Election Prayer

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Election Prayer

Post by Nikki88 »

Sorry for posting so much here lately. I felt the need to add this one last prayer with everything that’s going on. I’m genuinely concerned about the current presidential election, and like many Americans am embarrassed over the state of this election. The candidate I felt this country needed the most is already out of the running, and many of us feel we are having to vote for the lesser of two evils.

So to anyone who reads this even if you aren’t an American please pray that come Election Day the best candidate for this country is chosen. On my end I will add that I pray the best candidate is chosen even if it’s one I don’t support or agree with. I pray others will do the same because in truth I just don’t know sometimes who the lesser of two evils is in this election.

lots of love,
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Re: Election Prayer

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Hi Nikki,
I with you on this election. It is quite embarrassing to be living in Australia and hear what people are wondering about Americans from this election. To be honest many view it much like a sleazy reality show and I cannot fathom how we have come to this. My preferred candidate too is out of the running and I do wish now that there had been an enormous push for this candidate to run as an independent or even a write in campaign by all who supported him. I fear it would be a little dangerous now to do that as In my mind I cannot vote for one of the candidates :D no way no how ;) ) I will definitely pray with you and in the way you phrased it as well. :D Thank you for this and do please offer prayers as much or anytime you wish. Prayer is good for us. :D
Have a great week end up there. :hithere
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Re: Election Prayer

Post by Nikki88 »

Hi Sandy :hithere ,

I’m guessing your preferred candidate is the same as mine. I too wish he had ran as an independent, and I was going to vote for him by write in but also feel it is dangerous to do so now. I now feel that I have to use my vote as a blocking vote to prevent the worse of the two main candidates from taking office. I just worry that both candidates aren’t going to be good for this country :( .

Hopefully everything will work out ok.

Lots of love,
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Re: Election Prayer

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Hopefully everything will work out ok.
I don't think anyone will ever forget this crazy presidential election, eh Nikki? :) I guess all we can do now is hope pray and vote. I want to stay informed in the months to come as to what our Congress and senate are up too. Does anybody know some good websites that help do just that?
:finger: :finger: :finger:
Hang in there. We're all in this together.
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Re: Election Prayer

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Fingers crossed. Really scared for this one.
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Re: Election Prayer

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LOL I'm with you. It's like watching a scary movie and waiting for a monster to jump out from behind the door.

I'll be so glad when it's over!
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Re: Election Prayer

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Finding it hard to sleep after this shocker. Still shaking my head in between the tears and trying to remember that God has all our backs.
Love to you Nikki,
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Re: Election Prayer

Post by Nikki88 »

I'm lost for words today and terrified for my future, and this countries future. It's been hard trying to start out as a young adult in this mess, and it's even harder as a single female. With the current trend I honestly believe there's no hope for me given my particular circumstances, and I know I'll probably just end up on the street someday :( . Not sure I have any faith left at this point, and It's not just because of the election.

Thanks for the love Sandy! Hopefully better days will come soon :finger: .

P.S. Does Australia have room for one more lol? :lol:

P.P.S Sorry for the vent. It's been a long couple of weeks.
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Re: Election Prayer

Post by Sandy »

Dear Nikki,
I have a feeling you are not alone in feeling the way you do.Thousands of Americans and probably world citizens too feel the same way.
I can't blame you and to be honest have felt similar emotions as I viewed the future from a seemingly hopeless present. But with the Creator of all anything is possible. With one interview... one phone call, one person to take an interest or care sometimes it changes everything. I saw this happen in my own family after a long and depressingly scary and sad 2 years for one of them. So please try not to give up hope. You have so much to offer the world. I believe in you but more importantly you must believe in yourself. The newly elected leader of our country may not be the most savory of characters, but who knows, maybe answers will come and things will change. We cannot give up because truly he is only one man... and amazingly God can use anybody and in the using change everything for all involved.

I am not telling you what to believe though, sweetie. I want to make it clear. You have the right to always determine this. And whether you are able to feel the Divine over care, the Love, it is there all the time. I wish I were there to give you a big hug as I have said I know what it is like to be terrified about the future. And also know, I would have you here in a heartbeat. You are a daughter/sister to be proud of. :love

So both of us...why don't we go somewhere that we find peaceful, safe and calm. Maybe we can sit there for awhile and gradually one by one allow the racing thoughts to settle. ( I have found that imagining a spinning glowing ball in my head that is winding up all of my thoughts that I am releasing helps with this.) When you think all the stray thoughts are wound in and feeling a bit more settled then see this ball as a flame emiting a beautiful glowing light in your head. Allow this light to slowly drop like a New Year's ball in Time Square ;) feel the Light as it sinks into your throat, your heart (let it pause here for a bit and feel your tight muscles relaxing in the glow allow it to sink settling in the middle of your body relaxing all the muscles in your back and trunk (womb center) If this works for you helping to alleviate some of the stress you can add other things to this practice afterwards...writing... praying, listening to the Divine etc...
It is all up to you but I have a tendency to hold stress in the heart area which can make you feel bad all over and this has helped.

