Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

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Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by happyrain »

Did a playful spirit visit me this morning and help me astral project? It was sometime after 4AM when I was trying to go back to sleep. I was on my left side and as I began to slip into rest I felt those chills running along my spine- super blissful, it caused my eyes to roll up in ecstasy. I tried to keep my presence "open" and took this in-between moment as a chance for astral projection. The chills turned into a vibration and a sound that I could not only hear but feel running along my spine. My mind thought there was something or someone with me, this "vibration" I intuit as higher frequency.

My initial attempt to project was a failure- my, "astral self" rolled out of bed and landed on the floor with my face on the ground. I had, "an eye half open" and everything was to heavy to move around on my own. I tried to get up and could barley see out of this peaked open eye of mine, I was stumbling around and couldn't really open my eyes all the way. This time I actually crawled back into bed and my attention then shifted to my physical self, still sleeping on the bed on its left side. I realize I hadn't actually fallen out of bed and laid on the floor, which felt very real, but that I was in the same spot the entire time. This was my "safety-net" to try again.

Still the vibration continued, I felt there was a "them" I was keeping myself open to during this in-between once more. To describe the, "in-between" feeling... It's a honing in, as the body shuts down to rest, a type of noise zeroes in and a rising out meets this noise- sometimes when I "allow" the crossing to take place I start to hear talking- sometimes directly to me other times I feel I am listening to others have conversation. I had one experience where it felt like I was at a mess-hall listening to all kinds of chatter. Anyways... This morning I again project and as I pull myself out from my body I look at my hands and instead see these slender, shadowy/wispy hands in front of me. I don't quite remember viewing my astral self in this manner- I am lighter and I see words move across empty space in my room and I giggle as I try to say those words aloud. As if discovering I have a voice I get excited but it also sounds girly? I roll around in my room and crawl, I peek my head out of the bedroom door because there is a part of me that knows the dogs are about to be let outside. I wonder with excitement if they see me and seem to be making a game of things. I then get this vision to go outside and I glide down the stairs but am still looking at these wispy shadowy hands of mine. Once I get outside I raise my hands up and say, "AUM" and I see the shadow like hands stretching up to the sky- I feel so happy doing this. I try again and again, "AUM" and everything starts floating up I start laughing.

After this I believe my projection turns into a lucid dream. I come back inside to find Dad on the couch and he see's me... But I ask him, "do you recognize me? We aren't actually here." Which disturbs him and I see he looks at me as if he were looking at a ghost. My awareness is then shifted to my room where I'm sleeping and I hear a name in my mind, Abbey- is this the person I felt as a vibration next to me? The bedroom door opens and my parents, who have visibly aged, open the door and ask me something alarming to rouse me from my sleep. I felt confused between what was really happening and I started to panic only to come back to my panicked/labored breathing of me sleeping on my left side on the bed. It almost felt like, "time" didn't want me where I was...??? Well I fell back asleep but this morning I woke up and started thinking about this girl, I think her name is Abbey and her personality keeps popping in my mind. I have this feeling that she somehow aided my astral projection and that we shared consciousness.
I think she is young and playful... Not sure what else at this time.
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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,

I must say you have some of the most interesting "sleep "experiences of any one I know. This last one is no exception. I enjoyed how you discovered through landing on your face and being able to return to your sleeping body the first time that all was well... safe and as it should be in relation to your normal physical reality. I was wondering if that was what has held you back at times in the past, the fear of the process and the ability to return. I am pondering now too if we create a similar kind of fear of our own passing. Reluctant to even consider the moment we leave the physical body that we have known for something else, possibly a differing reality, the great unknown. I guess for many the "something else" might be the big problem, eh? I think that might be why meditation, prayer, stillness and contemplation (any and all of the above) may be helpful in easing the fear factor. It seems stillness seemed to do that for me on many worrisome issues not just the big deal at the end. The "feelings," the experience of connection at these times so solidifies for me a loving universe that trust has been so much easier to achieve on this last mortal act. Anyway I am going off on a tangent... (as usual)

Your joy reaching up to the sky with soul felt Aums touched me way over here....Such a beautiful joyful moment!

