Midwayers and Dowsing Rods

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Midwayers and Dowsing Rods

Post by lady_inanna »

Hello and may I start by saying how happy I am to find these boards! I have been receiving 11:11 prompts daily for awhile now and it has led me here and I'm excited to connect:) I have been using dowsing rods to communicate with an entity that indicated they were a midwayer and who gave me a name I'm unsure about. Has anyone communicated with Angelic beings in this way or any other alternative ways...?
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Re: Midwayers and Dowsing Rods

Post by overmind »

Welcome! I would have to say you are the first I know of, but I don't have the most tenure here. Usually the midwayers prefer using their codes of letters and numbers, like MNO-8 or ABC-22. That is just how their groups/platoons are organized. Some, however, also go by human names (mostly for our sake). I know of a few off the top of my head, but George would probably be able to find out about the individual (if he ever gets the time). Just let us know what the name is.

Usually communication is done by the midwayer (or some other spirit personality) through a kind of telepathy, where thoughts or ideas are injected into the subconscious and recalled during meditation, but messages can be heard directly in the mind or channeled through the throat chakra and spoken. There is also automatic writing and typing, which can be more efficient if one can type/write very fast. I have not developed any of these skills yet, but I have my uses around here, lol.
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Re: Midwayers and Dowsing Rods

Post by Sandy »

Hi lady_inanna! :hithere
That is so cool! A good friend of ours never goes anywhere without her pendulum. George also uses a crystal pendulum to get some quick answers and I have one as well. Although, I must admit, I am not very adept at using mine. (too easy for me to put my own desires into the answers so I rarely pick it up. :roll: ) It is amazing though....when I feel I have been able to sit back and be completely impartial to the answers I receive. :sunflower:

I believe George asks Christ Michael for imput on these quick answers as does our friend and myself. But t to be honest, I don't know a great deal about them. George has dousing in his blood as his Grandfather and his mother as well. They used to locate water for people of the village by using a divining rod. G tried to show me how to do it but I couldn't even find the bird bath! :lol:

Glad to have you on the board! Welcome!
I'm dying to ask you what the name was you were hearing for your Midwayer friend. Please don't let me put you on the spot though. You certainly don't have to tell us if you are unsure and would rather not. :D
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Re: Midwayers and Dowsing Rods

Post by lady_inanna »

Hi Sandy and Overmind, nice to meet you:) while I'm dowsing I hear the messages- the voice itself is neither male nor female, the name I was given was Oura and sounded like "ooorraa" the way it was pronounced. Within a half an hour of communication I was prompted with 11:11 again and then I reached out without the rods again and the name was repeated and I feel very strange about this, like perhaps it's arising from my subconscious and not from an entity, but the rods were very strong while I worked and very quick, which normally they are sluggish and hesitant. My background is in Wicca and we communicate with tools as well as telepathically but for me it has never been necessarily with the angelic realms, mostly with human spirits who have passed on so I don't want get too excited or to kid myself in any way. Thanks for listening:))
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Re: Midwayers and Dowsing Rods

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Welcome to the board, or family as I prefer to call it. :kiss:

Your experiences are interesting and valuable to me!

One thing that I feel about any celestial entities as far as "names" go, is that there are probably SO many of them that there is hardly a need for them to have a preference or some sort of universal name. Even though I appreciate that, for example, different people may associate certain numbers with a certain name, I think that ultimately the "naming" of any spirit being from angel to God is totally and completely individual and unique for every human being with such a relationship.

People on this board come from different walks of life and it is always interesting to be exposed to new information and different experiences, yet we always accept people with open and loving arms. You said you have a background in Wicca, and although I do not know as much about it as I'd like to, I would like you to know that I am comfortable with that and I would love you to continue sharing with us. I feel like the Wiccan beliefs get a bad stereotype sometimes, and it's ridiculous, because I've researched enough to see that it is rooted in just as much love and faith as anything. It is only certain individuals and egos that give it a bad name, just like any other belief or religion.

