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Break-ups & New Directions

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:54 pm
by inlikeflint
It seems to me that there are a lot of break-ups and relationship severing in this forum.

For me I became interested in this 11:11 thing and then I met an old girlfriend. I discovered that you really can't unlove someone and that sometimes when you think that the love that you share between another is reciprocal, it's not.

I really didn't have too many problems until I shacked up with my old girlfriend. It seemed like a nice thing at first and I think that I understand why I loved her in the first place. She was like me, or more like the old me 20 years ago. It took me a while to see clearly after the dust had settled. I dropped out of life for about 2-3 months. I didn't do much of anything but sleep. I let everything kind of go to waste. Stopped paying bills stopped picking things up off the floor... I have stacks of clothes that have been in the same pile for three years that I just look at.

It's been a few years now and I have had other opportunities to go out with others, but I am pretty content on being by myself now. So, I'm thinking maybe my lesson was about being content with myself.

(IDK if this is helpful to anyone or not... but these are my thoughts as of today.)

I read the thread about the gal who is divorcing her husband after 8 years of marriage. My ex-girlfriend was married for 17 years and claimed that she only had sex with him for the first three years because it turned out that her husband was gay. I believed her at the time she told me this, but hindsight being 20/20 I suspect she probably lied to me to manipulate me. (Who knows.)

You can only be the best person that you can be. You cannot change others. I changed by letting myself go. I stopped my routine and quit everything. I'm not to sure I have any regrets either.

I read in the "messages" about going on auto-pilot and letting what happens, happen. I've sort of done this until there is something that I think I want to do... and then I see it in my mind, and then it sort of plays out this way. I've stopped worrying so much about things. when my thoughts and prayers are in-line with my goals/desires I can open my eyes and see a series of numbers on the money. 11:11, 12:12 etc. It seems that I'm on a journey that I don't have much control over. The best part about it is that I'm not doing it at church or someone see-saying me into a coma. It's like being a shaman and having to discover this in the woods all by yourself.

I felt drawn to post this.

Peace & Love,


Re: Break-ups & New Directions

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:56 pm
by 11light11
Thanks for the great post, Derek. So much great introspection to consider . . .I can relate to a lot of what you're saying, and it's funny, but in those dark nights of the soul the truth shines bright, doesn't it? It's worth it, going through the rough patches to wind upon these gems of wisdom . .and the growth that comes along with it.

How's art?

Lots of love to you, Michele :loves

Re: Break-ups & New Directions

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:55 pm
by inlikeflint
The art is sort of in and out.

I have some new ideas that do not involve toy cars... I sort of threw myself into curating a show in Kansas City that may or may not go. The show is on the drawing board and I am collecting responses on Facebook. It's another idea that came to me that I am putting out there.

How are things where you are at?

Peace & Love

Re: Break-ups & New Directions

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 2:41 am
by Sandy
Derek! What you posted here is priceless and it gives me goosebumps...
I read in the "messages" about going on auto-pilot and letting what happens, happen. I've sort of done this until there is something that I think I want to do... and then I see it in my mind, and then it sort of plays out this way. I've stopped worrying so much about things. when my thoughts and prayers are in-line with my goals/desires I can open my eyes and see a series of numbers on the money. 11:11, 12:12 etc. It seems that I'm on a journey that I don't have much control over. The best part about it is that I'm not doing it at church or someone see-saying me into a coma. It's like being a shaman and having to discover this in the woods all by yourself.
This part especially is quite profound!
It's like being a shaman and having to discover this in the woods all by yourself.
It is spot on. People can tell us this.. how to be at peace with life and all that encompasses, what they have discovered and how they reached it, but it is when we discover it ourselves and it becomes "us"... that we truly understand and breathe that gentle sigh of relief.

Love to you and your furry friends, :cat:

Re: Break-ups & New Directions

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 11:55 am
by LurkerAbyss
Thank you for following your compulsion to make this post Derek. I think that it is more important than you may realize, not only to those who have come across it but to any who may in the future.

Your words resonate greatly with me, ringing the "truth bells" if you will.

You sprinkled messages throughout your post that touch upon things not only generally important, but important to *me* and relevant in my life right now. How you can't just unloved someone, how you can't change people, how you need to let go of things, how you need to be content being by yourself.. these are things that are so important and you've honestly provided insight and hope.

Thank you for that.

Bless you always, my friend. I feel safe speaking for everyone when I say we are truly better people for having you in our "family".


Re: Break-ups & New Directions

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 6:00 pm
by inlikeflint
Thank you Lucky & Sandy for your kind words.

I'm just glad that I have some people to share my thoughts with!

Peace & Love

Re: Break-ups & New Directions

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:18 pm
by pointman19
I kinda went thru the same thing here on my end..not with the reationship things, lord knows i could write a novel of sadness. But i just went thru a few weeks of letting go and letting what happens, happen. It was a really dark time for me, these past few weeks. I saw the numbers, the prompts, the messages, but i ignored them. Then yesterday, i came to my senses..and told someone about my problem with my head down in shame. The result of the forgivness was a nice feeling...but the feeling of letting something go, i problem i long struggled with, was even more...well words cant describe i suppose.

Anyways, to make a long story short if thats possible, once i was done letting things go, i still felt good about it..kinda like i had woken up from a very bad dream i had taken in reality. Turned on my Xbox to play a game to get my mind off of things and noticed the was 11:11 am.

Then today, the numbers have been showing themselves everwhere, like they were there all the time but i never noticed them. I take it as a sign that those spirit guides, every one of them that look after me, were all there, at once.

I guess what im trying to get at is.....its US that makes the choices as to where our lives go. The guides can shape and mold a path for us, but as creatures of free will, its us that has to decide if we want to take that path. Its always been us...they help as much as they can, and by the feelings i get, its always out of love for we little people of the universe. Were pretty special to them, in a way, we amaze them. But its us that has to choose where our lives go.....

Re: Break-ups & New Directions

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 12:27 am
by LurkerAbyss
Nicely said Jason. Letting go has been a big thing for me at this time in my life as well. For the last like month I've had prompts and whatnot out the yin yang. I have often noticed too, that there are times where they seem to "disappear", but reappear tenfold whenever I have had a personal revelation about something or made a particularly meaningful choice.. and then I feel as you said, that it's like "they" were always there, and I was the one not looking.


Re: Break-ups & New Directions

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 3:25 am
by Sandy
I really love what you said Jason!
I guess what im trying to get at is.....its US that makes the choices as to where our lives go. The guides can shape and mold a path for us, but as creatures of free will, its us that has to decide if we want to take that path. Its always been us...they help as much as they can, and by the feelings i get, its always out of love for we little people of the universe. Were pretty special to them, in a way, we amaze them. But its us that has to choose where our lives go.....
That is so true. I smile at the times I have sort of asked them to do my "dirty work" to fix my life when, as you so beautifully state, that is my job.

Well I am wrestling with a turkey right now... better scoot.

Happy Thanksgiving guys! (It's already Thursday here. :D )

With Love,