I know in the past sleep has not necessarily been "your friend." and remembering that makes what occurred all the more spectacular for me...You, my dear courageous friend have my love and admiration on this wonderfully rainy Monday afternoon.

sleep well :kiss:

Why do I suspect you will be hearing more about this Abbey. ;) :D
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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Sandy... I really enjoy these experiences, even though I have scared myself plenty of times :lol: and I like to journal and see a lot of the common themes. Please, tangent on- they are helping me understand, really. You see, I've strayed away from my practices these last couple of days but fortunately by the grace of God I am coming back to the desired path faster. Meditation is a great habit to develop, as is prayer... All of the things you've mentioned. Faith too. God is great and so good to me even when I am having childlike rebellions. :oops: I think I should practice meditating even more, with the hopes that I can overcome all those misery resultant impulses and cultivate even more Faith in the things I CANT control.
But something you've said here, really hits home... A lifetime to develop trust in a loving universe as our relative incarnation makes its one last act. I hope I am brave enough when the time comes... Or more appropriately phrased, at peace and trusting. They say it's not the final act but maybe it's a grand entry... When the sage was asked, "what do you think will happen when you die?" He replied, "that's a question for someone who will die. I will go on and Live."

What really took me by surprise, Abbey. This is one of my more cognizant experiences of sharing my consciousness with another personality. I'm not sure what to make of it. And I am so happy to finally be connecting those chill-like symptoms with the possibility of a presence. Today I got those same chills when I ran into an old friend who told me she felt like God was trying to tell her something. Spirit is ALIVE... To have heard the vibration in my spine and the feelings that followed... Gosh. :loves

I do appreciate your kindness and allowing me the space to share. It might not always make the most sense, and I have been questioned by some if I am on drugs or why I take such an interest in my dreams- the answer is no and because I just do. I am grateful for them, writing them out has helped me internalize and better understand over the years and so much more... like landing me here.

God bless my divine friend!
:loves :loves
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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by Sandy »

My dear little brother,
We all stray and become forgetful from time to time. I've "turned over a renewed spiritual leaf so many times that the forest created must be immense. :oops: :) But really I learn something every time...from the worldly drift to the joyful return. Isn't it warm and welcoming to see the spiritual light in the distance after a self styled retreat? It serves to make me more appreciative and grateful of the unlimited acceptance patience and Love of the Divine and celestial emissaries. I am reminded we are all each and every one of us divine children. Sometimes we just don't know it yet or remember what it feels like. We have much to accomplish now and throughout eternity but each and everything great and small comes in its own time.

So let us dance among Kim's Queen Anne's Lace and enjoy the flow of good will among light workers and seekers. Let us be patience with those who are determined to make eternity into a "one size fits all" kind of thing and enjoy our loving relationship with the one who Creates the Stars and planets for our use and enjoyment.
It is in those joyful moments that we learn what boundless trust, faith and perfect peace truly is.

...and you know, I like the idea of "a grand entry"!. That seems about right. :)

With love all things are possible after all and come to think of it probable as well. Let's enjoy and explore the infinite possibilities Divine love provides. :love
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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by Seeker13 »

I love you guys! :loves

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by Sandy »

Love you too and ever so grateful for your presence in my life.
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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by happyrain »

Thinking more on AUM as this sacred sound I find this entire experience to be a very unique lesson. Is Abigail teaching me something? Was this an astral scene?
Aum is sacred and is the vibration for creation. All of creation is vibration. In the beginning was the word- aum is meant to mean the same as this biblical expression.

So a few curiosities- Abbey saw these "words" in astral-space fly across and laugh as she was impressed that she could understand and speak them aloud. I don't think she saw the word aum but maybe there was some kind of, quick/surreal tuning into my level of understanding which is why she picked this word so I could understand the experience.. ??

Again my astral-hands did not feel like my own version. They were slender and shadowy and when Abbey chanted "aum" it was this feeling of pure joy. We were outside and when she chanted aum she raised her arms up, we started to float up and her hands were literally stretching and thinning out into the empty space. More particularly, like they were being vacuumed- form was dismantling into "nothing."

Although I don't think it's that we were merging into nothing but instead the very essence of creation- AUM. Perhaps the "form" of this astral vehicle that we were sharing simultaneously was of a particular denser vibration and Abbey knew very well what she was doing- lightening our load so to speak as we were lifting joyously up and beginning to lose form.