I am sorry to hassle you, but I have never heard of dowsing rods before. Can you explain to me what that is and how it works? I am certainly curious! :)

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Re: Midwayers and Dowsing Rods

Post by lady_inanna »

Hi Lucky! Thank you for your warm words, you have made me feel really welcome:) Wicca is sort of an art of worshipping the Divine through nature, the elements and the celestial spheres and we do believe in Angels and spirits of all sorts, which is why through my training I'm very careful to observe the type of communication I'm being given and that all interactions first and foremost honor God above all else. Dowsing rods have traditionally been made from branches, sometimes in a Y shape or two separate long wands that cross or bend in order to locate sources of water. You can imagine how important this was for farmers and folk back in the day when considering land for planting or for building a well, and those who were very good at it were known as "water witches". It is a mystery why the rods work for some and not for others, but no different than why laying of hands works for some, or automatic writing for others. I have practiced a technique where my rods ( mine are made of copper which is a great conductor and brass) can help me to locate lost objects, answer questions and even point out on a person's body where there may be a weakness or medical issue. I always ask them to serve for the good of all and in the name of God. My latest update is that the angelic messenger calling itself "Oura" said that it was a group of several entities, not just one, and that they were coming through the 11:11 prompt to ensure my sharing information, in particular the disparity between those who have and those who have not at this moment in time was the single greatest cause prevention spiritual evolution on this planet. I was at a loss for a solution (obviously!) and they didn't offer one either, only telling me to share it, so you are the first I'm sharing it with! I'm am overwhelmed with desire to keep the flow between myself and these messengers going, so I'm reading all posts on this board and seeking wise counsel wherever I can get it! Every time I'm prompted now I make sure I thank them and ask for their help in understanding what they need, and if they can help others, so I'm praying round the clock now, which feels really good actually! Thank you for connecting and reaching out and I look forward to learning from you all!
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Re: Midwayers and Dowsing Rods

Post by pointman19 »

I really am so very intrigued by all of this and youve got my curiosity side on literal edge! Theres one thing you said i can truly relate to
but no different than why laying of hands works for some, or automatic writing for others.
I walk, talk, and act one way...but when it comes to writing, its like a different side of myself that ive never known comes out. Its like...you can tell when its me in some situations, but when it comes to putting out advice or things like that...its like a wisdom i no nothing about comes out sometimes too, it happened a lot in my blogs at first. The begginning ones you can tell were kinda all me, but then i started getting to places like Tiauhanaco and the blogs beyond..it was like my fingers were being led to type and info was coming out freely.

Ive never had anything against Wiccans and i totally agree with Lucky when it comes to unfair stereotyping. I, for one, would love to read what you have to share and approach it all with an open mind. So far, my "gut instinct" seems to connect to what your saying so far. Thanks so much for coming here and sharing with us. Ive tried, on my end, to help people understand, or at least come to terms with what they are expeiriencing when it comes to 11:11 either thru my blogs or on another website forum i use to frequent very often before this one (11phenomenon.com). I still go there from time to time to try and ease people into understanding that this is something spiritual and they need to open their eyes and hearts.

Its also the site i did my most "spiritual growing". Basicly, from post one, its like you see where i start to question and literally analyze every scenerio before i accept that its spiritual and was literally led to these boards. (i was even led to Georges first book on Kindle...so many books out there and im so freakin cheap when it comes to spending money online lol, i love finding my free books) But i felt compelled to buy the one called The search for 11:11 and i havent looked back since. I cant explain it when i say "it feels right"

I hope to hear more of what youd like to share! And welcome :mrgreen:


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Re: Midwayers and Dowsing Rods

Post by lady_inanna »

Hi Pointman 19! I didn't realize how explaining I was Wiccan here would be interesting at all, but when you are surrounded by other Wiccans/Pagans a lot, you tend to forget it's not that mainstream. Is the 11:11 phenomenon mostly followed by Christians? I know we're not supposed to discuss religion here, but I'm just curious. I guess most folks see Angels as an Old/New Testament truth, but I'm pretty sure Angels are universal and descriptions of Divine messengers are pretty much in every culture and pantheon since the beginning of time. I'm interested to know what you thought the 11:11 prompts were prior to deciding it was spiritual in nature? Were you worried or bothered by it? Did you connect it to Angels or to something else? I had always heard that you should pray when seeing certain prompts like 11:11 or 4:44, but none of the reasons I was reading seemed very concrete or consistent, I just knew it was happening to me a LOT, and I couldn't understand why! I will check out the resources you mentioned, thank you for sharing and your support:)))
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Re: Midwayers and Dowsing Rods

