Why do I receive so many different number prompts?

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Why do I receive so many different number prompts?

Post by bb322 »

Everyday, I receive at least 10 or more different combinations of number prompts. I have been receiving number prompts since I have become "enlightened" last summer, and the number prompts tend to change every few weeks or so. But what I don't understand is why I receive so many, because most people seem to just see just a couple different number prompts.. and I really don't understand what my "spirit guides" or whoever is sending me these number prompts is trying to say because there are so many. For example, so far today I have seen 1:23, 2:12, 12:22, 2:22, 2:34, 3:33, 5:55.. and I'm not sure if all these numbers are supposed to have different meanings/messages for me or perhaps all of these number patterns are supposed to be prompting me to see/notice/do only one thing in particular? For the past two weeks I have not only been seeing these numbers everyday but also 11:11, 1:11, 11:10, 1:10, 12:12, 4:44, 5:55, 7:07, 7:11, 9:11, 9:09, and I also have been see x:55 a lot. And a bit less frequently I will see other numbers that have a "0" in the middle like 2:02, 4:04, etc.. and other x:11 numbers.. So does anyone have any idea why I see so many different types of number patterns (but the same ones) everyday!? Do they all mean the same thing, or different things?
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Re: Why do I receive so many different number prompts?

Post by Sandy »

Hello BB,
It's nice to meet you.
Wow! You are seeing many various time prompts. It seems the Midwayers and Angels are very active in trying to make a connection with you. :)
I can provide you a few meanings that some have used for some of the particular prompts and you can feel you way through them and see if they feel right for you. Keep in mind that even though others can provide meanings that have resonated with them. These meanings are not "written in stone" as the celestials will prompt you in ways that you accept... that have meaning to you if this is what you decide. For instance, if you decide that 1:23 is a progress prompt (Sort of a thumbs up you are making progress) then that is the way they will prompt you till you decide differently. Sometimes too we get these prompts just as you have, before we read someone else's interpretation. But upon reading realize it resonates brilliantly with what is occurring in our lives at the time.

Anyway, on that note...
Here are a few common interpretations for some of the number prompts you have been seeing.

We might as well do progress prompts first since I have already mentioned them.
1:23 and 12:24 and 2:34 can be viewed as progress... well done! ... you are doing well. making progress.

For me 22's are our friend Midwayer Chief Bzutu. He is around our home frequently working with George so I usually say hello and let him know I appreciate his looking in on me and his greeting.

222's well I often use Doreen Virtue, a well known and spiritually lovely angel author, http://spiritlibrary.com/doreen-virtue/ ... the-angels who states that 222 can mean...
"222 — Our newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your manifestation. In other words, don’t quit five minutes before the miracle. Your manifestation is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts, keep affirming, and continue visualizing."
This is another one that has a double meaning for me. Sometimes when I receive 333 it is Midwayer Mathew prompting me. I know his energy and so when he is not around I fall back on this from Doreen Virtue...
333 — The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love, and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters includes: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin, and Yogananda.
444's for me are always from my Guardian Angels or Destiny Guardian. They are basically telling me that they are with me in whatever I am feeling, facing experiencing, studying etc. It is always good. They are so very loving and it is always wonderful to be reminded that they are in my corner cheering me on.
Doreen says...
444 — The angels are surrounding you now, reassuring you of their love and help. Don’t worry because the angels’ help is nearby.
As you can see it is always a blessing to receive the 4's. :)

555's are for me change as well...
DV says...
555 — Buckle your seatbelts. A major life change is upon you. This change should not be viewed as being "positive" or "negative," since all change is but a natural part of life’s flow. Perhaps this change is an answer to your prayers, so continue seeing and feeling yourself being at peace.
11:11 is a hello from beings, Midwayers specifically who would like to communicate with you.... This short thread should help with this and in fact answer your questions about the prompts. http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4
This one too... 11:11 More questions about number sequences.

Check out the FAQ"s (first forum in the index) and you will find a wealth of introductory information there to peruse at your convenience.
If you have any questions please let us know.

I would love to hear more about your enlightening that you mentioned in your post... and in fact, any and all of your experiences that you would like to share with us, BB.
I'm glad you're here as we can all learn from each other.
Welcome and love,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Why do I receive so many different number prompts?

Post by bb322 »

Hi! Thanks for replying! I have searched online quite a bit for the meanings of these number patterns.. and I'm not sure if these meanings apply to me or not.. because I don't understand why my spirit guides would be trying to send me so many different types of messages, so I am wondering if all of these number patterns are just prompting me to think/do just a specific thing.. but I am certain of what 3:33 means for me, it seems to appear when I need guidance/assistance in my life and the angels are letting me know that they're here for me. I discovered the meaning of this number pattern after a few occurrences with it, for example, I thought to myself something along the lines of.. "Okay angels, if you are listening to me and you are here to assist me and help me get through this difficult period in my life, show me 3:33.." And after I thought this to myself, I ended up seeing 3:33 on my phone! (And as I'm typing this, it's actually 7:33 pm lol) And then, another time, I was in the middle of a deep though, about my current life and my current life circumstances and trying to get through the problems I'm facing and I was thinking about asking the angels to give me guidance.. and when I opened my eyes I saw the time was 3:33 on my computer. So, those are just a few examples of how I discovered the meaning of 3:33 for me. Also, another "3" number pattern tend to see from time to time is 3:13. A while ago I was seeing it all of the time, now I just see it occasionally, but I did actually see it yesterday. But 3:13 seems to be significant for me since my birthday is 3/13 as well.

But anyway, I became "enlightened" during the past summer when I came across some documentaries on reincarnation. I thought they were extremely fascinating, and the cases were so compelling that it made me consider a whole new reality.. that the general mainstream idea of what the "afterlife" is, is completely false and the "afterlife" is really something completely different than what most people believe it is.. So I decided to research more about reincarnation since I was so fascinated by it and then I kept stumbling upon more and more information about the spiritual world, spirit guides, etc.. and since I became open to accepting this whole new reality, that is when I began to notice the number patterns. :) And since then, I have had so many experiences where it was clear that someone is watching out for me and guiding me in the right direction.
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Re: Why do I receive so many different number prompts?

Post by Geoff »

bb322 wrote: But anyway, I became "enlightened" during the past summer when I came across some documentaries on reincarnation. I thought they were extremely fascinating, and the cases were so compelling that it made me consider a whole new reality.. that the general mainstream idea of what the "afterlife" is, is completely false and the "afterlife" is really something completely different than what most people believe it is.. So I decided to research more about reincarnation since I was so fascinated by it and then I kept stumbling upon more and more information about the spiritual world, spirit guides, etc.. and since I became open to accepting this whole new reality, that is when I began to notice the number patterns. :)
Hi bb,

I think that a lot of people have some quite good idea about life after death, certainly those that make any sort of effort. As I have written two books on the subject and published a great many more that were out of copyright it is clear we have been given excellent information for more than 100 years. Reincarnation is however a polarising topic, and we sit on one side of that debate here. Always happy to comment, and you would find communications on the subject here as well from midwayers who have been watching mankind for a very long time.

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
said Chief Flaming Arrow.
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