Lost in confusion on numbers and celestials

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Lost in confusion on numbers and celestials

Post by Radious »


I NEVER KNEW others read numbers. This whole topic or love to intertwine numbers with all that's around us,

I suppose I'll start with a little of my back story.
Time reading began for me and I was very active in reading them, but honestly didnt understand what they meant. So dumbfounded I really am.Time reading began for me after 9/11 took place. When this happened I got lost in another reality and family and government call me schizophrenic for this.but never mind this story.
Times I can actively remember in that part of time where 11:48 9;11 11:09. 1:44 4;41 1;14 4:11 5;55 (time now 5;55am)
5:45. 2:22 3:33. 4:44 and 11:11 or 11:22 and there had to be many more.

but what I really wish to know is what do these numbers have to do with angels/celestials or even the significance of 11:11

one example at how I looked at numbers then and periodically afterwards is like this:
11:11 to me if I seen this number. I'd think of the two above and the two below. like queen king princess prince or one side being heaven and the other earth. as those two dots represent that invisible line. 5:55 would be all doors opening, because five represented open doorway. 10 would be closed..etc.
As numbers became a big idea to me I learned to use playing cards as tarot(instead of tarot itself), and knew what each number itself represented with itself.
As I got caught in these numbers I got caught up in religion, and became a mute for a long period. only my mind and my heart would talk. as a mute I heard others around me talk but not out loud. I learned to meditate and 10 years ago it was easier said than done today.

I want to say I even know angels. when I was asked recently about my schizo diagnosis. he asked who all really talked to you . the VOICES. I'm like every one has been an angel from above or ghost'/spirit here that i come in contact with by means of someone else.

I should stop here. The way I write I just move forward. I hope it makes just a little sense to someone.
can you please tell me how these numbers times dates coincide with celestial beings and the grand that is earth and the heavens. our lives as a individual or as a whole with the population. same with the heaven we see and the unseen or links. I cant afford books but free kindle or ebooks of sorts be nice it would.

Thank you to those that made it this far. If its all jumbled im sorry.

R. Radious 6:12am
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Re: Lost in confusion on numbers and celestials

Post by happyrain »

hello radious

welcome to the message boards
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Re: Lost in confusion on numbers and celestials

Post by Sandy »

Dear Radious,
I’ve been sitting here thinking a bit about your post, wondering how in the world I can answer it concisely. I’m not sure that is possible so please bear with me as I ramble on a bit.
First, I want to thank you for sharing a little of your story with us. I enjoyed reading your post and contemplating the questions you ask because in effect I can learn something myself... as we share a little... as we listen a little, we move our own selves forward a bit in the grand scheme of Universe progression.

You asked:
but what I really wish to know is what do these numbers have to do with angels/celestials or even the significance of 11:11
This is where I ponder where to begin...As you read the information in the FAQ section at the top of the forum... http://board.1111angels.com/viewforum.php?f=9
you will see much information about celestial beings called Midwayers. This URL will provide more detailed information on these wonderful beings.
... and in the Urantia book Paper 77: http://www.urantia.org/urantia-book-sta ... -creatures

The Primary Midway beings were created/born on our earth nearly half a million years ago... and the Secondary Midwayers came into existence around 37, 000 years ago. There are 1984 of these Secondary Midwayers in number who are born and created on our Earth or as it is known in the grand Universe, Urantia. Many of our personal Midwayer Friends” are from this group. But during the Lucifer Rebellion a number of this group fell into rebellion against God’s long established plan of Universe progression of mortal souls. They, along with other lower rebellious celestial personalities...Angels etc.. after creating much havoc among mortals, were removed for a time and rehabilitated, leaving the remaining loyal Midwayer number at 1111. The Lucifer Rebellion was finally adjudicated in 1984 and the rehabilitated Midwayers along with Foreign Midwayers and Teachers from all over the universe are here in the spirit realms of our world assisting us in the long recovery and in the evolution of our world into the age of Light and Life. These beginning recovery times are known as "The Correcting Time." and people who long to assist with the care of uplifting our world are known as Light workers. They are not limited to any spiritual group or religion...Just a desire to serve and to learn to love and care for others is all that is needed.
To this affect the Midwayers have been prompting people for some years now.
Their purpose in this, as George is fond of saying...
Getting the 11:11 PM wake-up calls, and the 11:11 AM reminder calls, tells you more about you than it does about the 1,111 Secondary Midwayers.