Well... we're fighters, eh? and we won't give up. No bigot of a Pres. is going to make me give up on life or a positive future. We are definitely going to make it better! Don't give up! He is just one man. What he is today may not be what he will be tomorrow or what he may be as the months progress in his presidency. Hope springs eternal. :kiss:

((((((((((Humongous HUGS))))))))))))
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Re: Election Prayer

Post by Lightened717 »

I have been struggling with how to handle the results of this election. My family and friends could be very materially affected by the outcome (yet the important word there is "materially"...).

On one hand I feel an overwhelming sense of fear and panic. Part of me wants to engage in that, to emotionally validate the experience of the people I love dearly in this world. I feel it for myself too as a woman in a state with lots of supporters for our new President-Elect (I'm in CO these days and have seen some startling things over the last few weeks). Many of my female friends are discussing getting weapons for self defense,the thought has also occurred to me.

On the other hand, I feel as though the energy here on our home planet has really shifted dramatically. Time feels as though it is speeding up. I personally have been pushed by Spirit to purge those things about myself that I hadn't wanted to acknowledge until now...not that I *wanted* to acknowledge them :roll but now that I'm on the tail end of this purge, I can see how much growth I went through and am still going through and am grateful. It has been incredibly trying and forced me to question all of my beliefs but was also an answer to my prayers to release those parts of me that no longer served me. Had I known what I was in for I may not have agreed to it, but I suppose our inability to perceive the future is a mercy in that way :) I wouldn't take the experience back now.

I can't help but see parallels between my own experience and what the US is going through right now; perhaps that is my ego talking. I feel as though now is the time for us to stop hiding from our shadows and unfortunately the choice has been foisted upon us. We can either become paralyzed by this unexpected and possible "negative" change or see it as an opportunity to practice our emotional mid-wife skills for our fellow man, and for ourselves. To show love in the face of hate. To accept all of humanity, whether they agree with us politically or not. To surrender to the experience we are having collectively and falling back on Jesus when we feel tired or overwhelmed.

Now is the time to be about the Father's business as I've read so many times here and in the UB.

Sandy, thank you for your beautiful words and wonderful visualization...I will definitely be practicing it later. I've struggled to visualize lately and am always looking for new ways to re-center. I kept coming back here over the last week or so knowing that I would find love and comfort here. I did :loves
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Re: Election Prayer

Post by Nikki88 »

Hi Sandy and Lightened717,

Thank you both for your words of comfort. 2016 has been a particular low point in my life, and I’ve been struggling to find my way. I thought I had things figured out for the past few months. I was going to go back to school again so I could have the peace of mind that I wouldn’t have to deal with my abusive step-brother again. My step-father had also groped me earlier this year since my return from college, and that had solidified my wanting to flee back to school so I could have my own roof over my head faster. I thought the universe had lined things up for me perfectly. I got accepted and made it all the way. However, I had doubts about the debt I would be taking on, and about moving for the 4th time in 2016. In the 11th hour I chickened out at the last minute. Ever since things haven’t been working out and I feel I made the worst decision of my life by not going. I have been feeling lost every since, and have fallen into a deep depression not knowing or seeing a way out of here since I’m struggling to find a job in my area. My area is an expensive suburban area with all neighborhoods and no real business beyond your typical grocery store, and retail. I haven’t even been getting call backs from jobs that only require a high school diploma which is the majority of jobs in this area. Trump winning and an article about women not catching up wage wise for over a hundred more years just sort of poured more salt into the wound. I’m fearful that I’m stuck with no way out, and will never get out of this domestic abuse mess I’ve unfortunately found myself in twice in life (once with my father, then with my step-family). I know I’m not going to be happy until the roof over my head is my own again. I tried meditating for guidance about what would be best for me, but unfortunately nothing much ever seems to happen. I hadn’t been doing it regularly enough to see any results in the first place, and I doubt I could ever interact with my thought adjuster in my current state if she hasn’t given up on me already which I couldn’t blame her for. I’ve been feeling pretty cut off spiritually from everything that’s happened so ill give your visualization a try in the hopes it will make room for more positive things.