This feels like a lot of information right now. Wow... Am I making sense? I feel like this has an application to science and spiritual practices.
Kind regards
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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by Sandy »

You're making perfect sense... merging into all that is...I know this may sound silly but I am wondering if this is a possible mode of travel for the future... You know sort of Star trek like we turn into our "vibrational" energy selves and then reform in a dense form at the destination. I know Star trek was fiction but look at the writing of Jules Verne and what has transpired since then.

We can travel to amazing places in meditation as Spirit wills and allows. It almost seems the universe opens up to us in wondrous ways. Yet it can easily be shut down as well when we start to doubt the validity of our own experiences or begin to listen to naysayers who although haven't experienced it for themselves, think it is their job to dismiss it in others. Ah well... peace within peace without. Let them speak but cherish what you hold within you...

Thank you for the beautiful reminder about the sacred sound, Aum. When shared, your lessons benefit all of us, eh? :D

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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by happyrain »

Interesting thought Sandy.

Something you said I'd like to touch up on too. It isn't that I worry so much about what others think in regards to these awesome moments, I used to, but now I see more self-doubt than anything. I really do cherish these experiences and enjoy sharing them, I consider them blessings. Sometimes I feel though that I am not doing enough to deserve the blessings. Spirit today has been telling me to find balance. I understand the progress I want or expect to how God views my progress is different- that I am viewing from such a limited scope whereas God as a loving and living force knows me better than I. I believe this. I know to be a little more gentle with myself, to consider a much longer span of time than what I do and to relax. I just wonder if, knowing better, I am squandering an inheritance- since acting contrary to my best interest reinforces imprisoning thoughts, habits and emotions which I've been looking to escape. The ego is here to confuse and distract the tiny aspirant within. It is difficult at times and I know most folks struggle similarly. I really think this will require a simple change in perspective. When you get to that point though where you know the keys to your success but aren't always giving it your best to transform, I wonder, will I lose these blessings? Surprisingly this experience came after that bout of the spiritual amnesia and so I think this was Spirits way of saying- You've got your priorities wrong kiddo- I still Love you, Always. And this lesson provided me with something even more to figure out...

I'm going to relax. I find Gods Love so great and simply turning my mind off from self has alleviated so much pain. Self worrying, self-gratifying, self-doubting, any time I drown in this self I lose touch with that true nature but it is that true nature that provides me with so much. Balance as Spirit says. Now I am thinking baby steps are still something here. :lol:

If that wasn't enough I felt like Gurunath was giving me a huge kick in the butt last night with this:
"If you can not make it now, then you shall never make it."

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: It's quite a lovely tune actually. Okay that's enough "self-loathing" for me today! My hopes, to never lose sight of God- to achieve my greatest desires, to respond from and with Love, to maintain the lifestyle... But I see that forgetting our true nature is a daily ritual.
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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by Sandy »

I love that tune!!! I have it in my head now ...really a blessing unlike some songs, eh?
When you get to that point though where you know the keys to your success but aren't always giving it your best to transform, I wonder, will I lose these blessings? Surprisingly this experience came after that bout of the spiritual amnesia and so I think this was Spirits way of saying- You've got your priorities wrong kiddo- I still Love you, Always. And this lesson provided me with something even more to figure out...
Being human is quite complicated. If any being in th universe understands this it would be the Creator of the fabric of the universe. As the being from whom Love is a noun as well as a verb... I suspect we are loved welcomed an re welcomed over and over again as we try to get "the lessons"right, move ahead a smidgen only to step back a step or two. We all get these things at different rates an I suspect we all work at this from differing angles. While one person might be like a golf pro at one aspect another might excel at something else...find spiritual feet and work from there. not really sure what I'm saying but I think the desire within will always open the doors. and the admonition we feel at our failures works against us. I know this to be true in my own experience at least. When I focus my energy and attention for my sometimes spirit procrastination it doesn't help. I know how to mow the grass but that doesn't mean I might not put it off to read a good book that seems important at the time. The grass will still be there waiting for me when my attention turns that direction again. Now I know, mowing the grass is not necessarily talking with God... but... it can be eh? The trick may be to enjoy every moment, the joy of new friends and old, the taste of the food and drink, the sun warm on your crown, and deep velvet dark... Life is full of spirit at a level we often overlook. God is within and without living breathing the same air as we do. With that I am trying to look benevolently at the two large white cockatoos who just landed on my window sill looking for a handout. (It is black mail in reality) Give me food or I'll eat your house!" :lol:

better go... Let's celebrate Life and the many experiences every day we share with the Creator. :bana:

xx simple Sandy :roll

Real quick... Doesn't your Gurunath have the most beautiful hair? WOW
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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by happyrain »

Hi Sandy... Thanks so much for taking the time to reply in a nurturing way. I hope to get in touch with Abigail tonight... The more I think about it-
how her personality was both childlike and yet so intelligent... The more I want to go back and experience something new... If I am not graced by her presence, at least I tried.

