Sharing our meditation experiences

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Sharing our meditation experiences

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi, everyone!
It seems like its been a very long time since anyone has posted to Akashic Construct Students. It feels time to jump start it again! I invite anyone to share their meditative experiences. I've been meditating several years so my meditations might be longer and more involved than for someone who is just beginning. Any contact is a step in the right direction!

Meditation 2/25/2015
It's very rarely I stay in my library anymore. Usually a guide will appear and take me where ever it is I need to go to learn a lesson. Tonight I feel a symbol from someone who hasn't communicated with me in a very long time. "Guiseppi?" I feel a tingling along my hairline above left eye. Abraham was one of my first Teachers. He took me to a remote cave in a hillside at the edge of an ocean. Inside the cave are shelves and shelves, baskets and tables full of ancient scrolls in golden cylinders. It's very rustic inside with dirt floors and torches create the only light. As I unfurl each individual scroll a number appears at the top. Usually I would only examine one scroll at a time and only come here once in a great while. There are times I feel like my guide is speeding me along and/or talking quickly. I often ask if they would slow it down.

Guiseppi and I went directly to the cave. It surprised me because I'd only ever gone here with Abraham. It felt like he was hurrying me along. Suddenly there was a scroll in my hand. Scroll 37, the word HEREDITY floated up off the page. Quickly another unrolls in my hands, number 38, the words HEALING POWERS OF LAUGHTER float up. Thinking about heredity at the healing circle took me instantly to The Continuous Circle Of Light. This is a healing circle some of us on the boards have recently revisited to help heal our friend Laura. My meditations have revolved around the circle lately. The circle in my meditation is under a brightly lit night sky. It is greatly expanded as several others have joined us. Those needing healing are in the center. My dress looked like a moving picture of a starry night last night because of the link between Sandy and myself. Tonight it was white again.

In the circle my sister appeared on my left, daughter on my right, two-year old nephew and two-month old granddaughter were sitting in my lap on the ground. My son and his wife appeared to my daughter's right. I was looking for my fifteen-year-old niece when she peeked forward from the left of my sister. Another nephew stood at attention, very reverently to his sister's left. I could tell he was taking this healing circle very seriously. We were all singing. My son, who isn't much of a singer, looked around and began singing with gusto. His wife saw him, shrugged her shoulders and did the same.

As my relatives were appearing beside me, so were the relatives of others. Some time around here I felt my Grandma's symbol tingling, Guiseppe's and my TA"s too all at once. I thought, "If my Grandma is here my mom should be!" She smiled appearing between my daughter and son, singing also. The healing we created was visually filling the air around us with falling colorful sparkles. The kids in my lap were smiling with wonder and catching them in their outstretched palms. My little nephew was captivated, smiling so broadly watching everything going on. I was quickly drawn back to the cave to read scroll 39 on laughter. Then zipped back to my spot. My daughter began dancing. Musical notes began falling along with the sparkles. I said, "Yes, healing doesn't have to be so somber." I thought everyone deserves healing and brought my daughter-in-law's father to the center. I don't know if he was very happy about being there. George got up out of his chair smiling, clapped his hands together, like , “This is the way it should be!” Laura was sitting up smiling. I brought in the father of my daughter's fiance. He wasn't quite sure what to think! He was still very ill. My daughter's fiance appeared next to her smiling, grateful his dad had been included.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Sharing our meditation experiences

Post by happyrain »

Kim !

:shock: :cyclopsani: :happy :cheers: :sunny:
Your experience brought tears to the corner of my eyes. What a beautiful moment. Thank you so much for sharing!
I've not a meditation experience like that, ever ! I'd be happy to share here though once I get back into the groove of things. :loves

That was beautiful Kim, Thank you. :happy :loves :kiss:
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Re: Sharing our meditation experiences

Post by Seeker13 »

I've been wanting to tell you how much I like your avvie. I remember someone saying they didn't know rain could be happy. Not sure how you came up with that name..., unless happyrain is in fact your name, no offense. Anyhow it reminds me of my daughter(yes I talk about her a lot, were very close) ever since she was little whenever it rained she would go out and dance in it, or sit in the driveway and build little pebble structures getting soaking wet. It didn't matter if it was a nice misty shower or a thunder storm she would see it start, put on a huge smile and dash outside. Actually she still does. We agree with you completely on the happy rain. :roll

I'm so glad you enjoyed my meditation, your response warmed my heart. Here is the next one if you're interested.

