Commonality between 11ers?

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Commonality between 11ers?

Post by Fables »

Trying to figure this thing out with some personal questions.

Are you happy?

Are you rich, poor, or in the middle financially?

Are you single, in a relationship, or married?

Are you employed and what do you do?

Are you doing what you want to do in life?

Have the 11s changed your life at all and how?

Have you had any contact with unworldly/spiritual entities and what were those experiences?

Have you ever had a near death experience?
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Re: Commonality between 11ers?

Post by overmind »

I doubt many are going to answer every question on this list, but I can do a few of them.

"Are you happy?"

My long-term outlook is positive. My short-term mood relates directly to the present, the recent past or the near-future. I might be happy on average, but I cannot say for sure.

"Are you single, in a relationship, or married?"

I have always been single. I have never had a (long-term) schedule or situation where establishing a long-term relationship would be possible, and I rarely pursue any kind of relationship that is obviously temporary.That does not mean I do not try to be friendly, I just try to be realistic in how I spend my time.

"Have the 11s changed your life at all and how?"

This website and the Progress Group messages have had an impact on my life, but any kind of meaningful number prompt simply confirmed that such experiences could indeed occur. Honestly, I have no care about such things right now. I would have to establish meanings for these numbers ahead of time before their otherworldly appearance would mean anything, and that simply hasn't been a priority of mine.

"Have you had any contact with unworldly/spiritual entities and what were those experiences?"

Yes. The midwayers (and others) have occasionally played with my electronics, including my computer. The most intelligible example was when Outlook was opened and a blank reply appeared, addressed to the specific person I was going to communicate with shortly. My relationship with my Thought Adjuster is a little complicated to describe, but the effects are obvious to me. Input is received frequently, but my brain is not developed enough for audible communication.

"Have you ever had a near death experience?"

No, and nothing even close I'm afraid. I'm not skilled at triggering out-of-body experiences and don't really want to fiddle with my sleep schedule, which happens to be a "feature" of most instructions for creating the effect. I can manipulate my body's energy system, but not too efficiently. I get better and the variety of experiences increases, but I would never call myself a guru.
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Re: Commonality between 11ers?

Post by happyrain »

Fables wrote:Trying to figure this thing out with some personal questions.

Are you happy?

Are you rich, poor, or in the middle financially?

Are you single, in a relationship, or married?

Are you employed and what do you do?

Are you doing what you want to do in life?

Have the 11s changed your life at all and how?

Have you had any contact with unworldly/spiritual entities and what were those experiences?

Have you ever had a near death experience?
hi Fables. Welcome to the message board. I find that guidance is there for those receptive to it. Some of your questions, I disagree with as ways to find commanlity between 11ers. In particular, the relationship/career and social status. I like your questions though and want to answer-

1. Yes an No. I don't know. I used to be depressed. Now I am much happier. That's a really hard question. I think the correct answer is.. I'm slightly more stable then what I used to be. =P A little more rational... Just a little.

2. My upbringing is middle class. Now having to fend for myself I am kinda poor/levelling up to middle class. Not poor but not stable enough to be considered middle class just yet. Almost there.

3. I Am employed. I was not employed when I started researching 11:11. Currently, I am a car salesman.

4. I Am in a relationship. I was not when researching the 11:11.

5. I am and I am not. I am happy with certain things I am doing in life. I am very happy with my relationship and my overall outlook/attitude that lead me to believe I must be doing what I want. I am not doing everything I want to though. I like to dream and would like to do a lot of things I haven't done yet. I'd like to take underwater photos via scuba diving. I'd like to take a car to the race track. Pilot a helicopter...I'd like to be skinnier but I'm not doing what I need to to get there. There's more but I hope that helps.

6.The 11's have changed my life. I'm a little more open to ideas, a little more down to earth after playing the fool(which I do often) I tried to practice meditation(although I'm not comfortable speaking about it due to my lack of discipline). I eat less meat and am almost full vegetarian..Is all of this accredited to 1111 ? I don't know. But for sure after my research into the experience I've ultimately taken a stronger interest in my spirituality and my wanting to partake in the mystics path.

7.I believe I've experienced what seem other worldly and have made a connection with spiritual entities. There's to many to describe. From dreams to astral projection to UFO encounters... Instantaenous divine recognition. This is a hard question.

8. Yes. I've had two NDE's. In one I was unconscious and the other I was under the influence of a potent drug.

*What about you ? :hithere
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Re: Commonality between 11ers?

Post by lilaslight »

Are you happy? Mostly, yes. But I do take anti-depressants.

Are you rich, poor, or in the middle financially? I am very blessed. I am probably in the middle but I was poor-ish for many years and although I am not wealthy now I have a good income, as does my husband and we can save money for the future. Best of all we can help others in need.

