The Neuroscience of Why Gratitude Makes Us Healthier

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The Neuroscience of Why Gratitude Makes Us Healthier

Post by Welles »

There is a growing body of work form pragmatic scientists that is very exciting for I can see how it may allow access to the spirit for many who are reluctant at present. ... n-robbins/

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Re: The Neuroscience of Why Gratitude Makes Us Healthier

Post by Sandy »

I'm starting a gratitude journal tonight Welles, after reading this essay. Thank you! I am grateful for your inspiring offerings on the board. :D
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Re: The Neuroscience of Why Gratitude Makes Us Healthier

Post by 11light11 »


This is very exciting -- thank you for sharing this!!!

Every so often, neuroscience confirms a tenet of psychoanalysis. I'm always cheering by that time, because "psychoanalysis isn't science" :roll: , it's not 'evidence-based,' but instead derived from people's incredible intuition.

So a few years ago, when many of Freud's ideas were validated by neuroscience, it was a huge boost to the profession. Freud didn't have the benefit of MRIs and this modern equipment, but he was right anyway! :bana:

So this latest about gratitude is very exciting for me, because my favorite analyst, Melanie Klein, had proposed that gratitude is the single greatest marker for mental health. If you have gratitude, she said, you are mentally well, and you can heal. If you don't have gratitude, you instead usually have envy, and envy she said was the greatest marker for mental illness.

So many non-envious, grateful people count themselves "mentally ill," where by her definition they are absolutely nothing of the kind! Instead they are in need of healing, but in their hearts, they are already well.

So this research is truly exciting to me!!

Thanks for sharing it! With love and peace to you! Michele :loves :roll :bana: :kiss: :sunflower: :love
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Five Myths about Gratitude By Robert Emmons

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Here is another fine article from a researcher in gratitude. Perfect for the Thanksgiving Day holiday in the US.

Five Myths about Gratitude
By Robert Emmons ... _gratitude

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Re: The Neuroscience of Why Gratitude Makes Us Healthier

Post by 11light11 »

Thank you for another beautiful discussion about Gratitude, Welles! :bana:

With love to you, Michele :loves
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Re: The Neuroscience of Why Gratitude Makes Us Healthier

Post by Sandy »

Thank you Welles! :sunflower:
As I read the fourth part of the essay... "4. Gratitude isn’t possible—or appropriate—in the midst of adversity or suffering"

I couldn't help but be reminded of our dear friend, Carol, (wingzie) who passed on several years ago from ALS. Throughout her ordeal...the one thing that amazed me about her was her ability to find reasons to be grateful...even as her body was letting her down. And it seemed to gave her a pliable strength, a resolve, a comfort, even encouragement and purpose... "Oh yes, there is something very precious about all this grateful business!" :happy

We are a little ahead of you guys over there on the other side of the planet as it is already Thanksgiving eve here. So along with this brilliant topic and essay you provided, I'd like to say Happy Thanksgiving and thank you all, and in this particular instance, you, Welles, for becoming such an inspiration and loving part of my life...all our lives! You are much appreciated! :kiss:

With love and "gratitude" :mrgreen:
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Re: The Neuroscience of Why Gratitude Makes Us Healthier

Post by Welles »

Question: Will this gratitude thread never end?
Answer: No, why should it. :bana:

Feast on Gratitude. Day THREE: Vitamin G (The Missing Nutrient) ... -nutrient/

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365 Grateful

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365 Grateful is a film about uncovering what happens when ordinary people unlock the remarkable powers of gratitude.

I happened upon this while looking into the Australian family responsible for another little movie, Finding Love. It is all about finding heart rocks at the beach and the fact that we find what we look for. I was fascinated because a great friend of mine collects heart rocks everywhere she goes…

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Another Witness to Gratitude

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Here is another exhortation to embrace gratitude as a life changing strategy. I'm grateful for the simplicity and legibility of the web page. I'm grateful for the message. WHIST

And as an extra bonus here's a gratitude quotation:

"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." --William Arthur Ward

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Re: The Neuroscience of Why Gratitude Makes Us Healthier

Post by Sandy »

Simplicity at its finest. ;) :) ...What a wonderful page and post, Welles. Thank you! I am grateful for you! :sunflower:
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A Gratitude Quote from John F. Kennedy

Post by Welles »

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
— John F. Kennedy

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