Post by Sandy »

hello You guys! Hope everyone is enjoying a fabulous week end.
I am enjoying the conversation on this thread...To be honest, I didn't blink an eye when you mentioned you came from a wiccan background lady_ inanna. One of the first receivers of Celestial messages when I first came to this site many years ago was from a wiccan background. (Helen Whitworth) She was so loving and fun and knowledgeable etc...I can't say enough good things about this lovely lady who did so much to help make my early steps as gentle as possible.
Besides, I think the prompts do not have anything to do with beliefs. People from all sorts of religions and spiritual thought s are being prompted ...It is about an individualized spirituality sort of "putting your spirit where your mouth is" and living it...finding your place with a host of other amazing celestial beings all working for the same thing as we are...Uplifting of the human race, settling this world in peace and making the most of our mortal lives as we get ready for the realms of eternity.

I love to have a wealth of spiritual thought coming from such variety here on the board... :lol: Hmmm not sure if that came out right, but hope you all know what I mean... :scratch:
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Re: Midwayers and Dowsing Rods

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Lady Inanna :hithere :sunflower:

Thank you for explaining about the dowsing rods, that is very interesting to me. I like what you said comparing the way it works for some not others to the way that other techniques such as automatic writing do. Often people forget that individuals are unique and so are their qualities and abilities. Everybody has a different experience. I don't know if this is a silly question, but is it an easy thing for a person to make their own dowsing rod?

Now as far as being Wiccan goes, I personally find it interesting because I really like the appreciation for nature and different elements of the universe as well as concepts like angels and celestial beings. I think that there is so much beauty and energy in the Earth and the Universe that we still know so little about overall, and I am fascinated with learning to "tap into" it and be connected with it all.

I can't speak for everybody, but as far as "11:11 people" being mostly Christian, I would have to say no. We have had people from many different walks of life with unique thoughts and experiences here, "a wealth of spiritual thought" as Sandy put it. I remember Helen Whitworth by the way!

My Lady, I like your question about the original thoughts and reaction to 11:11. I don't know if that was just directed to Jason/pointman but I will answer it anyway if that is quite alright. As far as I can remember, it seemed like sheer coincidence that I just started to "notice" 11:11 around. To be honest I'm not really sure what I thought of it, perhaps maybe I'd heard once or twice in my life that some people make a wish on it but even then, it was never something that came up in my mind. Now you asked about being worried or bothered, and I just wanted to say that based on my own experiences and the majority of newcomers I've seen on the board in the last 8 years, it seems like most people are actually pretty open to it. In fact, only once or twice can I remember ever having somebody worried that it might be the "devil" or "demons" or something.

I also really like what Jason said: "try and ease people into understanding that this is something spiritual and they need to open their eyes and hearts." That is usually what I am trying to do with people who are still new to numbers and maybe don't have much of a spiritual insight just yet. I think the key word is also *EASE*. I think that everybody should be met on their own personal level, and never given an overload of information they may not be ready or willing to receive. For example, you Lady, are obviously going to be in tune with concepts about the human connection with the earth and the idea of spiritual energies, whereas somebody else who thinks on a different level might just need to be given simple ideas about hope, faith, and love. I feel like I'm rambling, but maybe that all makes sense.

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Re: Midwayers and Dowsing Rods

Post by pointman19 »

Good evening again, Lady :)

I really like that question on what did i think the prompts were before i thought it was all spiritual because i had analyzed and researchered so many different scenearios as i kept trying to understand the main question i kept asking myself...why? I never seen those numbers like that before and i certainly never took notice of them like that either.

