Morning Prayer. Evening Reflections.

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Morning Prayer. Evening Reflections.

Post by happyrain »

Dear God
Please shape me to be righteous!
For I am like the greedy calf
Constantly running to its Divine Mother
Hungry, feeding, pleading
"Save me! Save me!"

Yet you are Merciful and in every instance do you provide
Without Judgement, Unconditional Love
How foolish I've been! Am I to be a babe forever? For without you I am Blind
Only envisioning You am I truly Living!
It isn't always Easy Lord...
True to my childlike nature I cry
But your Peace and comfort is incomparable
Than am I Free from Bondage
and in any moment your Secrets reveal themselves, Always Giving!
Beauty and Awe, written in Law-
Allow me to walk in rhythm to your Glory so I may live a life of Heaven on Earth,
Each sincere step, bringing me closer to You
My Savior
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Re: Morning Prayer. Evening Reflections.

Post by Sandy »

Oh Eric.... as I read the words quietly to myself it was as if my own heart was reaching upwards and inwards as I longed for the very same things.
What a blessing you are, to be able to touch heart and soul with your words. Thank you dear friend... :kiss:
love you,
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Re: Morning Prayer. Evening Reflections.

Post by Seeker13 »

For the past couple of hours, again my mind and heart were thirsting. Every once in awhile I get.... antsy? It's like my spirit has found a thing my material self needs to uncover. I get this urgency, prodding feeling, to seek out that thing I'm meant to find. After bouncing about for a bit on the boards I landed here. A submission I hadn't seen yet. Reading this, my scalp jumps alive with that familiar sensation of affirmation. Need to go back and read it again? Or simply wish you a wonderful day? Could be an acknoweledgement of what it is you are doing at this time?

Just reminded of an experience several years ago. I was worried about Petra and was in the middle of writing to her when I distinctly smelled the strong scent of apple blossoms. It was late winter here, definately no signs of spring yet. She replied back mystified and excited! At the time I was writing to her she was sitting under an apple tree in full bloom. She'd been there filling her senses and reveling in all its glory. I took it then as I do now, "We are all connected."

Have a wonderful day!

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Re: Morning Prayer. Evening Reflections.

Post by happyrain »

Thank you guys for the warm replies.

Kim, I'm not sure but thank you for checking in. Would you be willing to share your thoughts on something with me? First, I read your latest meditation and it seemed like a lovely experience. I'm responding here because you mentioned smelling the apple blossoms and connecting to Petra. I want to acknowledge that I too have smelt ghost like scents. I can not explain for example, the feelings I was provided when blessed with a wisp the scent of roses. Very recently, a couple days ago actually, I smelled burning incense on two separate occasions' and location's. There was no incense around that I could see and it made me think moreover this was similar to my astral induced rose scent experience.
As I get older I begin to renounce things realizing that some activities pull me away from the peace and understanding meditation brings. Feeling close to God and seeking God is becoming the main objective. Every morning I try to train myself I am not just the flesh and that I am Spirit. It can be quite terrifying when, in meditation, you actually begin to shut down your external senses and feel the approaching presence of another. These scents, or feeling of breath against my face or the long hair of someone brush across me- who could be contacting me? I scared myself at a young age by this unknown. It's a work in progress- this hindrance will dissipate as will my worries, I am sure. I realize now though that this isn't a game, things are becoming real and I think I've be blessed with these experience's to help me move past my fear of death. Life and Death are concepts of this world, the Light made in Gods image is beyond our dense/material laws of nature- I think.
In this effort to shed ego, one begins to develop a deep compassion for all the other ego's running around in this dream life we call reality. It's a head-scratcher for sure. Still, these physical forms will one day fade, our personalities as Eric or Kim will cease to exist (as we've come to know at least)-I am struggling to make peace with the reality of leaving our body and diving into the vast ocean of Spirit. Meditation is preparing us for this transition. There is this thought that I must let go of any attachment including to those I Love. After freeing myself from this delusion, will I ever see them again? I can't help but feel there's a part of you smiling reading this, which comforts me. I AM beginning to see that the Love we share here is detected in the other sphere's.
These concern's are like faint glimpses into the long unfolding journey of Love-lessons and bring me back to the topics of astral scents and other spirit experience's you and others here seem to be blessed with. Love is a very interesting concept, not just from a feel-good perspective but even of a scientific one. Maybe one day science will teach us Love is beyond the physical rules of Earth we've come to know? It allowed you to travel over-sea's without leaving your home. It allowed you your experience with Spirits, Crossing over and reincarnation- Love must surely be the medium that proves we aren't just our bodies. Great masters, who love and help each other, their spirits reincarnate and find one another- family finds one another, Souls come back even in different forms! This is a separate, not-separate discussion. I am perplexed by the connecting force Love provides and am curious what you think about having to let go of all the faces we've grown to Love? Whether they're still with us or not. How distant are we, when we put these experiences on the back-burner in order to accomplish some silly ego-based task we've set for ourselves whilst here in this body? Or perhaps this is just the natural expression of the creator experiencing itself...? Yet there is more to this reality!
In either case, LOVE and Meditate! =) It's a beautiful journey, I am just thinking of my family and love interest- of letting go, of the release from the physical shell we are all destined for and of the subtle connecting forces that occasionally grant us vision of a deeper reality.
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Re: Morning Prayer. Evening Reflections.

