I'm happy to have found you all....please read

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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I'm happy to have found you all....please read

Post by Channell »

Well, I actually found this site a couple of weeks ago. Something told me to research this 11 thing I've been experiencing. My eyes were wide open as I found you guys, who are experiencing the same exact thing. This has been happening to me for about 7 years if not a little longer. Recently it has been happening more and more often throughout the day. Here are some examples.....

For example just yesterday I walked in the kitchen and the microwave, although not on at the time showed 11 frozen on the lcd screen.

When driving I see signs that say 11....for example such and such 11 minutes away

While driving down the street the radar meter that's posted near street signs read 11....which i found odd because no one drives 11miles an hour

Then there's the digital clocks.....it doesn't fail it feels like every hour I see the 11, and I'm not looking for it....... I can be picking up my phone to make a call and it's on my phone. I wake up in the middle of the night and it's on my digital clock......well not anymore because I unplugged that clock because I thought I was going bonkers. It's everywhere....I usually get change back and the cent amount is 11. All of my kids except for one have the number 11 in there birthdays including mine.

Man, I don't understand really what's happening to me. As I type this message to all of you, I feel jittery and scared a little bit. I know you will accept me but I'm not sure if I should hold some things back or just share it all.

You guys are the only ones I really have to share this experience with, who understand. My Mom and two close girlfriends and my Mother in Law are supporting me.....but my husband is not. He says it's just a coincidence, but coincidence does not last for 7 plus years.

During my life, I've had some very close brushes with death. I'm amazed to be hear.

When I was a little girl, no bigger then 8 I saw a woman. She was floating over my bed ( OMG I can't believe I'm sharing this) well she was floating over my bed and smiling down at me. I was not sleeping, it was not a dream, I remember it like it was yesterday. I was to scared to jump out of the bed and run to my Parents, or even call for them. I just covered my head with the covers and tried to go back to sleep. I remember even peaking out and she was still there. Around this time in my life, I was riding in the back seat of the car while my Parents were driving me to see my grandparents. I remember looking up into the sky out of the window and seeing an image. The image was the outlining of a mans body laying on his back. The outline was in red. I could see it so clearly, I asked my Mom if she saw it. She said she did not. She also told me to never share these incidents with anyone because they would not understand. For years I kept quiet about it.

Now the 11 thing is happening. I'm proud to be an 11ner, and at the same time I'm feeling an overwhelming need for answers. I believe I'm finding my answers here. Things happen to me, for example I'm able to give the best advise. I'm able to speak from a deeper spiritual empowerment. i say stuff, that I don't even know I'm going to say, and people listen in captivity.

I also have visions, so many visions. Painful visions. I've seen peoples traggic deaths in my visions, constantly. It has happened at least three times, plus other visions that are not so important via life and death.

I have a 15 year old son. When he was a little boy like about 6, we had a neighbor friend. He was really nice to me and my son. He used to always want to buy him ice cream from the ice cream truck, plus he had a crush on me. I told my 6 year old son at the time, to stay away from him. I told him that he can say hi, but that I did not want him standing next to him. I told him that I felt that he was going to get killed and I did not want him anywhere near him when it happened. Well several months later, he was killed. He was killed right behind my parents home. He was shot several times. I did not know how to feel about this. My son did not know how to feel about this because hew as so young but I had warned him. I also had a vision about another friend. I would always have this vision of him laying on the sidewalk shot and bleeding, and me trying to stop the blood from coming out. It was a constant vision. One day many years ago when I was a work, my sister called me and told me had been shot several times and killed. This happened in the same location of my visions. As a matter of fact, one night my husband who was my boyfriend at the time stopped to get something to drink from a liquor store. I waited for him in the car, I saw my friend on the side walk talking to someone. I usually would always say hi to him, but this time I just stayed in the car hoping he would not notice me, because I felt like If I got out to say hi, I would get caught in his crossfire. It was going to happen I new it would and there was nothing I could do to stop it. One week later he was killed.

I don't know if I can deal with this anymore. I feel honored and nervous at the same time. This seems like too big of a responsibliity and I don't know why they chose me for this. I don't like having too much responsibility. Why are they choosing me? These Guides have been with me since I was a very little girl. I can feel energy and I can feel intent in others.

I even try not to look at things that have lCD screens but the 11 reveals itself to me anyway. the 11:11 happens almost everyday. Well I have to go, my husband is coming and he's not very supportive with this 11ner thing. I'll check back in later

Thanks for being here, I've needed you guys for a while

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Re: I'm happy to have found you all....please read

Post by Paul »

Hi Channell,

You have an amazing gift. Although, I can understand that this gift can bring you much heartache at times. Your visions seem to be spot on.

