ask you to do the same. Also recently, I have noticed :08 repeatedly daily, which, to me, means Dr. Mendoza, so I pray he can intervene to heal this lovely lady.

If you are so inclined, I ask for prayers for:

Elaine Beckett 59 years old
Saskatoon,Saskachuan, Canada

Diagnosis: Pancreatic cancer

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Re: Pancreatic cancer

Post by Geoff »

Dear Lila,

I will add my prayers for healing for your friend Elaine.

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Re: Pancreatic cancer

Post by Sandy »

Dear Barb,
Pancreatic cancer is one of the scariest. I like what you suggested and will ask the Midwayers and in particularly Doctor Mendoza to prompt me to pray for Elaine and her family on the 08's. I have asked something similar of them before and it worked out well. Thank you for the suggestion.
I am asking God to defy the statistics and save this lady's life.
Bless her...I pray that is so.

I'll ask George to send her to the healing circle again as well. :finger: Please let us know how she and the family are doing and if there is anything else they need. :kiss:
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Re: Pancreatic cancer

Post by lilaslight »

Thank you so much! :love :finger:
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