Post by Seeker13 »

Yay! A thought provoking spiritual discussion!
Eric, your post was so in depth I had to write down notes.

Please note that I do not have all, or maybe any answers of what the truth of spirit is. I do not feel special, maybe even more flawed than the next person. I don't know why I've been gifted of these unexplainable things, except maybe for the purpose of sharing with others. I've reached a point in my life of feeling grateful to have been exposed to people and events in my life that have helped me rise out of my own darkness. Something that has helped making some sense of my experiences, is there are several people in my family who have had various and varied spiritual experiences and gifts. Individually at first we believed we were alone, but after a while stopped being afraid and instances began coming out and we started sharing.

Ghost scents- Have come in many forms. Some as a way a new (to contacting us)spirit has gotten our attention. I don't know how its accomplished, but they can manifest a scent to hopefully make us understand to associate it with a certain person. My dad was a heavy smoker. Since no one in my family smokes, I knew he was present when I could smell a mixture of alcohol and cigarettes. I've also smelled my father-in-law's pipe tobacco brand. Sometimes other people in the room can smell the same odor, sometimes it's just me, or just them. I have found someone in spirit will use what ever they can to get us to recognize their presence, scents, pennies, white feathers, heart stones... The list is infinite.

You listed several ways spirit could make their presence known, then said, "It's a work in progress." I believe our lives are a work in progress. If indeed our planet is a platform for learning, the accumulation of interactions and experiences both physical and spiritual are all a part of our individual development. Making mistakes is how we learn. Repetition is how we learn to let go of, or overcoming fear of a thing, enabling us to move to the next thing we need to learn.

You said you scared yourself at a very young age. Since there is very little reliable or tangible information out there, it's taboo, people simply do not believe in the possibility of an other worldly existence. Humanity used those fears as a form of discipline. Most of us were probably scared of these happenings, especially as young children. And as we know most of our deep seeded fears imprinted when we were little. One of the reasons many of us remain afraid as adults.
happyrain wrote: Tue Aug 07, 2018 5:01 am In this effort to shed ego, one begins to develop a deep compassion for all the other ego's running around in this dream life we call reality.
I love how you worded this and agree wholeheartedly. Shedding the ego is letting go of fear, which allows us to learn to love. We are all stumbling through life. When we let go of the idea that we suffer more than our neighbor, we can instead support each other and walk together.
happyrain wrote: Tue Aug 07, 2018 5:01 am Still, these physical forms will one day fade, our personalities as Eric or Kim will cease to exist (as we've come to know at least)-I am struggling to make peace with the reality of leaving our body and diving into the vast ocean of Spirit.
I'm not certain how I will exist after leaving my body, but I do not believe this person I am becoming will be erased. I believe I will become more, just as I am becoming more in this lifetime. Why would God give personalities to us, only to have them disappear? Our level of understanding and perspective of truth will expand exponentially when not confined in these small finite boxes of our bodies. I do not have proof of this and maybe I'm wrong completely, but because of my repeated experiences with spirit this is the conclusion I've accepted.
happyrain wrote: Tue Aug 07, 2018 5:01 am There is this thought that I must let go of any attachment including to those I Love. After freeing myself from this delusion, will I ever see them again? I can't help but feel there's a part of you smiling reading this, which comforts me. I AM beginning to see that the Love we share here is detected in the other sphere's.
Even in this lifetime after letting go of attachments, I do not feel loss. I feel relief instead, a lightness and gratefulness to not be weighted down anymore by those things I was attached to. My love has only grown for those whom I love. Is love an attachment? If learning to love is the goal, why would I loose that? As I said there is no proof, but in my experience, we see and are met by those who have loved us. On that note, not everyone has the same death experience. There have been many personalities who have died in fear and hatred, and have needed help in understanding they can move on from whatever existence they find themselves in. This is so huge, probably cannot ever be completely explained or understood.