The main purpose of our lives here is to experience life as a human mortal and to discover the Father within. Some people call this Father within the Father fragment, Thought Adjuster, Mystery Monitor, etc. Before time and space existed, at least from our understanding, the Paradise Father decided to create beings that would have their start in the, as yet created, physical universe. There was already trillions of beings that had already been created. These beings were created in perfection. The Father decided that He would create beings in imperfection or incompleteness. This is the state that you and I find ourselves in. We start out as animal-origin beings and we progress spiritually over eons of time until we stand before the very Paradise Father that started it all.

So, how does the 11:11 phenomenon fit in? There are a myriad of celestial beings that we are unaware of. These beings were created to help us mortals as we ascend inward to the Father. Each physical planet has native beings that exist there for eons. These beings are ever alert to awaken humans to their spiritual heritage and to the Father within. The beings that have been prompting you are called secondary midwayers. They live here on the earth, but we can't see them because they live in another band of time. Originally, there were 1,984 secondary midwayers that were "born," onto our world. You will remember that there was a serious rebellion on our planet and in our local system. Of that 1,984, 1,111 secondary midwayers stayed faithful to the ascension plan and to Christ Michael. Later on, these secondary midwayers got permission to use the 11:11 time prompt to alert their human cousins to the reality of the next world. These are the ones that have been prompting you for several years. They are very patient and they will continue to prompt you until you get the message.

I too have family members that don't understand my interest in this phenomenon. Sometimes they think that it is baloney. But it is important that we accept them wherever they are at. Maybe somewhere down the road they will change their minds. I know that it is hard because I have experienced the same thing.

Take some time Channell to read the FAQ section. That will answer your questions in greater detail. Welcome to the board.

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Re: I'm happy to have found you all....please read

Post by Daddy - O »

Hi Channell,

Welcome to the board :D ,

I enjoyed your stories and experiences.

God bless,
Daddy - O
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Re: I'm happy to have found you all....please read

Post by clarity »

Yesterday I came across some information about people with these type of psychic abilities which stated that they are primarily living within their third eye chakra. Try placing your awareness on your heart, not your heart chakra but your divine heart. They are basically in the same place and your intent to feel your divine heart is all you need to feel the right one. This will help give you a sense of inner peace in times of emotional distress.

Hope this helps!

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Re: I'm happy to have found you all....please read

Post by manofsorrows »

Welcome to the forums, I'm new myself, You can learn much here :hithere
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Re: I'm happy to have found you all....please read

Post by happyrain »

hi channell~

welcome to the forums :)
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Re: I'm happy to have found you all....please read

Post by Sandy »

Dear Chanell,

I am so glad you have joined us. :hithere As others have stated I too enjoyed your post and reading important bits and pieces of your life leading to this moment.
You have some awesome spiritual abilities and, bless you, I can understand why at times you might feel the weight of responsibility. I don't like responsibility either but what is underneath all of this is something gentle...something we all can relate to in some form ...and that is Divine Love. In a nutshell our spirit Teachers, Guides, Angels, and Midwayers wish us to learn to Love..to love and really get to know God,to love and really get to know other people and the hardest one for me, to really love and get to know ourselves. It seems as we follow those "love lines" our spiritual journey sort of flows naturally with little apprehension. We don't necessarily have to do great and wonderous spiritual things. We just need be ourselves...children of the Source of All. In recognizing this...and standing up and claiming this birthright... beautiful things...inner doors begin to open revealing wonders we never knew existed. It is truly an amazing journey we all share....similar yet unique.
Thanks for being here, I've needed you guys for a while
We've needed you too. :) Welcome to this 11:11 family of light workers.
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Re: I'm happy to have found you all....please read

Post by Geoff »

Channell wrote:When I was a little girl, no bigger then 8 I saw a woman. She was floating over my bed ( OMG I can't believe I'm sharing this) well she was floating over my bed and smiling down at me. I was not sleeping, it was not a dream, I remember it like it was yesterday. I was to scared to jump out of the bed and run to my Parents, or even call for them. I just covered my head with the covers and tried to go back to sleep. I remember even peaking out and she was still there. Around this time in my life, I was riding in the back seat of the car while my Parents were driving me to see my grandparents. I remember looking up into the sky out of the window and seeing an image. The image was the outlining of a mans body laying on his back. The outline was in red. I could see it so clearly, I asked my Mom if she saw it. She said she did not. She also told me to never share these incidents with anyone because they would not understand. For years I kept quiet about it.
Dear Channell,

Welcome. You are very clearly capable of seeing spirit, and I am quite sure with just a bit of effort you will be able to see your guides and angels, and probably hear them. If you have children, please don't do to them what was done to you.