Are you single, in a relationship, or married? Married. Thanks to God for giving me a second chance at love.

Are you employed and what do you do? I am a graphic designer and employed and often complaining about my work situation but realistically, again, blessed.

Are you doing what you want to do in life? Not exactly in regards to work but I'm in the field I wanted to be and in other areas such as being of service to others, yes, somewhat doing what I want. Always want more though. More God in my life, more miracles, more opportunity, more ways to serve.

Have the 11s changed your life at all and how? Totally. In more ways than I could imagine or could ever explain. It has transformed me really.

Have you had any contact with unworldly/spiritual entities and what were those experiences? Too big a subject to get into now!

Have you ever had a near death experience? No. But I definitely believe in them.
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Re: Commonality between 11ers?

Post by Fables »

OP here.

Are you happy?

Generally, but I still don't know what I want to do in my life.

Are you rich, poor, or in the middle financially?


Are you single, in a relationship, or married?

Single, though I do want a relationship and I have been in healthy ones before. (Who doesn't)

Are you employed and what do you do?

Yes part time, but not something I want to do for very long.

Are you doing what you want to do in life?


Have the 11s changed your life at all and how?

Not yet.

Have you had any contact with unworldly/spiritual entities and what were those experiences?

No not really, maybe indirectly.

Have you ever had a near death experience?



Seems everyone is very different.

Is anyone struggling with sin, and what is the severity of the sin/s?

I am, at least I think I. Medium severity.
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Re: Commonality between 11ers?

Post by overmind »

It depends on how you define sin. There are many ways of looking at sin, but from the universe philosophic viewpoint sin is the attitude of a personality who is knowingly resisting cosmic reality. Error might be regarded as a misconception or distortion of reality. Evil is a partial realization of, or maladjustment to, universe realities. But sin is a purposeful resistance to divine reality – a conscious choosing to oppose spiritual progress – while iniquity consists in an open and persistent defiance of recognized reality and signifies such a degree of personality disintegration as to border on cosmic insanity.

If you have a partial understanding of higher values and choose to not follow them for some reason, this is evil. If you have absolute knowledge of what rules you are breaking and what harm you will do, but still choose to act, this is sin. Most humans simply fail to hold progressive values, favoring traditional ones, and act in error. Ethics should be dynamic, not static.

Past transgressions can always be fixed to some extent or made up for. What is important is learning from the experience so that the same mistakes do not occur in the future.
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Re: Commonality between 11ers?

Post by Christoph »

That's an interesting and informative explanation of evil and sin.

I have typically thought of evil as unbridled selfishness, basically the willingness to knowingly hurt or cost others for one's own profit or entertainment.

I've always liked the saying that the original meaning of "sin" was "to miss the mark," or to fail to perform or choose what would be best. In contrast, it seems distasteful to me when people use of the word in a way that basically refers to the idea that someone should be damned to hell for breaking a written rule.
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Re: Commonality between 11ers?

Post by overmind »

Moral law is progressive, and sin is not as simple as breaking human law or its more perfect form. It is far closer to one intending to be immoral. From the cosmic perspective (or from the perspective of the spiritual government), it is rejecting the values of God, which the universe supports. To reject what the universe is made to sustain and evolve makes the individual unreal. If this state is what the individual truly prefers, then the the Ancients of Days, standing in for the Trinity, will make their bankrupt spiritual status a physical one as well, erasing their existence from time and space. Luckily, whatever past experience and value their life may have held gets recycled into the growing Supreme (the experiential form of God). This act of justice does not happen while in the flesh, but one can leave their soul so undernourished that whatever value it had is all gone. So in a sense, evil can lead to eternal death because it leads to spiritual death, and spiritual life is required to survive the escape from the physical body. Those who are simply too young to grow a soul in the first place are simply re-personalized elsewhere.

A very easy way of understanding this is viewing the soul as a single lifeboat needed to escape a sinking ship, which can then take you to the shore. A human seeking truth, beauty and goodness will have a well-working lifeboat. A human who leads a material life and neglects the spiritual one may have a very fancy sinking ship, but a lifeboat that has holes, and may not even float. However, even these folks can still survive if they want to. If a human possesses the will to live eternally and provide future value (to others, the universe, God, etc), even though much previous time was wasted, their guardian angels act like the coast guard and salvage what is left of the individual. All that is needed is the willingness to swim. Anyone who has done anything can live if they are willing to right previous wrongs, even if it takes a million years. Annihilation is always a personal choice. Even those who believe in damnation follow this idea, though the timing is rather different and they do not consider a person's ignorance. Remember that ignorance, or unknowingness, is what separates error, evil and sin. A person can accidentally do wrong while having good intentions, and God is fully capable of reading the human heart.
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Re: Commonality between 11ers?