1. You are genetically capable of 2-way contact with the 1,111 and other Celestials.

2. You are prepared to be guided -- Obtain information from those who measure their IQ's in the thousands.

3. You are fair in your dealings with others, and useful to the 1,111.

4. You are 'ascending' in spiritual growth.

5. I'm often told they will also need you at some distant future time, but I hardly ever get details. Getting info on the future of others is a rare thing.

6. And most important, your Thought Adjuster (Spirit Self or God Fragment) wishes for you to get involved.
Getting the number prompts is a very personal thing and the meanings can vary as the Angelic and Midwayer friends will often prompt us in ways as to the meanings we accept for the numbers.
If you accept a meaning someone else has attributed to a number...then they will use it in this way... I have seen this come into affect many times on this board and in my own personal experience. But the important thing to remember about the prompts is that they move you...touch you..inspire you to look deeper within yourself where the answers lie... Therein lies the beauty... and it is something each one of us must do for ourselves. :happy

I came here, too, just like you, with questions several years ago. I would like to tell you a little of "my story" if you do not mind, but I must warn you it is a bit long and drawn out so I hope you are in a comfortable chair.
I began looking for something... I wasn't even sure what, about 8 years ago. I was disenchanted and unhappy with the religion of my youth and the things I had been taught about God and it was during this period that I happened to see a book on the shelf at the home where I worked. It was called 'Ask Your Angels'. Every week my eyes were drawn to it and finally, I asked to borrow the book. In the pages of this book I read the author's beliefs on Angels and the fact that humans could, indeed, talk to them. I was astounded...but something about it rang true with me and so I decided to try and began to practice the guided grounding meditations. This was my first introduction to meditation and it felt wonderful. At first, I did not see a thing when I closed my eyes in meditation (something that was comfortable for me) but I did feel enormously relaxed and peaceful afterwards. Within several weeks, I began noticing a gradual change. I began to see faint, wispy fluttering objects and the background became purple....These faint being began to become clearer, more like brighter lights that changed and undulated disappeared and reappeared and I began to be able to feel their energy....It was about this time I found the Urantia Book, a huge 2000 page book that really resonated with me. I felt like I had found something beautiful that would change my life and it has...Well not so much the book itself as the desire to take one step after another in looking for understanding and what the universe was all about...where God fit into all of this.
There is a chapter in the Urantia Book that speaks of the Midwayers. I was completely fascinated and wanted to know more so I googled the name Midwayer. That is when I came across this site. It was several weeks before I was prompted. It was not the 11:11 but rather 7:11. (my birthdate) In one day alone I saw it everywhere I turned, even on the movie I watched that night. As I half-dozed on the couch later I suddenly heard a loud, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" in my ear! I jumped up but there was nobody in the room with me and I realized as I had so hoped that the Midwayers were reaching out to me. (finally) There is just a little more to this amazing day of prompts which takes a bit of explanation. I had a large fish aquarium with two large yellow Parrot fish, a male and a female. For about 3 or 4 months the poor female had this horrible condition that caused her egg laying apparatus to become clogged, swollen, red and ugly. I felt so bad for her and tried every fish medicine that I could for months to no avail. Nothing helped and at best just kept the horrible infection from getting worse. That same night before heading for bed I turned out the light and once again lamented that I couldn't seem to help this once beautiful fish. The next morning I turned on the aquarium light and to my amazement she was completely healed! Not one sign was left of the condition she had endured for 4 months. I was so grateful...and determined to do what I could to draw closer to God and these wonderful Beings who even cared about the welfare of my fish.
I began the Akashic Construct cd, created my Akashic Library and in no time (and to my complete surprise) people were appearing there to be healed.
I believe with most of us, meditation and Stillness is a progressive thing. Because ultimately God is behind what occurs...it follows the path that each person needs to overcome such things as emotional blocks and hurts that can sometimes interfere with reception. God knows what we need to heal internally and externally. It is not necessarily and easy thing to do this relaxing your mind. Sometimes in the beginning and even later it can still be a little frustrating to create this quiet place so necessary for communication. But all of us have this capability to hear, feel or see in some way our Celestial kin and interpret their messages especially if you are receiving the prompts. There is definitely some way that you can be helpful or useful in this quest to improve our world... and freedom, that is what this is ultimately about. When we learn to work actively with our elder kin the Midwayers and Angels , among just a few, we not only find help for ourselves in understanding life as it is occurring around us but this peace and inner well-being radiates outward to those around us...and it never stops growing and progressing. We are communicating with beings who have our best interest at heart. They love and care for us and this world because it is also their world and their home.