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Re: I'm happy to have found you all....please read

Post by Wild River Rose »

I just wanted to say that I too am happy and grateful for this wonderful group of people. It seems in order for me to make the connections with my angelic guides and Midwayer friends, I had to lose many of my human relationships. Despite the comfort I now have from the signs and tentative connections I am making, the isolation and loneliness from the lack of human companionship is heightened and my heart rather tender. I am grateful to have this new family if even just to read your stories and find new paths of learning.

Much love and thanks,
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Re: I'm happy to have found you all....please read

Post by Channell »

Geoff, it's funny you mentioned probably hearing them. There is something else that has been happening, but I can't seem to get answers other than the "coincidence" answer. Please tell me ( or anyone) what you think that, this means.........

Now this has been happening to me for several years, but again like the Number 11, I have noticed it more often than usual. Here are a few examples. I may be reading a book and at the time I read a certain word I hear the exact same word on the T.V. or Radio. (happens every day several times a day)

Another Example: I was driving down the street, and during my drive I thought to myself that I needed to remember to call our Friend, Felton. At that very moment of thought, I came to a stop and when I looked a the street sight it said Felton

Another Example....I heard the word Tokyo while reading the Word Tokyo

If I'm writing a certain word, I'll hear that same word on radio or t.v.

Also, there are times where I hear the exact same word that I am typing.

It's synced together in a way that the voice I hear at the time of the word/voice "coincidence" sounds a little more predominant. It's as if I hear the word while imagining the word over lapping the same word. It's like I am hearing two voices at the same time coming from the radio or the T.V.

I hope I'm not confusing you. Here's what I am saying in a nutshell.....

I could be reading, writing, typing, or thinking a word and at this very moment of thought I hear that word coming from a radio or a tv. In other cases when I am thinking the word, I may look up and hear that word, or see that word.

Please, help me to understand this.......FYI as I just typed the word HELP I just heard it on the T.V. What I can say is, I noticed a feeling this time. Write before I noticed the "word coincidence" I felt an overwhelming flutter in my heart, and a since of light heaviness, then I noticed the coincidence.

Does this happen to you? Have you heard of this happening before? Am a experiencing the second part of my 11awareness? Am I being prepared to be know exactly when I am being spoken to by my guides?
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Re: I'm happy to have found you all....please read

Post by Geoff »

Dear Channell,

No that sort of thing does not appear to happen to me, but it certainly has happened to others who have posted here.

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Re: I'm happy to have found you all....please read

Post by Sandy »

Hi Chanell,
I too, as well as others on the board, have experienced these seemingly strange coincedences which I feel are not really coincidences. I think you were given a valuable clue here.
FYI as I just typed the word HELP I just heard it on the T.V. What I can say is, I noticed a feeling this time. Write before I noticed the "word coincidence" I felt an overwhelming flutter in my heart, and a since of light heaviness, then I noticed the coincidence.
Yes...this is good... the flutter feelings the heaviness...you could be experiencing the "closeness" of another "Being"... feeling the vibrational oneness we all share with the Creator.
You know, I am wondering too if you are picking up inner knowings from your Thought Adjuster or Higher Self. For instance, when I read this in your first post I thought ah ha!!! ...
Now the 11 thing is happening. I'm proud to be an 11ner, and at the same time I'm feeling an overwhelming need for answers. I believe I'm finding my answers here. Things happen to me, for example I'm able to give the best advise. I'm able to speak from a deeper spiritual empowerment. i say stuff, that I don't even know I'm going to say, and people listen in captivity.
That sounds like God knowledge... George experienced it when he worked as a hypnotherapist. The knowledge and words would come and afterwards he didn't even know what he said. But it was perfect, spot on and healed the situation. :D So maybe this is some form of prompting, involving several possible Celestials working together...(God spark, angels, midwayers) and/or the word has some further meaning...for instance in this particular case, a confirmation that, yes, you do need to speak with your friend Felton. Perhaps something Felton will say has meaning for you... Gosh it can get confusing can't it, this trying to understand and bridge the gaps in understanding. But I aim to go with the flow and allow the information and right answers to come to me... They always do and usually at the proper time as well. It seems "They" prefer for us to come to the right conclusions ourselves rather then spoon feeding us all the information. That allows us to make the determinations and exercise our free will perogatives. we learn and grow in this way...even though it can be a slow and lengthy process as is evident in looking at the human race as a whole. Hmmm I'm sure there is a good reason for that too but I must admit, at times it sure would be nice to have the answers spelled out and our lives and worlds instantly changed for the better. Well I always like a good challenge. ;) :lol:

George just told me there is a transmit going out on the list today called Happenstance that speaks about these things. and another one George has TRed coming out in a couple days.
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Re: I'm happy to have found you all....please read

Post by Sandy »

Hi Chanell. Here is the Transmit I mentioned above.
XX Sandy
Michigan, US of A, June 20, 2010.
Teacher Ziden.
Subject: “Happenstance.”

Received by Chris.

Teacher Ziden: “Today’s lesson is about happenstance. What do I mean by happenstance? This is a chance occurrence or event. When you are seeking to do the Father’s Will, it is likely that there will be involved in this transaction, one or more celestial personalities that will coordinate some form of synchronous event, or chance meeting, for you with the intended target of your will seeking. The conditions and degree of your ‘will alignment’ will determine the intensity and time for the materialization of that will desire.

“For example: If it is your will to make yourself available to be of service to one of your brethren who is in need of some service or information that will further their soul growth, or direct them on a path that leads to forward progression, a ‘symphony of personalities’ may be involved in removing barriers; creating chance meetings with other individuals vital to achieving the success of the mission. They may instead place information in your path by various means and methods that may be recalled at the needed time for a successful transaction.

“For much of the information in these channeled messages have been ‘pre-seeded,’ that is, we draw from many sources. Needed information may be gathered from downloads previously administered by a Midwayer and or Guardian Seraphim, or the correlation of memories of past events in your life. Any and all means are used to set up the circumstances most favorable to successfully execute the will transaction. This is similar to the setting up of domino blocks in a path, and when the path is shown to be complete, a tipping point, or ‘event’ is executed by you as a free will action. It is entirely up to you whether to execute that will action or to abort it, for which another path of dominos may be set. Fear is the greatest factor in thwarting a promising path.

“Those who become more spiritually aware will begin to recognize these happenstances, or see the synchronous events, in the works and may actually assist the unseen ministers in their work of setting up the dominos. For it is a real joy to work with these perceptive individuals who are willfully and selflessly building their souls by helping and teaching others that are reaching for the light. The Master said, ‘those that have shall be given more, those that have not shall be taken away that which they have.’

“When you come to the mansion worlds, you will have a birds-eye view of the creative path of dominos that you helped lay without seeing the end from the beginning, and you will be amazed at the perfection of synchrony. Those who spend time in meditation, or deep contemplation, will hear his or her Guides whisper the plans for a successful will transaction, that is, how to align that will with the Father’s Will. It is the power of your faith that will lead you to the tipping point, where it will be your joy to watch the art of the dance.

“Good day,
“The Circle of Seven.”
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Re: I'm happy to have found you all....please read

Post by ElevenCards »

Its funny how no one ever pays attention to the fact that they are saying "ive been seeing it more frequently, almost every hour". So have I...11eners have been reporting on threads that the frequency they have been seeing it is higher. I wish we could all cooperate because I think the frequency in which we see the number corresponds with big events.
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Re: I'm happy to have found you all....please read

Post by linda1111 »

I have been seeing 11:11 alot more in the past couple of weeks than ever, very exciting to me that you mentioned this, I think everyone is coming together with greater awareness, very cool !
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Re: I'm happy to have found you all....please read

Post by luvinlife »

Me too! I've been seeing 1111 a lot these days!

Love, Clare
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Re: I'm happy to have found you all....please read

Post by AJ »

I have been bombarded as of late. Already just on the drive to work saw pretty much in sequence 000, 111, 222, 4444 but no 3's yet. I am sure they will come. The 1111 has also been pretty much a 2 times or more event each day. Last night was one of my favorites in a long time and instantly changed my whole mood. I have been sick for about a week now with a bad flu and came to work yesterday. I felt bad all day, had a bad day at work, got into with a client and my boss at the end of the day and on the drive home was just feeling so negative and angry and frustrated. I called out to Father that I don't want to feel this way and don't want these emotions to run me. Right on cue a car passes me and of course the liscense plate was 000. That changed my entire outlook on the day and instantly made me smile. I just love it when they are there for us!
"Hesitate no longer to become love!" - Our Divine Mother
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