I think it is the projection of our love that reveals us to the other spheres, like beacons in the darkness.

happyrain wrote: Tue Aug 07, 2018 5:01 am I am perplexed by the connecting force Love provides and am curious what you think about having to let go of all the faces we've grown to Love? Whether they're still with us or not.
Why do we have to let go? My daughter was four when my mom died. She cannot reach out and touch her in the same way she could when Aleah was four, but because of her spiritual awareness she still remembers her face, can hear her voice, can feel the physical presence of her love. Whenever she needs her, her grandma is there. Not a week goes by when family in spirit is getting my attention, letting me know a friend or relative needs support and reassurance, prompting a phone call or text asking what's wrong. For me this is proof they are still with us, know what's happening in our lives and willing to do what it takes to compel us into action.
happyrain wrote: Tue Aug 07, 2018 5:01 am How distant are we, when we put these experiences on the back-burner in order to accomplish some silly ego-based task we've set for ourselves whilst here in this body?
If everything happens for a reason, then all those seemingly inconsequential silly things we do not related to our spiritual growth, must be in fact related somehow. All those experiences, good, bad and ugly, add up to me being me, leading me to right here in this moment. If I were already perfect, I would have nothing to learn, there would be no reason for me to be here.

I've rambled on long enough! Please continue to exchange ideas and experiences and invite all our friends to do the same!


PS If I write the word experiences one more time I may have to run around outside in circles.... :lol: or something like that.
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Re: Morning Prayer. Evening Reflections.

Post by happyrain »

Dear Kim,

I agree with your thought's. I don't consider this rambling. No, rambling is much less interesting. Thank you for taking the time to address my concerns. I believe your Faith is a testament to your spiritual gifts, both unfolding so beautifully. How great is God? I must share how this theme of life after death has divinely manifested through my friends and interest from yesterday's synchronization's! Prior to this post I had an exchange about the body dying with a friend, then you and I were privileged to share some thoughts and immediately after posting I was directed to yesterday's celestial message- which just happens to align with our very discussion! On top of this, the bowl of Saki seemed to address my concerns. I think it's right to say Hazrat Inayat Khan guides me. The words, "I am Sufi" came to me in a dream. This isn't the first time the bowl of saki and even the celestial message's here would reveal their teachings to be in direct relation the deeper thoughts(AH, Soul reflections)! And now, to receive the same message on the same day from two different paths! Here are those words by Hazrat Inayat Khan,

"External life is the shadow of the inner reality.

