looking for answers

We will list here stories almost too amazing to believe - when our spirit brothers and sisters turn up physically here to help us. This forum is only about angels physically helping us.
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looking for answers

Post by kevinhaze »

I had an experience over 20 years ago I never had an answer for. I was away from God until about 1 year ago and memories are coming back. I was driving a vw van down a winding road a car turned in front of me I lost control of the vehicle sliding back and forth until I saw all green which was the side of a mountain. I was running straight into the mountain going at this time around 35mph at my best guess. I had no seat belt on. The last thing I remember was squeezing the wheel, foot on the brake, holding my breath, and seeing all the green grass of the mountain. It was like I went to sleep for or something. Like I was removed from space and time but lost a few seconds. I felt no impact and don't remember anything. I woke up to the roar of the motor somehow the motor still ran, my left foot was on the gas I was laying across the seat. I had to climb out of the van from the passenger side because of all the damage to the van and the window was against the mountain. The entire axil was all the way passed the center of the van and the entire front of the van was smashed in. I did not have even a bruise on my body not a scratch not even sore. Please help me. How can I find out what exactly happened
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Re: looking for answers

Post by overmind »

Hi Kevin, welcome to the forum. :hithere

Your not the first person here to be protected while on the road (or leaving it). While your case is not the most extreme out of those I have read, I think there is a good chance you got some angelic support when it was most needed. You probably won't really know until you can get a better view of your life in the next world (like a third person perspective).

I'm sure some others will chime in and say hello by the end of the day.
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Re: looking for answers

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kevin,
I feel I too have been fortunate to be somewhat protected in an accident. I was rear ended as I was stopped behind a school bus and the car behind me ploughed into me going 45 to 55 miles an hour. I closed my eyes, braced for impact and saw a bright light (probably the impact)Then I found myself across the road and rolling into a parking lot...the bus completely missed, thank God. The collision totalled my car and broke the bolt on the drivers seat I was occupying, yet I had no injuries...no whip lash or anything.
Like I was removed from space and time but lost a few seconds.
I think that is exactly what happened to you.
A fair number of people have been the recipient of angelic and more than likely also midwayer help, as they can move easily within our dimension, even becoming physical as we know it when needed and moving physical object in and out of our space/time band as well. I am just speculating here, but I am wondering if, for just a few needed seconds, these celestials temporarily moved you our of your time dimension before placing you back when it was safe. I know some people would scoff at that but something like this has happened to George on numerous occasions.
I don't know if you will ever find definitive proof of what occurred for you twenty years ago but it is obvious something extraordinary did happen... I'm glad that you were uninjured and are alive to speak about it today.
Welcome, Kevin!
XX Sandy
Here’s a short bit of information about Midwayers. http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?t=2160
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: looking for answers

Post by George »

Hi Kevin,

Back in '59 I was traveling in a sidecar of a motorbike on a gravel road.
Sidecar first, we collided with a V8 Customline.
The sidecar axel was bent 90 degrees. Not a plank of the sidekar was in one piece.
I shook uncontrollably for a time, but I was unhurt.

Some of us are key pieces in the mosaic of our families, communities, nations,
and time is warped, mostly by the 1,111 secondary Midwayers to make happen what needs to be.

This is another occasion well documented in 1998 -- happened mid to late 1973.

