Monjoronson 1

We will post here messages received about the coming of Monjoronson.
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Monjoronson 1

Post by Geoff »

Dear folks,

The next divinely sent teacher after Jesus, is to be a Magisterial Son. This being will manifest as an adult, and there is a small chance it will happen in our lifetimes. I was privileged to have a visit from him, while reading the message posted next. I think others of you could well have the same experience.

You might ask - How many Divine teachers have we had? The answer is:

Adam and Eve, technically were teachers. They failed in their mission, which was primarily to uplift us biologically. Their prime mission would not have been as teachers, however.

Melchizadek, was our first Divine teacher. He chose to materialise, in order to try and limit the effects of the Lucifer rebellion, and the fallen angels, and thus prepare the way for Jesus' coming. Once he guessed Jesus was coming here, he felt he had to do something. Abraham was taught by Melchizadek, so he led to the formation of the Jewish religion. He is now our Planetary Prince, and as such has full authority over earth.

Jesus, also known as Michael of Nebadon, (which is his correct name, as the Creator Son of this Universe) chose to incarnate here. It was part of his personal development, you might say. As a Creator Son, he is required to live the lives of seven of his creations. Coming here was the last of his bestowal missions.

Melchizadek materialised, Jesus was born. We are told Monjoronson will materilise, together with his assistants. This will create an enormous wave, make no mistake. If it happens in our lifetimes, fabulous. It does seem to be close, but we do not know the hour.

How long will he be here? A very long time, centuries for certain, possibly even 1000 years. Although he will sport a "body" like ours, it won't age like ours.
Last edited by Geoff on Wed Aug 11, 2004 7:18 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Geoff »

Greetings. I have been trying to make myself known here and rest assured that I will be known to your planet as time unfolds. I am a Magisterial Son. There is resistance to receiving due to the nature of the discussion at this conference regarding my arrival, but the plans for a Magisterial Mission are progressing. The time element is indeed the question. We are patient and waiting for the events on your world to be most facilitating for my ministry. Whether these events will present themselves is not in question. These events will present themselves. The only question is time.
I would speak further this weekend, but at this time simply wish to greet you and to ask your receivers to feel free to open to my presence and allow, for here, indeed, we are conferring, are we not? Let us discuss the matters which will produce enlightenment for you individually, for your group, and perhaps on to the world at large. I will at this time withdraw and allow another to speak. I do rejoice in the spiritual intent that you all have and feel myself to be welcome in your presence and I welcome you in mine.

(Editors Note -- At this point, another T/R begins who had been holding back, and the Magisterial Son continues through this person.)

* Bring down a pillar of light to the crown chakra at the top of your head. See the pillar of light coming from the Father into your body, filling your heart, expanding, moving down through your spine, rooting you into the earth.

Receive my presence. I am Monjoronson, the Magisterial Son of whom you speak. We are in this place and in this time, practicing the presence. Feel your connection to the great web of life. Some of you can visualize it. It is indeed a tangible web of light connecting each and every one of you. When you leave this place and scatter to the far corners from which you have gathered, these threads will remain and I will be present in those threads. Think of them daily, hourly, constantly if you can. This is the meaning of continuous prayer, to continue the connection you have with your Creator who is far greater than I. Feel the reality of this truth. Pull it in to your solar plexus and hold it there. Now, my friends, for the message.

You come to be loved. The Father comes to love you. He knows you as individuals, but sees you as a collective, a single energy expressing in creativity, in activity, in the love that you share between one another. It is so beautiful in his sight the love that is shared in this place and this time between you. Come now to the center of your being, to the essence of who you are. Collect it to your heart chakra. Now let it rise to the top of your head. Now send it upward, climbing the ladder. Take this essence of who you are as far into the heavens as you may and hold it there. There are beings there to greet you, each of you greeting different ones. Endeavor to recognize them. Acknowledge their presence. Hold this frequency in your body. Each cell awakens to hold more light.

This is the way of spiritual growth; this is the way to know God; this is the way to bring light and life onto your planet, to work with the energies we are showering upon you at all times, the higher frequencies of spirit. The more you can be in harmony to meet these frequencies, the more light you will hold in your bodies, the more you will affect others around you simply by your presence, as Jesus did. Practice this presence. In your daily lives give yourselves time and space, a quiet place. It is the greatest gift you can give yourself, and the world. It is something everyone can do. Be confident, give thanks, lift yourself to your Creator and be cradled in His arms. Nebadonia will nurture you, your Father watch over you.