February 26, 2015
My guide and I went straight to the Cave of Scrolls. I was instructed to take five scrolls from the cave. At first I was nervous, “Aren't they suppose to stay in here?" What if they disintegrated like fragile artifacts often do when exposed to the outside environment! There was an immediate sharp toning in both of my ears. I took that as an affirmation they were meant to be shared with people. I took them to the healing circle, laying them on the ground inside the circle around those needing healing. The number of each shown brightly hanging in the air for a moment. They glowed with a golden light as they unfurled. A new scroll, #40 unrolled, it was about healing powers of nature. Apple blossoms rained down joining the music notes and colorful sparkles.

As I mentioned before I have a two-month-old granddaughter. I've wondered all along if the reason she is almost always looking upward is because of what the rest of us do not see. In my meditation she was mesmerized by the blossoms and sparkles lighting on her sweet little hand. I wondered looking at the fifth scroll. What more could healing need? It of course, was the very first scroll I'd read so long ago, #1... Love. Healing must be accompanied by love.

More and more relatives of those needing healing joined the circle adding to their healing. It was all so joyous, stimulating all our senses. I could hardly contain all the happiness and wonderment that filled me! At that moment I rose far up into the sky. The circle and all it's inhabitants were enveloped by a bubble of swirling dancing healing! It was breathtaking and awe inspiring all at the same time. Settling back down in my place many of us began dancing as the healing had affected all of us. George let out a loud belly laugh. Sandy was smiling at him.

Love to all,
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Sharing our meditation experiences

Post by happyrain »

Your mind is beautiful.
I admire your sharing's very much. There's a lot of joy and laughter as promised in your first thread... And now, love and nature... I feel it all in your words!
Just words, yes... But I am happy to read of YOUR experience nonetheless.... =)

You daughter is much like me... When I was younger, I made sure to do the same. The last time we had a very chaotic storm was at work... I couldn't help it... I was inclined to get wet. lol.
Yeah, my co-workers thought I was crazy.... But maybe happyrian is my name! :P :loves

Thanks Kim, for making me smile and feel so much joy and gratitude today.
I hope you're feeling the same.
Take care for now... I hope to share soon.
Peace. :loves

Compliments to Welles for the avy. ;) :hithere
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Re: Sharing our meditation experiences

Post by Sandy »

Thanks "Kimmie" for starting this thread and sharing so pleasantly these precious meditation experiences. :happy For me it is "live-time" with family when we all get together in the circle. You see, I have such a need for that in my life, having always being a sort of motherly family oriented person and so it has been a struggle over the years coming to terms with this geographic separation from my natural family. George and I, physically, live a rather isolated life here, and thick skulled that I am, sometimes I forget how many family members I do have... members who dance and laugh and whoop it up together in healing and in quiet communion with Source represented in nature and all life.... I have all of you, you all are my family and it remains so even if life gets in the way and we go our own way for awhile. Where Love exists, so is family... so all the more reason to love every person in the world, eh?
So anyway, Happyrain (yes, that name suites you E. :mrgreen: ) A kindred spirit of the raindrops am I. And one of these days, I will step out of this reserve I grew up with and dance in the rain with you... I'd sing but that would scare the cockatoos. :shock: :mrgreen:

Kim, I have been very moved by your brilliant descriptions of your meditations. I am ever so grateful to be there with you and share in the healing as we give and we get. Healing for family! Thank you for reminding me how blessed we are! :cheers:
Love you guys dearly... xx
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Re: Sharing our meditation experiences

Post by Seeker13 »

happyrain and Sandy,
I could give you both a huge group hug! Wasn't sure what reaction sharing my meditations would be, but knew I needed to. I too am a rain girl! As a former preschool teacher it was the perfect setting for me to be able to act like a kid! Our Center was very organic and appreciative of nature. Our kids went outside in All types of weather! Kids need to be outside. When it was raining I was the first teacher out the door joining the kids in exploring and jumping in mud puddles. When we'd had enough we would gather in this amazing gazebo that had been built for us and I'd read book after book to an appreciative audience.