Chapter Nineteen

The Car At The Lake

During the many years of counseling people, generally the most caring and sensitive individuals of our intricately mixed races — generally also the most troubled — George Barnard found many with a latent psychic ability. On a few occasions when great talent was evident, he taught them to enter another dimension in time, the domain of the 11.11 Spirit Guardians.
So often, their very first efforts ended in their finding little more than mere figments of their imagination. But there is a certain limit to everyone’s imagination. Sheer perseverance will, in the end, bring visions of the future and the past... any time, and anywhere at all. And these visions tend to become stronger and more accurate with time and practice.
His students learned to become the masters of their time. The therapist was simply carrying on with the work of Professor Dr Edward Willis.
* * * * *
Ted had made himself comfortable on the back seat of the car. He had insisted Louise take the more comfortable front seat. He had closed his eyes, but he often did that, just to think more clearly. Ted Willis would not fall asleep.
Louise was the restless one. She seemed to have little faith in George Barnard and the Spirit Guardians, and perhaps Louise had long ago said farewell for the last time to her very own Spirit Guide called John.
Already, they had turned onto the highway and the engine responded with a contented purr to the demand for more speed. They were now climbing old Razorback Mountain.
Louise could wait no longer. “George, what is it we have to do?” she asked.
Barnard negotiated a few more tricky bends before answering her. “There’s an old fellow in a little red car on the Federal Highway, and he’s going towards Canberra. His car looks like that little red delivery vehicle my firm used to have, remember?”
“Vaguely I do,” she answered.
“Well, it looks like that, only smaller still. We’ve got to keep the old guy awake, or he’ll crash. If we manage that, we’ll be fine, too.”
“That’s insane, George! That’s like blackmail.” There was both anger and disbelief
in her voice.
On the back seat, Willis was clearing his throat to speak, then he must have thought better of it.
“It’s my job,” Barnard told her. “The Spirit Guardians, and only occasionally with my help, change the projected or known course of an event. We cooperate and that’s how it goes, Louise. Minds greater than ours may well have concluded that this is the only trade-off we can go for. Positive outcomes all around instead of chaos.”
“A depression lifted, for a Miss Jamieson freed? A trade-off. Balance,” Ted Willis remarked. “George knows what I’m saying, Louise. He’s got it right.”
She was silent for a while, brooding. “You mean to say we are buying our lives by keeping him awake? The lives of the three of us in return for the one life of that old man?”
“No! Well, yes. Kind of. Plus the life of that young idiot who is low-flying near the lake,” Barnard answered. “Don’t forget him. More to the point, a total of five lives saved for some energy expended, if I can figure out what to do.”
“That’s utterly flaming ridiculous!” she almost spat at him after some thought. “I have heard some crazy things in my clinic, but this beats the lot. Yes! I think I’ve heard it all now, and then it had to come from you, George Barnard.”
“He’s got it right, Louise,” Ted repeated. “The balance must be maintained and we don’t necessarily know what keeps that balance. Have faith.”
Barnard tried to work out what Ted could have meant by balance, then decided to stay with the driving. “Suit yourself, Louise,” he answered her. “I don’t know everything. I do as I’m told, as befits a rookie member of a Spirit team. It may seem like blackmail to you, but it isn’t. Not really. It’s different, complex, most unusual this time, I grant you that. It’s a temporary hand-over of my free will prerogatives. That’s all. It doesn’t hurt.”
They were passing through the charming township of Picton. None of them had spoken a word for some time. There was no feeling of urgency about the matter in George’s mind. Not yet. But there was also no doubt. The visions and warnings had come through so strong and clear, so powerfully obvious, only a courageous fool would disregard this view of the future. I am no longer a courageous fool, Barnard thought. Quite bright, but timid, especially after the Jennifer Sutton disaster.
“How are you going to keep this man awake, George?” Louise suddenly asked.
“I don’t know yet. I’ve got to think of something soon. I’d better.”
* * * * *
“Thirty kilometers to Mittagong, George,” Louise informed Barnard. “It said so on that sign back there. Do you remember we each got a pie at University Restaurant years ago? And there was something in it, or something wrong with it? Remember? It made us itchy all over and we scratched ourselves raw. You could do that to him.”
“What? Sell him one of those moldy old pies?” George laughed. “They’ve just sold the last of that killer batch an hour ago, Lou Lou. Too late.”
“No. I mean you could make him itch all over. Make him scratch. That should keep him awake. It kept me awake all that night.”