Kind regards... <3
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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by happyrain »

no such luck but i will try again. and again. and again. :lol: :cyclopsani:
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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by Sandy »

no such luck but i will try again. and again. and again. :lol: :cyclopsani:
That's the spirit! ;)
It will happen most likely when you least expect it, eh? ;)
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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by happyrain »

Just want to say the name Abigail has followed me today. One woman even asked me to come say hi to her dog and when I asked her name she said, "Abbey like Abigail."

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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by Seeker13 »

Maybe the name of one of your guides or teacher?

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by happyrain »

kim, could be. if so abigail seems very young and playful compared to me. :lol: then again, not all partnerships make the most sense. and whomever she is she is quite pleased to have utilized a shell of my body and share an experience. i wasn't sure if i'd hear from her again. these experiences never seem to be on my time. still, i do enjoy them.
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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by Seeker13 »

Maybe she appears so young and playful, because that's what you need more of in your life? Reminds me of a Midwayer I think, that George used to talk about.... So frustrating I can't remember her name... think it started with an 'S'. He got so flustered when she appeared to him at first, had to convince her to put clothes on.

Anyway, it would be really wonderful if the contact was continued!

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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by Sandy »

That's great, know her name! :sunflower:

You are thinking of Shamon, Kim. She is a bit of a Midwayer "card" ...another one is Thouroc the entertainer who was transmitted by Michelle years ago.

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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by Seeker13 »

YES SHARMON!!! Thank you!

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by happyrain »

I suppose I could use that. This war has got me lethargic most the time.
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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by Seeker13 »

Balance my friend! We must find balance to maintain a joyful heart,... and spiritual connection too for that matter!

My granddaughter said she saw a peacock at the garden center, After that the rest of the trip was a blur. She was so excited when I told her you see wild ones sometimes.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by happyrain »

Hey Kim! Balance? YES. Wild? Kind of. :lol: Turns out someone in a neighborhood not far from ours brought the peacocks in before I was born. They roam about and have blessed us with those rare sightings. MAJESTIC.

You know, I am feeling oddly refreshed today. I woke up at 1:50AM having only 3 hours of sleep. I was up and did some chores. Fell back asleep around 6AM and got another 3 hours 6-9. I feel great! I wonder, did Abigail visit me? :lol:

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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by happyrain »

Seeker13 wrote: Sat Jun 13, 2020 6:09 pm ...
My granddaughter said she saw a peacock at the garden center, After that the rest of the trip was a blur.
Kim, not sure if we call this a unifying moment but I had a dream last night and had almost forgotten it. I can't remember if I had it as a brief image upon waking or if it was a longer dream at night... A white and green breasted peacock visited! It was so life like I thought for a second it actually happened because it took place in my backyard and hopped up on the fence. I remember he was peering from atop and in the center into the backyard, that's all. Well during my morning walk I had remembered about this peacock and thought about your post. I went to still myself in the backyard and noticed green vines atop and in the center of my fence where the peacock made his appearance in the dream. I don't remember those being there before. :?: :shock:
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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by Seeker13 »

From the colors, I suspect you had a Green Man visit! It sounds so beautiful!

This morning I was thinking of suggesting my son and daughter-in-law raise a few peacocks. They've done such an amazing job with the chickens, and all are intense animal lovers! How stunning it would be to see them strutting around the motel lawn!

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Re: Playful spirit? Aiding my projection?

Post by Sandy »

Balance... thanks Kim and Eric... that's some very sage and timely advice. I sort of saw a peacock on a commercial tonight. I say, "sort of" because it was a man dressed up as a peacock...Does that count? :) I think peacocks would be beautiful at the hotel. Are they very loud, Eric? Here it wouldn't matter as cockatoos are wildly loud... and they have lots of smaller parrot cousins who also project over great distances. So people are used to beautiful loud birds that are in their face. :sunflower:
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