Sorry for the vent again :sorry: . Sometimes this site is the only thing that brings me any peace since everyone here is usually so nice.

I pray 2017 will be a better year.

Lots of love :loves Nikki.
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Re: Election Prayer

Post by Sandy »


You can vent as often and as long as you want and we will welcome you with open arms. I wish I wasn't so far away. I know I have said many times that geography is no boundary to Love and healing. But sometimes the miles feel long to me on a warm late spring evening. I'd spirit you away, bring you over here if I could you know. It would be lovely having you about. But that wouldn't solve your ultimate problem would it... just be a temporary band aide perhaps. Would sure make me happy though. :D

Your TA is with you regardless of the way you feel, what you say or do. She knows you before you even knew yourself. She is a part of God. Think about that for a moment...what it really means. It blows your mind! All the Love, encouragement, guidance in the whole universe is within us!
So how do we access it? ... How do we form a relationship with this all important support with whom we will someday bond eternally? I am no expert but am thinking it may first begin with a deep felt intention. One example... find a quiet place and time and do something to help you feel the moment as special... something such as light a candle, a stick of incense etc.. what ever helps to elevate this moment in your heart and and help you to speak openly to God. Speak aloud if you can, sometimes this helps if you have trouble concentrating, but if you prefer speaking from the quietness within that is fine too... Simply speak to your God within just as you are speaking with me. Tell Her of your desires, pour out your heart. Let it all come out and then perhaps when all the pain is released ask that She refill the void inside with Love... Pure Divine Love. Know that whether you feel anything or not in this moment...It has happened. YES it has. Go with it. Do not allow doubts to cloud your heart.
You do not have to do anything just trust that you are very much loved that you are deserving of all good things... Expect that your desires are known and that the Divine is already arranging ways to accommodate your dreams. So be on the look out for opportunities that may lead you towards your desires. Do your part and prepare for your dreams...little things to get ready for what you want.

With all your heart know that you have this guidance and love to speak with at any given moment. Just talk to Her. It will bless you immensely. ( and now I will practice what I preach ;) :lol:

Anyway as usual I go on and on eh? :oops: Thank you for putting up with me.

....and somehow all this mess in our beloved country will come alright. It may take time. It may take work from many of us...But we will make sure that love leads us...We cannot go wrong if we love. I have decided that instead of despising our president elect Trump that I will pray for him and ask that God guide him and those who share the leadership. We did pray that God's will be done and the right person for the country be elected, right? LOL I remember just after I heard the unexpected news I wanted to cry FOUL!!!! But strange as it seems here he is. sigh Sometimes God can use the most unlikely of candidates. LOL It should be an interesting year. :shock: But let's continue to pray for the country and the world... For those who lack the basics of life... for those who are alone and sad, for those who are afraid and in danger. We will pray our little hearts out and the fall-out will bless us as well. :finger: :happy

Love you sweetie, :love
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Re: Election Prayer

Post by Sandy »

I was just thinking about you! :bana: Are you all settled in after the move?

I loved what you wrote and it has helped me enormously.
I can't help but see parallels between my own experience and what the US is going through right now; perhaps that is my ego talking. I feel as though now is the time for us to stop hiding from our shadows and unfortunately the choice has been foisted upon us. We can either become paralyzed by this unexpected and possible "negative" change or see it as an opportunity to practice our emotional mid-wife skills for our fellow man, and for ourselves. To show love in the face of hate. To accept all of humanity, whether they agree with us politically or not. To surrender to the experience we are having collectively and falling back on Jesus when we feel tired or overwhelmed.

to tell you the truth I have a sort of sense of peace now if you can imagine. ;) :) I went from outrage one day to well, maybe we can work with this somehow to feeling like the Infinite has us in His /Her hands...safe and sure. What ever occurs ... Thank you for sharing your heart's wisdom. It means so much. You've reminded me at this critical time in history that love is the answer... simple Love in all its outreach. (You may need you to remind me of this frequently, though, as I need to work on my patience. ;) :roll:

Always good to see you dear lady.... always! :D
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Re: Election Prayer

Post by Lightened717 »

Nikki, my thoughts, prayers and loving energy are being sent to you right now. I am so sorry to hear about what you're going experiencing and I wish I could help in a more concrete way.

Is there a womens shelter you could go to nearby? They would have the resources to help you in many different ways.

https://www.domesticshelters.org/search ... =50&page=1

I'm not sure I have all the answers for you, but what I can say is your TA has not given up on you....the truth couldn't be farther from that. Don't give up faith. I believe in you.
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