When I come in the flesh you will know me because you will have already met me in these higher frequencies in your stillness and will have no doubt, nor hesitation to believe and to follow. My friends, this work cannot be overdone, nor overemphasized. It may seem like a small thing, such an easy thing, and yet the effects are far beyond what you can comprehend. You see the picture only from your perspective. We see you as points of light in a great web and the angelic realms are pouring in their light more and more every day until people like yourselves can’t miss it. You’re absorbing it every moment, surrounded by it, so when you awake in your awareness to work with it, it expands and it multiplies.

Now simply sit in a few more moments of silence and I bid you adieu for now. I’m not leaving with my presence, simply turning off the audible words. Thank you
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Post by gjambor »

I do___ have a good feeling about that person. I would___ trust that source . :D
God Bless, George
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Profound and beautiful

Post by Light1 »

Greetings to all from Finch Hatton, Australia

George this teaching is from Divine sources...I have recently finished reading about Nanook a great teacher who walked for 28 years across India preaching there is no Muslim there is no Christian. I was moved by his simplicity and how he surrendered to his Divine mission here on earth.

I have been waiting for another like him to appear, not to follow...but to witness the anchoring in of yet higher vibrations of energy and light into the consciousness of humanity.

I too have visions for our planet and all life that dwells upon her. Spending the best part of my life preparing in a sense through study, meditation, prayer and contemplation. This has not come without intense struggle and sacrifice.

The gift of healing was bestowed upon me... I had to slowly awaken to the directions I needed to take to be of the highest service. There was much inner healing needed for myself before I felt worthy to lay my hands upon another.

I have recently finished writing and publishing my first book...this tells parts of this struggle. At the time I was writing my Dissertation on Christ Consciousness, the UB came into my hands around that phase. I was also going deeper into the Gnostic Gospels...wonderful teachings from Master Jeshua that I have now internalized as great healing words of fire that have the potential when fully understood to literally change ones being from the inside out.

I dont have the slightest clue why I am here on board this site, I am going with the flow and embracing the freedom I have to express my humanity. I teach spiritual modalities in my community and am called The Village Healer, I find this difficult at times because I feel I must walk my talk at all times. Sometimes I just want to take off that hat and be a normal human being ...its not like I want to run around naked in the streets or get roaring drunk and dance on is more about just being me.

I believe I may be finding this here on I am a loner with only two other people aside from my beloved sister Gypsy that I can relax around and say "hey I struggle too you know" :oops:

I wrote in my book it is exhausting being perfect all the time. I do have my fun times...I often go into the forest to gather plants and feathers, stones and certain moss...I go fishing and throw them back, and I love to swim. My greatest joys come when I spend time with Gypsy, God she makes me laugh at myself and my eccentricities.

I know about thought adjusters opposed to past lives. I am still struggling with this as I have very clear re-call of lives lived before. I remain open minded.

Will close by saying I really enjoy your posts and will continue to embrace these truths as the Holiest of Holies speaking through my pc.

In love light and truth

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Post by Geoff »

Dear ptl,

Good to see your photie.

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Re: Monjoronson 1

Post by LolaandLight »


I am a little confused as to who is receiving these messages. I love the content though.
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Re: Monjoronson 1

Post by Geoff »

LolaandLight wrote:Geoff,

I am a little confused as to who is receiving these messages. I love the content though.
Me too. LOL. That's probably a Team transmission, but I am not sure. Strange that I did it that way.

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Re: Monjoronson 1

Post by valorousflame777 »

"Bring down a pillar of light to the crown chakra at the top of your head. See the pillar of light coming from the Father into your body, filling your heart, expanding, moving down through your spine, rooting you into the earth. "

When I read this, I felt the "angel tingles" all over, for the first time in a long time.

Welcome, Monjoronson. I can't wait to meet you.
WE must have waited all our lives for this...MOMENT. -Yes, Tales of Topographic Oceans, The Awakening Science of GOD.
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