Sandy, we did it again! After sending a PM to you yesterday, Dave and I went to babysit Clementine. On the way I told him even though my job of running the motel was isolating, only having time to work and visit immediate family, on the boards I could share, laugh and cry with friends, some of them even feel like family! By the way my little sister(of 46) still calls me Kimmie.

When you talk about your family I can hardly hold all the weight of longing in my heart. Even though both of us don't feel we're very brave, I think you are the most brave! You stay in Australia sacrificing time with your family for the love of Greoge, us and spirit. That takes a lot of courage. Which is interesting, because my next meditation is about bravery.

March 21, 2015-
Had trouble connecting this morning. Cleaned my Chakras. Nebadonia appeared on my bridge. I felt her symbol strongly, the 'mother love' feeling I get in her presence is all encompassing. I was relieved I was able to connect. She motioned for me to follow her. Suddenly I was standing alone outside The Cave of Scrolls.

I entered, the familiar comfort of this place is so welcoming. Suddenly feeling very alone, closed my eyes asking, “Is anyone here?”

Voices all around me answered, “We all are.” That's all I needed. Scroll 41 was on the table. Bravery was written in bold letters. Assuming I was here to retrieve another scroll for the healing circle I wondered, “Is bravery necessary for healing?”

Golden letters in an ancient language fill the page. I flinched feeling unequipped to handle this, “Uh,oh!” As quickly as the utterance left my lips, the words floated up off the page transforming into a video of ancient chariot racers, soldiers from the Crusades. I have never considered myself as a particularly courageous person, actually not at all! A childrens story I'd written long ago came to mind. It was about an old woman whose job it was to preserve and take care of our memories in rows of picture frames in a great growing castle. The memories that were the most vivid weren't of famous people and their great deeds. Those are usually the ones the most distorted, because they were not recorded as the events actually took place.

I took this as bravery isn't necessarily the deeds of heroes and wondered, “Is bravery courage?... The courage to face our fears?" I felt prompted to look over into a dark corner of the cave. In the shadows was a cowering, dirty, ragged, frightened child. I realized she was the embodiment of fear. Naturally seeing a child feeling this way I wanted to help her. As I stepped toward her she withdrew becoming even more fearful. I stopped and thought for a minute. I sat down on the dirt floor about twenty feet away from her, closed my eyes and started singing the song 'I Am Open'. My eyes were closed, but I could feel her wonderment at this.

Suddenly I was in my same position only outside on top of the cave on cold, wet, gray, bare jagged rocks in a terrific thunderstorm. I remained sitting, smiling turning my face skyward. The child appeared before me. She was still afraid, but trusting her impulse and curled up in my lap. The tension immediately releasing from her body, finally resting contentedly, falling asleep. I never moved or opened my eyes as the rain pelted me, but thought, “This is as it should be.” My body and clothes draped about her protecting the girl from the rain. She slept dry and warm in my lap as I reveled in the onslaught.

It's weird, but I didn't really remember the rain and the child of this meditation until after posting and rereading it. Another synchronicity? After the review I realized the child was really an embodiment not just all fear, but of my own fear. After experiencing the things I feel are very spiritual, reminder of spirit surrounding me, music and rain. I welcomed her into my lap, even protected her. I thought about how I'd been releasing more and more of my own fears especially lately. I recalled the all encompassing love I felt from Nebadonia and how that reflected in me towards the little girl...Almost like ...a Continuous Circle of Light?

You're not going to believe what just happened. My son Ken walked in talking about an instance at this work where he was explaining the concept of Plato's...cave. My guide symbols just lit up all over the place!

Have a great day everyone!
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Sharing our meditation experiences

Post by Sandy »

Image I'm in for this group hug!