So before i get into it, ive got to warn you...i like to write on the side so i like to try and include as many details asi can which sometimes makes my posts very long winded, but i promise to sincerly make this the short short version :P

The prompts themselves never were noticed until the winter of two years ago, when i would wake up and it would be 11:11 pm, happened three nights in a row that started to get my attention. Im a logical thinker and try to make a rational explanation to what i experience. And see those number prompts, three nights in a row were far far more than coincidental or mathematically possible. When i was 8 years old, a family freind once gave me a medallion. It was extremly odd and had the name (i didnt know it at the time) of five "angels" with these weird criss corssing patterns all over it. (ill take a picture of it and upload it to this post later on and do an edit). I asked Scott what it meant and he told me that he felt i was very speical amongst the other two of my brothers and that ill understand when the time is right. Now normally most kids would lose something like that. God knows ive lost everything else since i was a kid but this medallion has found its safe keeping by myself to even adulthood. I had it safley tucked away in a plastic container that ive carried with me throughout my nomadic life.

On the third night of noticing 11:11 on my digital clock, i threw off my covers, stood up and said out loud "Ok, this is too weird...whats going on here?" Thats the day ive always said i "woke up" and became aware of a force greater than mine. i started to pace the room and saw this gold glint out of the corner of my eye. It was the medallion that i had tucked away for the past 20 plus years...there it was, out of its container and it was like it was waiting for me. I have worn it every day since.

However, i dont know its meaning. A freind told me what he thought it was but when i post the picture (because i can find literally nothing on this on the net in any way shape or form) id like to see what some other people may think of it.


it took a little over a year and a half before i came to the conclusion of it being spirtual. There was one thing that always struck out at me, something ominous and it had everything to do with the number prompts and how the spirit guardians seem to prefer electronical devices to get the prompts out, even though there are many other ways they do it too (license plates seem to be a big one for me out this way, i dont know about anyone else). This is what started it, and it was before i knew anything of midwayers or the electornics phenomenon (street lights have always flickered and cut out completly since i was a child. When i started to believe in the spirtuality aspect, it took one step further and this began to happen....http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=22648)

i was doing some alternate research on Nikola Tesla and came across a letter he had written to the United Way. It basicly said "i have found a way to communicate with some kind of foreign entity through my electornic devices." As he sat within the electrical flow of free electricty from his tesla coil, he was sittin in a chair doing some kind of research of his own. And then he started to hear a pattern "Popping" amongst the current. His own words were, it was faint at first but theres NO mistaking it and i have recieved a message from another world and i believe it to be a greeting to we humans. The message is 1...2....3...." http://www.lettersofnote.com/2009/12/we ... world.html

Math? Feelings of love and reverence....and numbers?? Thats when i really started to look into 11:11 at that point. I really believed what Tesla was saying because it so coincided what i was feeling about numbers and this feeling of "love" i would get.

Months and months i poured over research, kept a little notebook and kept track of what numbers i saw and how frequently. They were always mulitples of 11..all the way to 99 with 11 and 44 being the absolute most i would encounter.

Eventually, i was getting nowhere. i was finding nothing on the net for a logical solution, nor were books on numerology getting me anywhere either. I felt like i had hit a dead end and i was giving up hope. Then this "feeling" washed over me, i cant put any of into words. i got on my knees and prayed for the first time in years. Not to my religeon, i had let that go long ago due to severe contradictions. i wont get into the whole prayer but i basicly said "I get it. i think i really get it now. Its not up to me to try and understand the workings of the universe. I think all religeons have your forgotten your main message and thats to LOVE your brothers and sisters. its all about love, and thats always been the main message..i think society has been twisting your (god, i was talking to god at this point) word to suit the standards of todays society. If im on the right path, if im getting "warm", im begging you, please please PLEASE give me a sign! Please give me something to believe in again"

Two things happened after that. I had done that prayer 15 minutes before i went into work. When i got there, my first customer that came up to my register was really kind teenage girl with an acoustic guitar and im thinking...well thats seems a little too nice to donate. She asked if she could sing a quick song and i thought it was no problem. Actually i thought she was going to sing for some kids or something...but no. She literally went to the middle of the store, sat right in the middle of every customer and began to belt out a song about Jesus...her voice, to me, was like a choir of angels....Thats when i realized, oh my...he heard me, this...this is incredible. i had made that prayer no more than twenty minutes prior. I had the presence of mind to get my camera and start recording when i saw what she was doing. i mean, this was totally random, stuff like this has never happened in the three years i had been there.

