I hope I have not ruined the divine connection I had

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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I hope I have not ruined the divine connection I had

Post by Talkative »

I am new here so hello to you all. :hithere

I had a magical time regarding number prompts, but me being an idiot I feel I messed it up and now I am worried I have ruined my relationships with my guardian angels and the connection I had with them and the universe. I have been getting many different number prompts, some of them repeated but the way in which I got the one I will explain my below was magical, but I did not see the bigger picture, I am so annoyed with myself.

I basically woke up one morning, I went to the toilet came back and said to myself "I have to make a certain amount of money by a certain date as I have extra expenses coming in" I then turned and decided to check the time on my mobile and got 11:11, the intricate way in which all this came together to make sure that I would look at my phone at exactly 11:11, was mind blowing.

Now this is were I made the foolish mistake which I am very upset with myself for doing, I then decided to put the lottery on, on the 11/11/2014 which adds up to 11, I said to my angels to give me encouragement that I was on the right positive path to allow me to win something on the lottery, when it did not happen, I got depressed and slipped back into my negative ways and bad habits.

I am upset at myself for being so small minded and not being truly understanding of the sheer amazement at the way in which 11:11 came about and focusing further down the road and the bigger picture, or seeing how lucky I am for this to happen, which has opened my mind up to life being a lot more than meets the eye. I am also worried that I have upset my angels and lost the true connection I had before with them and the universe.
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Re: I hope I have not ruined the divine connection I had

Post by Geoff »

Dear Talkative,

Welcome!! There is no way you can upset your guides. They may walk away, because they see you are not open, they may ignore what you ask for because they don't choose to assist in that way, knowing its not good for you, but they don't get upset. If they are ignoring you, its likely your current path and attitudes are less than desirable. But as soon as you are open and pointing the right way, they will be right there cheering.

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Re: I hope I have not ruined the divine connection I had

Post by Sandy »

Hello Talkative,
Please do not think you are alone in what you describe in your post. I suspect we all have added our own material wish list to the numbers from time to time and, yes, sometimes we can feel a little small for it. But if anything , this is part of being human, growing in love and wisdom and our angels and the Midwayers who have thousands upon thousands of years guiding, watching and interacting, with mortals completely understand. These celestial being's have higher mind endowments then we do at this point and are not easily put off by our shenanigans. And so they deeply appreciate our efforts to learn and progress. So please do not worry one more Iota about this incident. Just remember that you are loved and that you have much within that is beautiful and worthy of their efforts to prompt... meaning, perhaps, that as you grow in enlightenment you will enrich the lives of all you pass by thus lightening our world. This incident which truly isn't so bad is long forgotten and I suspect that you will brighten their day by letting it go and moving on.
Today is a brand new day to feel joy! :sunflower:
Please do make yourself at home here, Talkative. We could use some talkative people in our 11:11 family. ;) :mrgreen: WELCOME!
P.S If you haven't discovered this yet...this URL is a great introduction to this friendly site.
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Re: I hope I have not ruined the divine connection I had

Post by Talkative »

Hi Geoff, Hi Sandy,

Thank you soo much for the very warm welcome and the advice you have given me, it was very reassuring in my time of worry. I hope in time I will have a better of understanding of things, which I am sure this site will give me. It is a very special place from what I can see and full of knowledge.

I am sure as I start to learn more and have more questions to ask, that I will indeed live up to the nickname I have chosen "Talkative" ha-ha. :)
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Re: I hope I have not ruined the divine connection I had

Post by Sandy »

I am sure as I start to learn more and have more questions to ask, that I will indeed live up to the nickname I have chosen "Talkative" ha-ha. :)
:lol: That would be wonderful! We could use some "chatterboxes" around here. :sunflower:
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Re: I hope I have not ruined the divine connection I had

Post by pointman19 »

I read a chapter in one of George's Books that described a similar situation. Its not that your guides have abandon you, your just not being open to them. When you slipped back to depression and disapointment over the lottery ticket, it was you that was beating yourself up over it, not your guides, friend.

You can ALWAYS tune back in to them, they will hear you...see that youve opened yourself back up....and youll have support and guidance back on your side.


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Re: I hope I have not ruined the divine connection I had

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Talkative,
Welcome to the boards! Our guides are very patient with us.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: I hope I have not ruined the divine connection I had

Post by Talkative »

pointman19 wrote:I read a chapter in one of George's Books that described a similar situation. Its not that your guides have abandon you, your just not being open to them. When you slipped back to depression and disapointment over the lottery ticket, it was you that was beating yourself up over it, not your guides, friend.

You can ALWAYS tune back in to them, they will hear you...see that youve opened yourself back up....and youll have support and guidance back on your side.
I still have a lot to learn about synchronicity/number prompts, but what you said makes a lot of sense. Happy new year to you as well. :)
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Re: I hope I have not ruined the divine connection I had

Post by Talkative »

Seeker13 wrote:Dear Talkative,
Welcome to the boards! Our guides are very patient with us.

Thank you for the warm welcome Kim and Happy New Year to you. :)
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Re: I hope I have not ruined the divine connection I had

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Talkative,
I went back and reread your first post to refresh my memory. And had an "Ah, ha!" moment. I regard pretty much everything as a lesson. If this situation is a lesson for you? Look at what you have learned!

It feels to me that I've taken two (perhaps three)steps back for every step forward at least in the spiritual sense. Probably walked backwards around the world at least twice. The only person in our race is ourselves! In addition, if we are stuck in going round and round with our guilt and self-recrimination... then we are only going in circles. If people learn from their mistakes, then we have to have mistakes to learn from, right? As long as we keep learning... it doesn't matter how many steps back we've taken.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Re: I hope I have not ruined the divine connection I had

Post by Sandy »

Hi everyone and Happy New Year!
Kim, I loved your post and got a chuckle out of this...
It feels to me that I've taken two (perhaps three)steps back for every step forward at least in the spiritual sense. Probably walked backwards around the world at least twice.
Oh boy I am an expert at that backwards walking. ;) Thanks for the reminder that mistakes are a vital part of learning.

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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