Through my communications with a number of various celestial kin I have learned that there is truly nothing impossible in this world if you truly believe and meet each obstacle with joy and childlike enthusiasm. It has been the most amazing eight years and I feel I am just a baby...just taking my first steps....there is so much more to come!
So this is my beginnings story, Radious. No two stories are ever completely the same and yours will be very individualistic to you and where your spiritual path leads. It may lead you to stay with this site for awhile or it may lead you in a different direction, but the important thing for all of us, is to seek.
If there is one great benefit to seeking it is to understand that the world is not black and white. That there are amazing colors and experiences that some tell you can't happen. They are wrong! Anything and everything is possible on this world if we dare to dream and believe and to Love.

Okay...I hope you are not sound asleep... I do carry on so...but I do hope that you will stay awhile and get to know us all a little better, continue to meditate and discuss what comes up. If there is anything you read that you do not understand or if you have any questions please feel free to ask, but always keeping in mind that ultimately you will make your own path from what you believe, what you experience, what resonates with you. No one can not do that for you. It is one of God's gifts to you...Take care...

Here are a few more URLs...

Once again the FAQs

A Short Video On 11:11

What it really means

11:11 More questions about number sequences.

The Urantia Book

Paper 114 - Seraphic Planetary Government
http://www.urantia.org/urantia-book-sta ... government
Hope these help...
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Re: Lost in confusion on numbers and celestials

Post by Radious »

Thank you Sandy and it's very nice to meet you. No, I didn't fall asleep in fact I had a smirk smile on my face feeling joy from your story.
just to say happy birthday and my moms birthday is also 7/11 which I think is an awesome connection.
I have also been on another site (ATS) and I met another profound person in a thread and and even his midwayer. Honestly I've never known of midwayers and the communication of angels. what I asked his midwayer answered and she was right on the ball with what i was wondering.
I was born and chose christianity as the basis and Christ as my lord. I am 30 now and have gone through my ups and downs on faith and belief. I was diagnosed a schizophrenic because I had beliefs that are the unknorm to my family and even the brown people who are abusing me with drugs that I have no control over. It was ten years ago and probably 9/11 that triggered the episodes I began to have and drugs were definitely a cause. mind this, I have no characteristics of a schizophrenic, just that I opened my mouth and said "there was an angel that talked to me and I was a mute, didn't talk much for a short time. except my heart/spirit and mind was doing a lot of talking.
2002 was my first experience with angels. I recall the first voice came from someone wit the spirit of moses, it may not of been him, but I was scared it was. During that summer I wished to die, and honestly it came true while asleep I dreamed of beautiful lights and an angel of female in front of me.(i wish i knew what she said.) then I appeared in a hallway of my house, it went black and my friends began strangling with a telephone cord.
I woke up, not breathing. before I knew it I was on my back and in my eyes a light appeared and an angel came and took my body over and he took me outside with a pair of scissors i found and him and someone in the sky had a conversation with me. I know the name of the angel but I scared to say. this angel he satyed with me and was a part of my right side, a part of my white spirit. I even had an angel on my left that appeared and he seemed more of human nature and I was scared of him.
you know the story an angel on your right and the bad guy on the left. but what I didnt know they were both angels. my right was of spirit above and my left was of human nature(like the flesh side of us).
The angel who woke me that night he stayed with me for around thirty days and I will never forget him.
I then went on to be very sane and human. Docters think it was because of a weeks worth of meds. yea right lol.
2008 the second visit. two celestial angels visited me they were from the sky. I struggle believing that I didn't imagine them. They stayed with me and put me on a spirit quest for maybe a possible future. not sure.

