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"Under the Shepard's Staff"

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:18 pm
by sammy
I am in a really fun place right now. I've been pretty lost for several years (as noted by my absence on the board), I wish I knew what changed so I could help other's find there way home, and perhaps it's just an answer to prayer.

I pray every night, and for the last (lost) several years, my prayer was simple, to connect (re-connect) with God. I just couldn't feel any connection and had no willingness to meditate.

Something changed, and I don't know what. But last week I decided to meditate and my focus was simple...God's guidance in all I do, and to clearly see the truth. (I felt like something negative was tainting how I saw almost everyone around me and I wanted to see through God's eyes).

Ever since then I have been experiencing remarkable synchronicities, so many, it's, I don't know, overwhelming in a REALLY sweet way! Here is another, in the Messages from Celestial Teacher's section, "Under the Shepard's Staff", received by Anyas.

The world will quickly become a better place if everyone worked diligently at honing their God-given discernment skills. Prayerfully turn to the Source of all truth. Ask, and you shall receive. By asking, you humble yourself, thus remaining open-minded and open-hearted. Your guidance team will bring critical information to your attention, bringing everything into sharp focus.
Feeling so thankful for all this!


Re: "Under the Shepard's Staff"

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:33 pm
by happyrain
Thank Sammy, I thought the message shared some lovely importance too. Really happy to read of your accounts, and your immersion back with the living spirit.

Re: "Under the Shepard's Staff"

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:54 pm
by sammy
Eric...ME TOO!!!


Re: "Under the Shepard's Staff"

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 1:52 am
by Sandy
In a way, Sammy, you and your thread are acting as a confirmation for me as well as this has been in my heart too.
God's guidance in all I do, and to clearly see the truth.
( I am specifically thinking the truth in people around me)

I want to see people through the Creator's eyes. If only.... what a change inner and outer that could produce in my life. :happy and of course that is sort of a springboard to healing "life" around us in all the many opportunities presented.

I also wanted to mention I love how you used the phrase, "fun Place" to describe what is/has been happening to you. That is exactly how it is supposed to be for all of us...right? Time to find the fun in finding the Love and the Source of it. ;) :bana: :sunflower:

Thank you. :love