Post by Joey M »

Are you happy?

Happiness comes in waves for me. Right now, I'm neutral.

Are you rich, poor, or in the middle financially?

2 years ago, I was making over $10,000 a week distributing a wide variety of psychedelic substances throughout multiple states in the South East. Now I'm tens of thousands of dollars in debt due to legal fees, with multiple felonies, working under the table jobs. I grew up middle class.

Are you single, in a relationship, or married?

I'm currently in a relationship with a girl that I believe to be the other half of my soul.

Are you employed and what do you do?

Right now I work at a pizzeria and make a good bit on the side selling electronic cigarettes.

Are you doing what you want to do in life?

I'm not sure what I want to do in life, so I don't know.

Have the 11s changed your life at all and how?


Have you had any contact with unworldly/spiritual entities and what were those experiences?

Me and 2 friends had a very strange experience with a UFO last year. I'm a very realistic person, and I wouldn't call it a UFO if it weren't for the fact it hovered around us for a good 20 minuets no less than 500 feet away, then shot up into space in like 0.0000002 seconds. Lol.
And there's some strange force that sends me warnings threw coincidences. I guess its what everybody here calls "Midwayers". I tend to believe it's just the universe mind f***ing me sometimes. Who knows?

Have you ever had a near death experience?

No. But I almost died in a 100mph head on collision last month. Stayed conscious the whole time though.

May I ask, why are you compiling this data?
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Re: Commonality between 11ers?

Post by Christoph »

Joey your story is a fascinating one, I read another post of yours detailing more about your history. That's pretty wild stuff! 'Very interesting to read your story and think about how it came to be that you are here, an 11'er. It's good to know that after all of that you are still well and blessed in many ways it seems.

I wonder if a "Commonality between 11ers" is the impression of receiving communications in the form of, well, impressions. The idea of "voices in my head" is of course something that could apply to anyone who is able of thinking to themselves linguistically, an example of which might be a thought like "I'd like that," or "I don't have a good feeling about this."

So, I hope nobody takes this the wrong way when I refer to voices in my head, but I was thinking about the difference between language-based voices and impressions that are much more abstract. Some are easier to identify, like the rational, robotic, plain-English-speaking voice of typical materialistic thought which I think has been programmed into us by modern "popular culture," which often comes up when people are inclined to rationalize or "make right" something that isn't certain or justified etc. Others may sometimes be less obvious in source.

Fortunately, in the context of those we have to thank for this forum and community, the prompts can have the effect of a signature: kind of a gratuitous confirmation of authorship in many cases.
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Re: Commonality between 11ers?

Post by pointman19 »

I have found a Typology test conducted by Carl Jung and Isabelle Briggs. When this was posted in, 3 of we fellow 11ers took the test and all scored the INFJ rare personality trait. I think this may have opened a door, just a crack, when it comes to finding the commonality with all of us.

Now this isnt your Facebook "What personality type are you? I got Iniana Jones!!" type of test. :P its the real deal, so give it a shot if you get some time and tell us your results. My score was:

Introvert- 33%)

(Intuitive- 88%)

(Feeling- 38%)

(Judging- 1%)

i get master numbers even in my score results lol.

As always, its a pleasure visiting these boards and reading your topics :) Love and peace to you all :bom:

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Re: Commonality between 11ers?

Post by overmind »


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Re: Commonality between 11ers?

Post by lilaslight »

Introvert 44%
Intuitive 12%
Feeling 50%
Perceiving 22%

These aren't the same result categories as others, although the "introvert" one seems fairly consistent.
I don't know what it means.
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Re: Commonality between 11ers?

Post by overmind »

You need to search for "INFP" to get descriptions of what your result means. This usually receives the label of idealist or healer.

On the other hand, I am an INTJ, which according to the Keirsey Temperament Sorter makes me a rational mastermind.
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Re: Commonality between 11ers?

Post by Sandy »

You guys got me so curious that I decided to give it a try... ;) LOL
Intuitive (25%)
Feeling (75%)
Judging (33%)
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Re: Commonality between 11ers?

Post by Petra Wilson »

•You have slight preference of Introversion over Extraversion (22%)
•You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%)
•You have distinct preference of Feeling over Thinking (62%)
•You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%)

Haha! Thanks for that...very insightful!
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Re: Commonality between 11ers?

Post by Krystalshard »

Extravert(56%) iNtuitive(50%) Feeling(38%) Judging(1%)
You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (56%)
You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%)
You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (38%)
You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%)

Very interesting!
Gets you paying attention to the "other" areas that aren't as high a percentage.
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