11;48 is the time of my birth and I was born 12 minutes before a new month in spring. I am the white side of the zodiac I associate with and have much trouble with my neck and weight body.

The Urantia book I just learned of and I want to/ I think I am going to read the entirety. I have read pages 1 and 2. The thing is I understand it and I accept what Urantia is saying. I know Christ Jesus is also Christ Micheal or I am confused here. I know in the bible. It's Christ Micheal that welcomes us into the new future, from the book of Daniel.
My username here is an original from me(many use it now but wasnt before and the name Radious has much meaning to me.
Now I am hoping I didn't let you fall asleep lol. I'd love to keep writing but I know theres a letter count. if not awesome.
I will reread after I post and hope what I wrote makes sense to me and to you.
I think God is sending me into a new direction to find that higher purpose, thats fading farther away.
Happy Birthday once more and thank you again your your coming into story, very fascinating.
I hope I can find my midwayer/ deity. or even if hes that blonde angel that visits me.

Hello .rain and thank you I am glad to be here.
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Re: Lost in confusion on numbers and celestials

Post by happyrain »

hi radious thats a very interesting story
sad too
thank you for sharing :D i wonder too if you consider yourself sensitive or empath ?
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Re: Lost in confusion on numbers and celestials

Post by Radious »

Hi ,rain and answer is yes.
I've always felt the empath ability and I try to tell everyone this, my first aunt, my moms sister who I live with, shes knows I lose myself in sensitive situations or lose all communication when many are around. though I'm not claustrophobic. I first notice empath when I would always light a cigarette when my back is to someone else and they be lighting just a second before me. especially when I lived with my grandpa, but prior when I was with my firends . during the time in 2001 and 2002, I was hanging at a neighbors/friends house a lot. this is where I was doing marijuana. and while on it I became acceptable to a medium, empath trance thats very noticeable to me. I would sit in the living room and my friends parents in the kitchen. with my left ear to them. I would here tyhem both having fight etc. but they weren't talking. It sounds confusing to me and it was hurtful.

I use to listen to music in a different way than I'd say anyone could. I couldnt understand that either. even an answer from a movie appeared for me. with a women driving a car and a guy in the passanger seat sleeping. when he woke up she kicked him out. he said why. she said, because the music explained to me who you were.
an example.

Yesterday morning I learned of channeling. to put. each others spirits have a way of connecting through a medium, midwayer, either above or below. This makes sense and is possibly an answer ive been searching for for many years. Theres always these angels/spirits who show up on there own, or I call them. not knowing what I am doing to be honest. in 2002 when the two high angels came and the two on my shoulder. I learned to communitcate through my fingers. I forgot this and 2008 I did it again when they came. come 2009 I taught myself to script, with pencil and paper and with finger. but to get the same angel/spirit isn't easy. I've never talked personally to my guardian angel.I just confused to who he she is.

Honestly. I am lost. it's now the second part of 2012 and this is the path im finding that I think can help me find what Im forgetting and especially what I need. because .rain I've always called myself a medium and an empath. one thing thats hurts when you empath with someone you forget there name at that moment.

I spilled a lot of personal things to a person on ATS and then someone had to come into the thread to test him, because the op wanted to use his midwayer to answer questions for people. rough morning it was because the attacker attacked me thinking Im a channeler. funny thing is I met two channelers in that thread and I could not just read what they wrote but felt it too, like they were talking. I think I trust a good person that channels with a good spirit.