The inner life is not separate from the outer life, but is a fuller and larger life. What is necessary is to put first things first. The mystic does more than quote scriptures; he not only says, 'Seek ye first the Kingdom of God,' his whole life is absorbed in the seeking.

~~~ "Githa II, Dhyana 7, Meditation", by Hazrat Inayat Khan (unpublished)"

Yesterday's blessed timing doesn't end here. I am just approaching the chapter of Sri Yukteswar's death(Yogananda's guru)from Autobiography of a Yogi. Through Love Sri Yukteswar said, "Return to India. I have waited for you patiently for fifteen years. Soon I shall swim out of the body and on to the Shining Abode. Yogananda, come!" He heard this in meditation. Love has allowed these great Souls to speak telepathically. More themes of life after death. More puzzling interest on Love/Light communication's. Later in the night my friend sent me a video of his guru discussing life after death as well! So all of this is orchestrated just to help me understand? And here though out this forum are countless examples of this from others! Again, how great is God! LUV2 :stars: LUV2

I think the weight behind this concept has been something my Soul has tried to understand for a long time and God no doubt has a wealth of information as a ready response. I also think these gifts were given to help us prepare for our own transition's, not just other's. I agree, the heaviness of the personalities that have died in fear and hatred is very real- a part of me believes Love will guide them still, it is the way. Love guides me now, as I try to imagine leaving this physical body and all of those I've shared my heart with, and into the unknown. Sure the unknown is scary, but the unknown is AWESOME.
Heheh, "What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a Butterfly."~ Lao Tzu

I agree with you that everything happens for a reason, even if we can't see it right away, even if that Soul(the god fragment within) wants to experience a life of no reason! I am grateful to be where I am now, things need to happen certain ways for understanding. Understanding which carries over beyond the body. Even after this physical form dies, lessons persist in the emotional realms, the mental realms and still there more desires linger. There's so much in store and we can't discuss something new- otherwise it wouldn't be new anymore! Not everyone here believes in reincarnation or karma but I believe this line from Autobiography of a Yogi kind of puts your thoughts on everything happening for a reason into perspective. It states,

"The karmic law requires that every human wish find ultimate fulfillment. Nonspiritual desires are thus the chain that binds man to the reincarnational wheel."

I also think Caleb has been working with me. In the dream Caleb took multiple forms and I was able to recognize him through out. Perhaps this is God's way of saying, we can recognize those we've met in this life in the other realms too. How else is all this communication possible? Well, the answers are surely greater than what I can understand at present time... They are profound and beautiful and Love is a magic that many of us don't consider the full potential of!

:loves :alien: :happy :study:
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Re: Morning Prayer. Evening Reflections.

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Eric,
Can't tell you how many times the daily celestial message aligned with a concept I'd been thinking about so much so, it felt like they were posted just for me, especially times when I was immersed in spiritual seeking.

One of my 'gifts' is receiving a heads up someone is going to pass. Usually these do not happen in meditation, but with a knowing like my mother and father-in-law, or simply walking by a person. Visually its like I move up very close to them, then a my voice in my head asks, "How long will you live?" This is kind of sad and painful for me. I ask God, "What am I supposed to do with this information?" Finally had the realization I'm supposed to pray for them so they aren't scared and ask they are met by their guides and/or loved ones. I've also experienced their physical symptoms while they are dying,... also experience their symptoms when they are sick.

One night I was walking down the stairs and said out loud, "I'm not afraid of dying, I'm just so worried about my girls." It was very surprising, as thinking about dying was the very last thing on my mind! It felt like I was talking to myself, but I have two boys and a girl. Early the next morning I got a call that my cousin, who was more like my sister, had died at the same time I walked down the stairs. At the time we were told she had a terrible reaction to some meds she was on, but she screamed in my head for days it was suicide. Finally her daughter admitted to me she had taken her own life from an overdose.

This is going to sound insane, but once while riding home with my husband and daughter(they saw it too) A cloud in front of us suddenly became very beautiful pink and light blue, outlined with sunshine. It was in the shape of a small girl kneeling in prayer. I pointed to it suddenly feeling very sorrowful, "There are many, many very sad people tonight." We watched that cloud hold it's form for about six miles, then quickly turned into an angel in flight, then disappeared. The next morning we found out one of my daughter's mother's was killed in a motorcycle accident. The mother had grown up here, and her family had lived in the area for generations. I had seen her a week or two earlier and the ,"How long will you live?" scenario popped into my head. At the time I was actually angry with myself for thinking that morbid thought.

There are several more instances like these, but my point is, there has to be more for us after this life. Why would, or could, these things happen to me and other family members if there wasn't? I mean, we can't all be hallucinating. In my family we've had many shared spiritual experiences together.
happyrain wrote: Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:28 pmI think it's right to say Hazrat Inayat Khan guides me. The words, "I am Sufi" came to me in a dream.
I'm sure your right about this.
happyrain wrote: Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:28 pmAgain, how great is God!
For sure, immensely more so than we can imagine!
happyrain wrote: Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:28 pmI also think these gifts were given to help us prepare for our own transition's, not just other's.
That is definitely true. My Mom's transition from life into death was extremely amazing! She was able to share with us as she went back and forth through the veil for a couple of days. It's what got us through the ordeal of loosing her and help her to not be afraid. If that sounds too hard to believe, she left us with one last gift of truth. One morning mom told my sister that Jesus had come out of the cross hanging on the wall. He was carrying the most beautiful baby. It was a few weeks after mom died my sister realized she was expecting. They had been trying for a couple of years.
happyrain wrote: Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:28 pm"The karmic law requires that every human wish find ultimate fulfillment. Nonspiritual desires are thus the chain that binds man to the reincarnational wheel."
for me karma is akin to The Law Of Attraction.

Hope to discuss more on this if you'd like. Thanks for sharing the quotes and links. Would like to read more!

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Re: Morning Prayer. Evening Reflections.

Post by happyrain »

i too had a reply that took to long to write and since i did not save it i was logged out and it was lost. at least i got to vent. thanks :hithere :loves
just want to say that i don't think your angel experience is hard to believe at all. i think your stories are beautiful and grave but reassure one's faith.
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Re: Morning Prayer. Evening Reflections.

Post by Seeker13 »

beep-beep about your post! I know the frustration so well. :x Would like to know what the elusive post contained!

I'm consistently long winded so my time usually runs out. I try to always copy the post by holding down the control button while pushing the letter C key. BEFORE pressing the submit button! After logging in again hold down the Control button while pressing the V button to paste. Works every time!... If I remember to do it.

But! You, like most people, except me and peacock plume, probably already have the process down.

Have a good night.

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Re: Morning Prayer. Evening Reflections.

Post by Sandy »

:lol: Yeah...PP often lost her posts....I don't know why mine never disappear anymore :roll: :roll as I am very long winded and sometimes am drawn away for half an hour or more.... I'm sure sometimes they should disappear. LOL :roll: :roll :)
Anyway, I am enjoying the discussion you guys are having on this thread... :hithere
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Re: Morning Prayer. Evening Reflections.

Post by Seeker13 »

I'm glad you don't loose posts anymore, no sense in anyone else feeling frustrated. And you are never long winded! Please jump into the discussion anytime. It sounds crazy even to myself, but... I miss you.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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