Please pray for our dear George

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Please pray for our dear George

Post by Geoff »

George is in hospital with an infection that has badly affected his system and his blood sugars. He needs our prayers. And prayers too for our dearest Sandy.

And I give thanks to my Creator for allowing me to again send healing to my dear brother whom I so love.

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Re: Please pray for our dear George

Post by Sandy »

Dearest Geoff,
You are so loved! Thank you... :happy By afternoon George was so much improved! Love and healing go hand in hand I suspect, making your help invaluable! :cheers: :kiss: :bana: :sunflower:
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Re: Please pray for our dear George

Post by happyrain »

Dear Sandy,

Sorry I missed this. I am happy to know George is better and you are both well.

Sending continued prayers for divine Love.

Kindest wishes,

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Re: Please pray for our dear George

Post by Seeker13 »

Sending all my love and healing to George and you! :kiss: :loves :kiss:

Love by the ton,
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Re: Please pray for our dear George

Post by Sandy »

Thank you guys,
George had a great day on Wednesday and then yesterday not so good. He's holding his own. I hope to see a smiling improving George today. All your prayers help. Thank you.

Love you,
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Re: Please pray for our dear George

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Sandy and George,

Have been thinking of you both sending love and healing. :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: Hope George is continuing to heal.


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Re: Please pray for our dear George

Post by Sandy »

Thanks Kim,
George is gradually getting better. So much so that he is out of the step down ward and into a regular one today. :sunflower: He walked a little further today and seems perkier. Some of that may have come from finally getting his face shaved. He looks quite presentable now... :D
Dare I hope he gets to come home by the week end? :finger: Still as much as I want him home, I want him ready for it all the more.

Thank you everyone for the prayers and healing. It feels good knowing you guys have G's back. :kiss:
with love,
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Re: Please pray for our dear George

Post by Seeker13 »

:loves :love to George and Sandy!

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Re: Please pray for our dear George

Post by Geoff »

Dear Sandy,

Here is hoping he gets to come home this week end then. :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana:

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Re: Please pray for our dear George

Post by Sandy »

I'm with you Geoff!!! :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana:
Actually baring something unforeseen, they are planning on sending George home tomorrow. :cheers: I've spent the night putting together some medical equipment to help him manage while he gets his strength back. Must say I am patting my own back at figuring it all out. (Truthfully, the manufacturers made it as simple as can be. LOL ) Of course, George is chomping at the bit to get to his computer. :roll: I told him he had to pace himself. No long bouts for awhile without some rest in between. Unfortunately, he has been placed on insulin to manage his diabetes. We aren't giving up though. I know we can do better and even reverse the effects if we put our mind to it.

Thank you for the warm wishes, prayers and healing sent his way during this difficult time. You all made a big difference and it felt wonderful to have such loving support. :kiss:
We are so blessed!
...and we pray that blessing flows for all of you.
Much love,
Sandy and George too!
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Re: Please pray for our dear George

Post by Nikki88 »

I’m so sorry I missed this! I hope George is doing better now and will add my prayers to the mix. I swear I need to get a new computer already.

Lots of love,

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Re: Please pray for our dear George

Post by Sandy »

Hi Nikki,
Thank you and no worries. I miss stuff all the time. Just want you and everyone else to know that George came home from the hospital today. :bana:
He's tired and weak but already feeling better away from the hospital. It's hard to get good rest in a hospital setting.

Thanks everyone for your prayers and support. :kiss:

With love,
Sandy and George too
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Re: Please pray for our dear George

Post by Seeker13 »

Yay for George!

A few minutes before getting online I asked the question in my head. "I wonder if George was able to come home?" My TA's symbol immediately lit up! Came to the boards to check. :bana: :bana: :bana: So happy for you both! :kiss:

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Re: Please pray for our dear George

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning everyone,
George is still making slow progress. The blood sugars seem to be where they are supposed to be now but sadly it has required insulin. When he is stronger we are going to work towards reducing and eliminating it's need. but for now we go with the flow and mind our "p's and 'q's
We go up the mountain today to see his GP who has been away through all of this.( I feel a lecture coming. :roll: :) )
Please say a little prayer for us as we make that scary drive in probable rain. As many times as I've driven it the weather has been good.

Hope you all have enjoyed a great week end. :bike:

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Re: Please pray for our dear George

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Sandy,
Hope your twisty trek was uneventful and appointment hopeful!

Love to you and George,
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Re: Please pray for our dear George

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kimmie,
As we got in the car for the appointment, the clouds separated and we had sunshine all the way up the mountain. Then the clouds reformed on the return it was fair sailing the whole way. :bana: also I must say I have never been so relaxed and confident on that terrifying ride as I was that day. I was unusually calm and peaceful and actually did a little sight seeing along the way. (at safe moments of course) I thank everyone for their prayers of support. :loves

As for the appointment. Doctor Lim was very helpful and made sure we both understood aspects of treating diabetes that were not covered while in the busy hospital. He spent much time with us even copying information for us ...causing him to miss his own lunch. We love this doctor who goes above and beyond the call of duty for his patients. LUV2

Love you,
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Re: Please pray for our dear George

Post by Seeker13 »

Sandy, :loves so glad your drive was worry free. :bana: :bana: :bana: Here's to Dr. Lim! That's the way it should be. :sunflower:

George, I'm sending my most serious mom look, "Take care of yourself."

Love to you both, :loves
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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