Honestly I signed up like 3 or 4 days ago to your board here and then almost had mix feelings,

thank you .rain ;)
oh never had anyone really listen before. i live in the midwest of the us and a channeler or someone who knows of the universe/ or planet or ways of urantia is like non-existent.
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Re: Lost in confusion on numbers and celestials

Post by happyrain »

no need to thank me i was just curious :lol: thank you for answering my question heheh
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Re: Lost in confusion on numbers and celestials

Post by Radious »

.rain wrote:no need to thank me i was just curious :lol: thank you for answering my question heheh
your welcome.

juat read page five of urantia on god and the individual and I fell in love with the whole idea. I never knew what worship meant and the difference between worship and prayer.

I've been lost for years in what sect of religion I belong and in page five. I am part of the religion of Jesus. not one of the 3.

One thought. I always believed anyone can transcend death into heaven even not knowing jesus and that not all religions are wrong but by the deeds you act upon that judges an individual. (the second part I added)

its interesting to say the least.
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Re: Lost in confusion on numbers and celestials

Post by happyrain »

hi radious
i agree it's healthy not getting caught up on which religion is the right one
we are unique and so our creeds may differ
but variety is the spice of life
or so i am taught
i am reading an article now and it says, 'It is in the meeting ground of different faiths that there is the sacred place of pilgrimage'

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Re: Lost in confusion on numbers and celestials

Post by Sandy »

Hello there you two! :hithere

I hope your mother had a very happy birthday, Radius. It is an honor for me to share that special day with her. :D You know, it was always easy for me to remember my birthdate as a very young child because of all those 7/11 convenient stores around the area. Isn't it funny what seems important to you as a kid. I used to think I was so special because of that. ;) Any place that sales cherry slurpies was awesome in my book back then. ;)

I am glad you are finding bits of resonance in reading the Urantia book. Its interesting the confirmation that can come from not just the Urantia book but all over our lives as we keep open for it... Just like today I happened to drop my poor old tattered Urantia book and it fell open to page 1257 talking about the Reserve Corp of Destiny, circle three etc..I have read this before and ...you talk about something lighting an inner fire..wow! (That whole Paper was an eye opener!) ...and then when I read and posted the message today from Teacher Ophelius it was on a similar vein. so must do some contemplation and meditation on this subject.

I guess,as much as I hate to admit it ;) I am a cup half full kind of girl and like to think that most all religions and spiritual groups carry a little truth... at least for someone. I'll use my parents as an example...They have been what some would deem "deeply religious" and members of a specific faith for 76 years..no kidding! My mom much to the surprise of her mother had this desire to go to church as soon as she could toddle. She and my Dad, well they put their faith into loving action, allowing the fruits of the spirit to manifest outside of Sunday services as they help tirelessly in their community. They do this for Love of God and People and I am thinking that is what unites us all. :happy

Bless you you have had some amazing experiences and we are blessed as well by your presence here with us. You have been following your path for awhile now it seems and through out all the twists and turns I suspect you have never been really lost...as each twisty teaches us something important that we get to carry with us forever.

Oh before I forget...Eric, I love that quote from the article you are reading...
'It is in the meeting ground of different faiths that there is the sacred place of pilgrimage'
:sunflower: That is perfect!
Love to you both. Enjoy your days!
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Re: Lost in confusion on numbers and celestials

Post by Radious »

Thanks Sandy and 7/11 is a one of a kind convenience store. I have one here too. Even worked there for a few months. Slurpies is always an awesome treat.

It feels like you ended this thread, but with everything you wrote, I'll always want to talk about. That belongs to everybody and any subject. I'm always fascinated. Even when I find myself not fascinating lol.

Honestly because I am new to the (I want to say theory) of Urantia. I've been in deep thought the last two days.