Heres the video of her performance (it was in great haste so the quality is not so great) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48TdAukS ... e=youtu.be

I then asked her if she could sing one more, one where i could get the camera stationary and get her song loud and clear. She changed it up, and sang a song she said sshe wrote two days ago, it was her first time singing it

and heres the video for that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP4IUDnZ ... e=youtu.be

But thats not the strangest thing, after that had happened, i had a near death expeirence on the highway. One that i can say without a shadow of a doubt, that i should not be here today had it not been for some kind of divine intervention. I wont get into the detais because this is getting long enough as it is, but i did blog it. But just to forwarn you, the recollection of those events was written as soon as i got home, i wanted that pure raw emotion from the adrenaline from surviving to show through...so there is a LOT of cursing, and i do mean a lot lol...but heres the link for that. If swearing bothers you, i wouldnt read this :P http://elevensrunamok.blogspot.com/2013 ... rit_7.html

So...i know i didnt really answer your question...but thats because i was so confused as to what was going on, i didnt really know what to make of it but the events that led up to what i know is now spiritual is really one hell of a story that i felt i should share.

But there was one last question...one that i asked out loud. it was after the "goodwill girl" and the near death experience that led me to wonder if angels or spirit guides were truly real....i asked outloud...Is there a connection between the angels and numbers?

A week later i got my answer. The park manager for where i live just ordered new speed limit signs. When they got there, there was something on them that literally blew my mind. I had to literally ask the landlord if she intentionally ordered the signs that way. Nope, she responded. When i ordered them they were supposed to say five miles an hour because of all the kids running around. But when they got here, i didnt feel like going thru the hassle of replacing them. so i just kept them up.

The speed limit in my park is now 11 miles per hour.


Now hows that for a chain of events? just wow!

**(pictures coming in a few)**


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Re: Midwayers and Dowsing Rods

Post by pointman19 »

in respects to the "Goodwill Girl" i had encountered....i just wanted to add this. I had only seen her once before, and was very brief and was probably a year or so prior. The day she came in and sang those songs, i was nearly moved to tears. It saddens me to say, but ive never seen her again.

Ive always wondered if she was an angel in disguise....


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Re: Midwayers and Dowsing Rods

Post by Sandy »

Oh Jason!
I am floored , flabbergasted and overcome with awe after reading your post! :shock: You, my friend, are such a joy to have around...so inspiring and encouraging! I am so pleased that you have come here to share with us all these wonders you have experienced as well as your insight and take on these things that so benefit our lives!

My eyes are still wet after watching the two "goodwill girl" videos. Her voice so quiet and sweet cuts through all the mind clatter doesn't it? I think how brave she must have been and wonder too if you saw an angel in disguise, or perhaps at the very least a wonderful earth angel! I'm getting ready to go back and explore some of your other URL's but just had to say something as my heart is so full!

By the way, your medallion is lovely! I have never seen anything like it before... Please keep us informed when and if you discover any additional information about it.(I have since spent about an hour on line, like you trying to identify it... no luck either lol) and I smile at the 11 mile per hour speed limit sign!... A reminder every time you see it and of course for others who are prompted...and let’s face it who can go 5 miles and hour to begin with... 11 seems much more appropriate and manageable. :)

Thank you for sharing this beautiful post and a smidgeon of who you are with the rest of us! :sunflower:
With Love,
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Re: Midwayers and Dowsing Rods

Post by lady_inanna »

