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1111 on Door - Song Video - "Naughty Boy La La La"

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 9:07 am
by kavimoodley
Hi Guys

I'm new to the site and have also been experiencing the 1111 phenomena over the years. I've recently come across a song video that seems to be quite popular here in South Africa on MTV and Trace Music. It's a song called "La La La by Naughty Boy featuring Sam Smith. I love the tune and recently noticed that the opening video has a door numbered 1111 but the actual video and message seems to be quite confusing in its story line and came across as a bit dark too. Video seems to be telling some sort of story about a little boy which includes the devil or some evil sinister dark force. As I'm still relatively a new 11'er, can some assist in it's interpretation. I have searched for the meaning but don't really trust the interpretations offered by some sites, example ... la-la.html
For those of you who have not seen the video, please check out

Thanks guys, I like to get your thoughts on the door number 1111 after checking out the video.

Re: 1111 on Door - Song Video - "Naughty Boy La La La"

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:27 pm
by pointman19
While im not good at interpretation (and i hope somoene can hop on here and help you), one thing i have noticed is how the 11's seem to find a way to reach out and grab your attention. It all seems very personal when it comes to how we find them because ive always felt were being guided and directed...and that was long before i came to this site or read my first book of Mr. Bernards :) Myself, for example, happened when i doing research on space or ancient history, i would keep finding 11 references or numbers that constantly added up to 11 (and that was also before i recognized the phenomenon itself...i was still in that..."wow! that number pops up A LOT" stage)

While my reply may not be what you were looking for, i hope i was able, in some way, to help

Re: 1111 on Door - Song Video - "Naughty Boy La La La"

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 6:57 pm
by 11light11
Hi Kavimoodley!

Welcome! Neat to hear someone is visiting from South Africa! I can never believe how international our little family is here. :roll :hithere

That's interesting, that a video featured 11:11 on a door. I wonder though, maybe there is no need to interpret what they meant? After all, it is a music video. It could be that the director of the video is an 11:11er, who is time-prompted and just wanted to squeeze that in? It could be just a sign from the Midwayers themselves? Letting whoever is time-prompted notice it? It could mean that you yourself are simply seeing lots of 11:11s. But it may well not relate in any way to the meaning of the lyrics of that song . . . since there is a devil-theme, or an evil-theme, to my experience, that would not relate in any way to the Midwayers, who come from a place of white light and love.

Mostly when I see 11:11 in a strange location, I don't so much look at it as a comment on the location itself -- it's still just a wake-up call, inviting me to step inside, and turn within, to meet the Midwayers and allow them to communicate with me at the soul-level.

I agree with what pointman said!!

Enjoy looking around the site, and thanks for saying hello and introducing yourself! Cheers and peace to you! Michele :roll :sunflower: :kiss: :hithere :loves

Re: 1111 on Door - Song Video - "Naughty Boy La La La"

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 2:54 am
by Sandy
Hi Kavimoodley,
No worries...while the video uses the 11's in a sort of sinister light... please bear in mind that the beings who prompt us with elevens are working for the "Good Guys." A few years ago a movie was made involving 11's and it was rather dark and frightful but bore no resemblance to the reality of what the elevens are about. That is the way of Hollywood and movies and Television where they invest in shock and what sales and often times it bears no resemblance to truth. But I must say, when one gets to know these beings personally, it is much like carrying on a conversation with your guardian angel... you feel blessed and at peace. There is no deception, no sinister motives. The midwayers, who prompt us with the elevens are simply helping their distant human cousins to understand their marvellous place in the Cosmos as children of the Creator Source. They love us and they never fail, to lead us closer to the Divine One who goes by so many different names by the different religions and spiritual groups.

I do agree with Jason, (pointman19)too in that even in such negative exposure as in this video, we can be "guided and directed" towards something uplifting.