I met an Urantian believer and I wanted to take what he wrote with a grain of salt. This mans thread is the first place where I learned of the Urantia idea. One of his messages was on the magisterial son. I was like I got to know who this is. So I asked with no avail. But I was hooked and asked many questions in multiple comments/replies. I even stuck up for him to a guy who was questioning his authority.
Now my whole life my faith has been in Jesus Christ. I've always believed. Even though there's only one verse that I can quote, I do know the bible well in what him above taught me from it. It's not about the stories or characters, but about how to live and view life. that my existence is no more special then my neighbors, but unique in it's own etc.
The member from the site nailed some specifics on the nail.
but these I question..
for example:
I have two angels and he gave names....maybe right or wrong
I have two guides from the first revelation circa 500,000 years ago and he gave names and their duty to me.
I accidently wrote "headaches" he gave an answer and I know a lot of what he said to be true. but I meant to write "migraine". because I am diagnosed with migraines on my right temple, due to many complications. I never told him the truth.
I became sincere with him and told him the one that I contemplate with, who is she I contemplate with everyday"
after he gave a long drawn out answer of not knowing and that not enough info was given.
I was done there. I don't want to write him no more. because I spilled out who she was in multiple comments/replies.
He just seemed like a robot without a thought of his own.

Honestly Sandy. She is an angel or say celestial that I met for exactly three weeks, I knew her.
If he read my posts. he would of known I tried to tell him without ATS seeing this.

I contemplate because I am lost with who she is, when she was here, she was from a different place/realm/planet/heaven. An Angel or Celestial of higher is who introduced me too her.

My family knows not one word of this, basically because I am schizophrenic. period.
okay I'm sorry um, that might be going somewhere or nowhere not sure lol.

Page 1257 of reserve corples of destiny. what page/chapter is that. I'd like to give it a read. I want to buy a copy an Amazon has a paperback for a reasonable price. I stopped at page/chapter 6 yesterday morning and want to soon to read page 7.

I know what I took in so far is that the thought adjuster is the third source center of God. I see the thought adjuster as the holy spirit. The second source center is the eternal son. As complicated as it can get I believe jesus in the flesh was the eternal son in the flesh and I think page 6 even states that. And then the first source as Creator/god.
So I do see the trinity in Urantia as it is here on earth with christianity and the religion of Jesus. I found I fall into the religion of Jesus mentioned in page 5. Though I can't grasp the church I know I'm not far from Him.

The ATS member said the thought adjuster came to me at age 8. This is where I know he gets lost. Mine came either at my first memory or when I was saved in the church at age 14. or when I was baptized at age 24. and it would be awesome if my first memory is at 4 lol. 4, 14, 24. j/k lol.
Sandy and .rain if both of you have read this far. think what you will and to my highest esteem "I thank you". :) :)

I honestly haven't owned a pc in years and I love to write especially when it's not meant for nothing. This comment was going to be short, but I dragged it on and if I owe an apology I will kindly give one.
Maybe I am to sincere. I normally am everyday, but I seem to be over the internet too lol
Sandy I will look for your thread from teacher Ophelius and I thank you.
I like writing here, it puts a smile on my face and I feel joy. I don't feel threatened. Thank you.
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Re: Lost in confusion on numbers and celestials

Post by Sandy »

Dear Radius,
I am glad that you feel comfortable writing here. We like to keep this board a safe place for all to post.
It feels like you ended this thread, but with everything you wrote, I'll always want to talk about. That belongs to everybody and any subject. I'm always fascinated. Even when I find myself not fascinating lol.
I am sorry that you felt I was trying to end your thread...that was not my intention at all. When someone answers another's post sometimes they answer different things that speak personally to them and almost always from our experience and to a lesser extent our own beliefs...it is hard to do otherwise I suppose. If I ignored something you said or missed something important I do apologize.
Now my whole life my faith has been in Jesus Christ.
That is beautiful. Jesus is also Christ Michael in the Urantia book. According to the Urantia book Michael is of the order of Michaels, the Creator Sons of God. You can read about the Creator sons here:
Paper 33: Administration of the Local Universe
http://www.urantia.org/urantia-book-sta ... l-universe
When Michael incarnated on the earth in his seventh bestowal, he was born as a human of the realm...our precious Jesus. We were most blessed to have the Creator Son of our entire local Universe to choose our backwards world for this important bestowal.