Hi Pointman19! So much fascinating information, and I'm amazed and blown away by all the various prompts and inspirations that have guided you to this point- the Angels have a plan for you! Your pendant is a sigil or a seal, sort of magical spells that were inscribed in ancient times that can invoke specific entities, or in this case the Archangel Gabriel. If you google the seal of Solomon you'll see lots of examples of these inscribed with enochian alphabets or with Aramaic language. Seals were also used for protection and healing. I went to your 11:11 blog and liked how you spoke in a really down to earth way about what this all means- its so hard to talk about without sounding totally nutty and you managed to use a really comforting voice! I'm glad to have found you all! What are you doing when you are prompted- praying, visualizing, meditating?
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Re: Midwayers and Dowsing Rods

Post by Sandy »

:lol: Once again I find myself engrossed in looking at all the seals and signet photos the internet provides. That was awesome, lady_inanna. I wouldn't have had a clue and I smile thinking of the timing of your arrival and Jason's. :)
What are you doing when you are prompted- praying, visualizing, meditating?
I'm usually at my computer working. Sometimes when we are out I get prompted but often am revving a little high and so am a little lax in really looking for the reason at those times. (Yep, I'm a bit of a "lazy bugger" sometimes :roll: )
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Re: Midwayers and Dowsing Rods

Post by pointman19 »

When it comes to the prompts, i look around, physically or try to get an idea of whats trying to be communicated to me. When its 11's...i still feel clueless, i feel like it could mean anything because good or bad could happen when i see it, latley its been all good. Theres other two numbers, 44 and 444...the trips i still dont have much of an idea of, a lot of the numbers leave me speechless as what to expect. 44, however, i think is a Primary Midwayer that lets me know when shes around. A calming peace comes over me when i see it, like all is well, im on the right path, and im loved. The other is 88 and im really trying to figure that one out as its been apearing everywhere, so ive been trying to link whats going on at that moment in my life and what could be coming in the long run...but then i have a freind who stops over yesterday who is also whereing a football jersey with 88 on it, but no name, no team...then i just get confused :P

Its like...when it comes to the numbers, its a feeling i get. Kind of like the way 11Light11 describes. some people have a different form of reception.

Meditation is different, normally i dont get anything from that because i can never calm my mind down enough. But that kind of changed today as i felt guided to a wooded area, a park thats about five miles away. I had some time before work and i felt, well why not, if anything i can take that nature walk i havent done in a couple of years. Today was unseasonably warm from Ohio, it was nearly 60 degrees when its typicaly in the teens around here. I snaked my way through the paths and the woods until i felt "pointed" to an area. So i went that direction and found a path i never knew about. Followed it and ended up by this tiny waterfall and i felt that it had a lot of energy there. So i sat cross legged on the shoreline, off this shale that juts off the ground, sat cross legged and that was the first time i had something last longer than a brief flash (and even that only happened once).

I mean, maybe that was what i needed to kick things in. Ive always had an intuition and a thing for signs since im half cherokee but this time, i had these three visions, like pictures or snapshots that faded in then out. Two of them were like that and the third was like sitting back and watching a movie, the coloring of the visions were clear but were fuzzy at first and the hue was really interesing. it was all in a shade of Amber.

Maybe i just needed to be around and close to the earth for this kind of thing to happen. Total peace and solitude helped too..but i definetly felt "rooted" to the earth when it all happened. So....maybe there is a some plan for me i dont know about, but i feel like there are things about me that i never knew i could do, i guess i just needed the right atmosphere to make it all finally work.

What really bums me out is that i wont be able to do this again until the spring. they are calling for 2 feet of snow on Friday and the temps going to the teens and looks like its time for the cold snap long haul :( maybe i got a sneak peek, but it definetly makes me want to go back for more.


“A better world starts with the thoughts of each individual. Do have ‘better thoughts.’ --Teacher Monjoronson

It so simple...so easy..so life changing. --Sandra Barnard
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Re: Midwayers and Dowsing Rods

Post by pointman19 »

Im definetly going to check out more on those seals too, finally i have something to go on! :finger:


“A better world starts with the thoughts of each individual. Do have ‘better thoughts.’ --Teacher Monjoronson

It so simple...so easy..so life changing. --Sandra Barnard
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