I have been reading and re reading your meditation, sensing there is a huge lesson in there for me if I will only allow myself to open up to that. Especially too as the synchronicities are flowing from this end too with Nebadonia entering my meditation as well this morning. Truly though,, it would be more accurate to say, "attempted meditation" since a lonesome rabbit jumped on my lap bringing the whole proceedings to an abrupt halt. :roll: :lol:
But all is not lost...never is where meditation is concerned, eh?
I being a "cave wall facer" at times, :lol: was curious about Plato's cave that Ken was talking about.
I found it here...
... very interesting. I can see it really could be taken in many different ways depending on the experience of the person who considers it. Much Like the parables of Jesus.

Thank you for being you and sharing from your heart, sis. Whenever we speak or I read your posts, I feel like you are right in the room with me having a "cuppa" as they say over here. (Very healing.) I truly haven't been very brave but I am sure that I can learn to be as I look deeper into what lies behind my own fears. Even digging out a few of those deeply embedded. Your meditation also describes a gentleness in the manner chosen to confront your fears...I'm taking that lesson to heart and will try to refrain from scaring my inner child into hiding. ;)

Okay, the weather is ideal for laundry and so I have towels to put out on the line in a few minutes.. Hope your week is beginning just as good, if not even better then my own...Let the Sun shine after the rain! :sunny:
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Re: Sharing our meditation experiences

Post by Seeker13 »

thank you for posting the link to Plato's Cave. You are right i can see how it could mean something different depending on a person's point of view and/or experiences. While looking for something else on my computer I found yet another cave meditation. Believe me I don't always go to caves in meditation, but they must hold some significance for me.

February 23 2012
I'd been asking to connect like I did before, want to move beyond my bridge and healing center. Found myself at the shoreline with a gigantic cave with a heavily sealed entrance before me. I kept going back and forth trying to find bigger and better tools to smash through the barricade. Finally noticed I was wearing a long white gown with a light blue outer coat. Thought of images of the Mary and wondered if people from that time knew about the significance of celestial teachers wearing blue and white, if maybe that was why she was pictured that way.

Then looked up at the impenetrable doorway. Of course I couldn't get through it with force. The only thing that was going to break through something that strong was love. I placed my hand upon the door and thought of complete love. The door began to disappear, then came to the realization, “There is no door,” and it disappeared completely.

Inside the cave were two people, a sickly old woman, and a frightened withered young child. I knew the old woman was me, bent and sick. I hugged her to me sending strong waves of healing through her. I knew then that I could completely cure myself by removing the fears I had of ending up this way and doing what I had to do to stay healthy.

I went to the small child and held him, it was Eugene(Aleah's former boyfriend). Was trying to think of the best way to heal him, realized that he needed to embrace this young version of himself to heal himself of the anxiety and fears plaguing him now. I remembered doing this myself.

There were celestials around me but I didn't really recognize them or their symbols until now. Of course Abraham was helping me because of the cave and the water, and healing. Then recognized his symbol.

The feeling of healing light surging through my body was very strong throughout the whole meditation. Basked in the feeling of being healed for several more minutes. My alarm went off, thanked everyone, and got up.

There was a new celestial at the beginning of my meditation. Symbol high along my nose just under my eye but couldn't make any further connection. My midwayers are both giving me a strong symbol as I write this, the connection becoming stronger and stronger as I write. Ah believe Lennox is here also, all mid-wayers. Believe they are trying to help whomever the new entity is make a connection, new symbol very faint. Paulo maybe?

I am so incredibly lucky to have so many trying in spirit here to help me. I wonder what this new celestial's part is? It's exciting that I'm feeling the connections again when not meditating. Nebadonia coming in now. I felt in my meditation that the sealed doorway of the cave was symbolic for me being able to make a better connection to spirit. All I had to do was realize there was no door.

Remembered that after I emerged from the cave with myself and the child there were other celestial children playing happily in the water. Even though they were children I recognized my son Dan smiling and picking handfuls of jewels up out of the water. Further down the beach Aleah and her boyfriend at the time were running hand in had laughing and splashing.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, Universal Mother for sticking with me, I feel that by listening to guidance has helped my get beyond being stuck in the same place for so long.

Thank you everyone who is helping me be a better person and therefore helping those around me.

It took awhile, but I finally realized that the new symbol was from my dad. It made sense this was his symbol because my mom's was on the opposite side. Previously his symbol was the scent of cigarette smoke. I detest that smell and had asked him to find a different symbol.
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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