I am glad you joined the board, kavimoody. Welcome! :hithere

Re: 1111 on Door - Song Video - "Naughty Boy La La La"

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:41 am
by kavimoodley
Hi All

Thank You Sandy, Pointman and Michele for your responses. Firstly, I am delighted at receiving your responses. I have been reading posts by other members as well as your responses and this really seems to be a family. I feel honoured and delighted to now know you all and look forward to future conversations. It's amazing how you welcome people and take the time to assist individuals. I know in my heart that I'm now at the right place - I can feel it. You guys are true light workers.

I am really learning from your site and discussion forums. I promise you, initially, I felt so lost and didn't know where to go and whom to talk to around the phenomena. As you know, South Africa is quite a diverse country with many different cultures, race, ethnic backgrounds etc. oh and we also have 11 official languages...but I simply could not get to an understanding around the 11's when chatting to locals. I have even been referred to Churches, Hindu temples etc and no joy but I never gave up and continued my research. I was even told that I have a connection to the's sad how some people and sites can derail your life by providing false and inaccurate sensitive information, especially if you are if you are naïve, gullible and desperate for answers.

Your responses have helped me now and I feel much more settled. This week I purchased internet bandwidth and the voucher number included 1111, my bank ATM replacement card arrived and that too contained 1111, and I instinctively had a need to check the time on both Friday and Saturday and to no surprise, it was exactly 11:11. This is all in 1 week and I go through these kind of examples daily. For me, whenever this happens, I also either see or hear the word ANGEL in a most bizzare and out of context scenario either on TV, radio or billboard and also sense the presence of my late brother.

Thank you all for allowing me to share my experience from sunny SA.



Re: 1111 on Door - Song Video - "Naughty Boy La La La"

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:10 pm
by Sandy
Hi Kavi,

It is still morning here and I am enjoying the peace as I write this. Yes, you are so right. we are very much like a family here and you are now very much a part of it too. I am glad you have joined us! :sunflower:
I am really learning from your site and discussion forums. I promise you, initially, I felt so lost and didn't know where to go and whom to talk to around the phenomena. As you know, South Africa is quite a diverse country with many different cultures, race, ethnic backgrounds etc. oh and we also have 11 official languages...but I simply could not get to an understanding around the 11's when chatting to locals. I have even been referred to Churches, Hindu temples etc and no joy but I never gave up and continued my research. I was even told that I have a connection to the's sad how some people and sites can derail your life by providing false and inaccurate sensitive information, especially if you are if you are naïve, gullible and desperate for answers.
I would love to know more about your beautiful country. One of our dear friends, Geoff, came from South Africa but has lived for quite a few years now in Australia. He still loves SA and goes back when he can.
Often times people do not mean to mislead... their responses to your enquires can be based on fear...fears that stem from their engrained beliefs. So in reality, the best Source of answers is within each of us, our Higher Self, or also known as Particle of God or TA (Thought Adjuster) etc. that is gifted to us and with a little spiritual exercise we can better assess it. You see, each of us are very much loved and cherished by the Universe Source and we each will find our place with Him/Her in our own way. Some through some strict organized religions, others through a more relaxed open and searching spiritual endeavour. But in the end, they are all good as we learn to love and react in kindness, patience and understanding. (Hopefully those lessons will find open hearts at least some day.) As for myself, I have soooooo much to learn. :)
Your responses have helped me now and I feel much more settled. This week I purchased internet bandwidth and the voucher number included 1111, my bank ATM replacement card arrived and that too contained 1111, and I instinctively had a need to check the time on both Friday and Saturday and to no surprise, it was exactly 11:11. This is all in 1 week and I go through these kind of examples daily. For me, whenever this happens, I also either see or hear the word ANGEL in a most bizzare and out of context scenario either on TV, radio or billboard and also sense the presence of my late brother.
That is so good!!! I am so excited to hear you are getting such wonderful 11:11 prompts! :sunflower:
I am alsosad to learn, though, that you brother has passed. I am so sorry for this loss but think he is still very much involved in your life...possibly even asking that you be prompted by these wonderful celestial beings and from your own corner of the world be a part of the lightening of our world.
We are so blessed aren't we? :happy

Love to you from Australia, Kavi! :hithere