555 prompt

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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555 prompt

Post by happyrain »

This morning I went on a jog. I saw 555 on a license plate early on. Later while running down a narrow street a black sedan drove past. I thought it was my friend and I inspected the license plate. My friends plate also ends in 555. It wasn't him but coincidentally the next car I approached(this car was parked alongside the curb) had a paper tag ending with 555. I smiled and tried to humble my mind, curious to the profound timing for all of this to occur. As I continued to run I decided to brush aside trying to figure out how the universe was able to set the stage and instead went into a mild internal dialogue concerning lifestyle choices and pursuits. Immediately after I noticed another car parked alongside the same curb(it was a long narrow street) with the plates ending in 777... Maybe encouragement. So I suppose this is a hello... Among other things. Perhaps a don't give up either. The energy of the 5's seem to come for me during social events as well. We'll see. :hithere
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Re: 555 prompt

Post by Sandy »

You inspire me this afternoon, E, to get out there and do something physical. (Not that you haven't already given me cause to eat better from our talks. I'll explain later. LOL) But yes... there are nothing like prompts to give us a nod when we need it in a positive direction.
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Re: 555 prompt

Post by 555 »

555 is one of the most common prompts for me. Almost every day. And I have associated a midwayer friend with it so when it occurs i think of him, Thomas.
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Re: 555 prompt

Post by happyrain »

hello, i haven't seen that avatar in a while. it's nice of you to reply here. do you work closely with Thomas? i'd love to read on more of your experiences with 555.
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Re: 555 prompt

Post by Sandy »

It's good to see you!
i'd love to read on more of your experiences with 555.
So would I. :)
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Re: 555 prompt

Post by happyrain »

this license plate thing is something else.
over the weekend i went for another jog, similar route. near the end came down the same street and noticed 555 and 333 on cars parallel to each other. this time the paper plate was on the 333 and the 555 was another black car(different make and model). :scratch:
then today on the way home from work i noticed very clearly 1111 on the back of a car. i took it as a sign to get on with my meditation tonight... haven't been getting to deep but alas, we tried :lol:

CRAZY STUFF.... good thoughts though... i may share more on it later. just wanted to recognize how odd it has been with license plates, i don't remember asking for this style promptings but they aren't necessarily a bad thing *shrug*
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Re: 555 prompt

Post by Sandy »

Thanks for sharing Eric. Lots of good prompts there. :bana:
then today on the way home from work i noticed very clearly 1111 on the back of a car. i took it as a sign to get on with my meditation tonight... haven't been getting to deep but alas, we tried :lol:
Trying counts and is most important to not dwell on any frustrations but enjoy the effort, knowing with time it becomes easier as the energy builds and finds familiarity within you.

You inspire me... :thumright:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: 555 prompt

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Sandy. I am remembering the lingering effects of meditation too. It’s nice to have a quiet place and I think the efforts help anchor a type of awareness through out the next couple of days. Hope all is well.
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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