Here too are a few Ubook papers where information regarding the Thought Adjuster can be found:

Paper 107 - Origin and Nature of Thought Adjusters
Paper 108 - Mission and Ministry of Thought Adjusters
Paper 109 - Relation of Adjusters to Universe Creatures
Paper 110 - Relation of Adjusters to Individual Mortals
Paper 111 - The Adjuster and The Soul

Page 1257 of reserve corples of destiny. what page/chapter is that.
That would be in Paper 114.
http://www.urantia.org/urantia-book-sta ... government
I bet you will enjoy reading the entire fourth part entitled, The Life and Teachings of Jesus. It is so beautiful. :sunflower: it helps to explain a lot and build bridges of understanding from what we already know.

Hope you have a great week end!
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Re: Lost in confusion on numbers and celestials

Post by Radious »

PS-the wording and english is very bad in this posts. please be patient to comprehens. I found this after rereading and it's a lot of mistakes. Sorry and thanks.

Hi Sandy...

I want to take the second and thank you for taking time reading my posts and commenting, whether it be your first spiritual quest, comprehending me and giving insight to where I need to take the next step.

Same goes to you .rain for taking the time to top by and say hello. Even to open my mind to the sensitivity and empathy. I know I've always have had these and you got me thinking again, with my long drawn out posts.

Earlier today, friday 13. I met someone who may be an midwayer or angel. It's been a few months, say my last birthday that I had any contact. The way I contact today is with the use of my index finger whether left or right. I'm a left hand, but find the right hand I can use just as good.
using what I learned phonically I learned what his name is. I've seen him in my past write his name phonically to me. As Tightness.
The way He taught me to pronounce it is as Ti-Got-Ne-Est.
Also an angel whose name was given to me by the ATS member. He wrote pearlson. As another angel who wanted to communicate he was spelling to me P-E-Air- Earl Sa-Ne.

I don't know what to think, but I have to say that this is nothing new to me. I just never heard of Urantia and that these angels and Urantia might be far out legit to heaven and angels.
Mind I don't here them in my head. and I have no idea how long studies like you Sandy, communicate.

Um going back to I think around november last year an angel visited me in time of need. Mind she has many times tried to contact me, but as I was to write her name I'd get scared. Her name is Voilet,
Also today an angel or midwayer. Honestly I think shes my midwayer, I think she is a midwayer. but I only know of midwayer as to what I've learned of now. with my finger I was getting the letters oeile. without the v l and t. I even spelt midwayer.

I am a true believer in jesus and every thing in between. I am from today's experience becoming a believer and my mind has been opening all day. Even the number9:11 is appearing. Which means I am in the right place doing the right thing at that right moment. My eyes and thoughts are re-adjusting. I even gave up my morning routine of taking aleve(naproxen) and a migraine pill.

In truth does this sound schizophrenic to you? or in truth. Should I top doubting wha I've been through and remember what I've been taught and experiences that celestials may in fact exist?

thank you.
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Re: Lost in confusion on numbers and celestials

Post by Sandy »

Hello Radius,
I promise you that I will never criticize you over any grammar or spelling mistakes in your posts. Honestly, my own are filled with those kinds of things. Sometimes, I catch them sometimes I don't but you, new friend, are worth so much more than any of these such things. We like talking to you regardless as to the shape of your finished post and that goes for everyone here.

How have you felt all day without taking your pain medication? I hope you are well.

You wrote:
In truth does this sound schizophrenic to you? or in truth. Should I top doubting wha I've been through and remember what I've been taught and experiences that celestials may in fact exist?
You see that is a hard question because in fact no one can prove the existence of our celestial kin. It is felt personally, experienced personally. What we think and feel is what is of importance to us...and how it affects our life. Do you feel enriched by the contact you have with the Angels and Midwayers whom you have met? Do you feel peace and Love in your being when they are around? These are questions you can ask yourself from your experience and contact. Ask yourself if you are blessed by the experience. If you are...You do not have to tell anyone else around you of these things if they are upset by the revelation. Instead, focus on Love, caring and compassion, as you work towards a peaceful existence and a life that smiles on others, enriching their lives, too, as you pass by. This ability to bless others is not reserved for the celestials. We too can actively participate and as we pass on this inner Love that springs from the Creator, we are blessed as well.

If on the other hand this contact troubles you in any way... back off, asking for God's loving light of protection. This beautiful prayer has helped others as they struggle with darkness.
I am Light, glowing Light,
radiating Light, intensified Light,
God consumes my darkness, transmuting it into Light.

This day I am the focus of the central sun,
flowing through me is a crystal river, a living fountain of light,
that can never be qualified by the human thoughts and feelings.
I am an outpost of the Divine.
Darkness as has used me is swallowed up,
by the mighty rivers of light that I am.

I am, I am, I am Light.
I live, I live, I live in Light.
I am fullest dimension.
I am Light's purist intention.
I am Light, Light, Light,
flooding the world everywhere I move,
blessing and strengthening, and conveying,
the purpose of the Kingdom of Heaven.

If these feelings of fear and apprehension continue then please do not hesitate to seek professional help. There is no stigma attached to this...many, many people need help to keep the mind healthy. It is just another part of our body and can suffer too at times. I have just recently been reminded of this as a dear friend has suffered severe post partum psychosis just after the birth of her first baby. Why these things occur... I don't know. But real solid strength can be found in the tough work of overcoming these and any problems we face in our life. It is nice to know that we are never alone facing our earthly trials. A part of God, the Source of All things, is gifted to us and lives within us. This is our beautiful Thought Adjuster.

Please remember how much you are loved when you are confused and worried. That will never change.
((((((((((Big Hug))))))))
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Lost in confusion on numbers and celestials

Post by Radious »

It's been five days now since taking these medications on a daily basis. They aren't prescriptions, but I made a routine to find comfort in these. It's been a change. I've taking the Aleve twice since monday and the migraine once tonight, I've noticed a change. I feel better.

The spirits and angels that I've met on a personal level never have been bad or harmful. It hurts me because the thought of knowing and believing is harder than faith that I know they are true.

When I come to times in my life I begin to juggle between the right and the wrong. The right-the angels and spirits are true. The wrong-I'm a schizophenic.

These would be the dark times and they have been the last ten years. Honestly Sandy I appreciate the show of caring that you give, and it's a beautiful insight. The poem is beautiful too and I want to repast on a sticky to save at a later time.

I really would love to tell you the entire truth, my two revelations from 2002 and 2008. and what all name I know.
I just wrote for around 15 minutes about myself and deleted it.
I don't want to say I am getting lost with these new insights, but rather filling in the blanks to answers I've been wanting to know.
When I first learned of Urantia is that it was first published in 1955 in Chicago and is predated somewhere between 1900 and 1955. I do know that at this time, Chicago was filed with mediums and psychics. So I don't question the authenticity, but the power of truth in it.

The names of the angels I wrote in my previous posts are very nice and I believe come from above. So they are not dark or scary. I've honestly have been visited by a lot of spirits and angels. I'm a magnet. and I really don't want to sound crazy so I won't give names.

I do know I need to read on Adam and Eve and get an idea on what Urantia says. I do want to read the story on jesus. I've just never found him and lord Michael to be the same. So thats hard to grasp.

I was once told that there are 4 quadrillion creatures like us in the universe a few years back. Then learning that there's something like 10 million inhabited planets. The 4 quadrillion seems a bit more believable.

I know it's the second half of 2012 and something in the air is changing. Myself and my Aunt had a conversation earlier about this, especially how tension among everyone is changing. My heart seems still and still full of life, but my head is aching and stress and patience is becoming short. Especially with all the false flags happening in the world.

I was really wanting 2012 to be the year. But I am now hoping if anything it will be 2015 and every one is mistaking what they are thinking.

Sandy, : ) I mean to write short not say so much, but I am thankful I'm on 1111angels. I've been looking at other threads and reading and this place is special.

Thank you
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