“What a good idea! What a whopper of an idea! Yeah, that will do the trick. I’ll never forget that night, but I don’t care if it sends him half mad. As long as he sticks with the driving. What do you think of that one, Teddy Willis?” George asked.
“Brilliant thinking, Louise,” Ted praised her.
“Help me with it, Louise,” Barnard suggested. “Make him itch like crazy.”
“I don’t know how to do that! That’s your shamanistic department.”
“Put your mind to it, Louise, it will help me.”
“I’ll try,’ she grunted. ‘Man, you’re different.”
“Louise, with the enthusiasm, the energy and zest of my youth, I undertook to learn and understand all there is to know in our far-flung universes. There was never a doubt in my puny little mind I could achieve this. Someone took pity on me, and threw me a rope from way up above. And I climbed the rope, all the way into the sky, and I met up with the Great Biami.”
Willis chuckled about Barnard’s referring to the initiation of the Kadaicha Man of the black Australian tribes. The professor would have ‘met up with the Great Biami’ many long years ago. But Louise did not understand the metaphor.
“I thought I knew you, George Mathieu,” she said. “Now I think you’ve lost the plot in all those years I haven’t seen you.”
Barnard was undeterred by her remarks. He went on, “The Great Biami showed me all there is to know so I could sense that total comprehension would be far beyond the power of mortal man’s mind. The joke’s on me, Louise. Where some may see the flash of a glow-worm in a small meadow, I saw a brilliantly blazing torch, but in an infinite number of dark universes of the unknown. The joke’s on me. Right now, all I can hope for is that one day, when my Spirit and soul are one and the same, I can begin to grasp what it’s all about. Meanwhile, I trust that on occasions — just every once in a while — I can provide the Gods with a bout of laughter at my expense. I shall not begrudge them their fun.”
Ted laughed heartily, then quickly clarified his unruly cackling was not indicative of his having become a God. He was too young by far for such a promotion.
Louise felt differently. “If you hadn’t always been one of my most caring friends, George Barnard, I would tell you right now that you are by far the strangest man I’ve ever met. I don’t savvy you at all.”
* * * * *
Aware of the fact the oldtimer was now itching all over and occasionally scratching himself as his little red car ambled along, they drove on without talking. They made a pit-stop in Goulburn and poured themselves a drink. Soon after, the V8 gobbled up the many kilometers to the Federal Highway junction.
“I feel itchy just thinking about how itchy he must feel,” Louise complained.
“Then you’re doing it right,” Barnard told her. “Stay with me and keep it up. I’m watching this poor old guy and our whammy sure is working. He can’t nod off like that.”
They traveled on in silence for a while until Louise spoke again. “I can see the lake. That’s it over there, and now we had better slow down, please.”
“Forget it, Louise,” George told her. “The one and only hazard is near the southern end of the lake, as you get into hill country again. Keep working on the oldtimer and I will too.” But he eased off a little on the accelerator, just to please her. She was obviously spooked by a potentially predetermined fate that was fast approaching.
They lost sight of the lake and were moving into hill country. The V8 was now only crawling along the deserted highway, half on the gravel shoulder, half on the asphalt. Ted was keeping an eye to the rear, just in case someone else might be travelling in their direction at this unlikely hour. The big car had almost slowed to a stop.
Barnard switched the lights to low-beam and turned off the heater-fan. But for the gentle purr of the engine, one could almost touch the silence of the very early hours of the late summer’s morning. They were only a short distance away from the very spot of his visions. With the windows wound down, he strained to hear what his mind told him must soon become audible.
“I think I can hear something, George,” Louise remarked. She, too, was listening intently.
“Yes,” he told her. “Sounds a bit like someone screaming. Tires! Here he comes!” Barnard yelled. He shocked the V8 into action and it almost leaped off the road-deck to the very edge of the gravel safety strip. Rapidly blinking flashes from a pair of headlights knifed their way through the stands of trees. A white flash darted over the hill and ripped around the bend on the very edge of their side of the road. A shock-wave of air hit their car, and they all instinctively raised their arms for protection.
“Holy Mother of God, save us,” Louise prayed as the white flash roared past. Then she looked back at the speeding car as it tore around the next bend. “I think that was... a Valiant, George... yes, it was for sure!”
“It was. I saw the grille. How fast did you think he was going?” George asked her.
She put both hands on her chest, trying to breathe deeply. “What an idiot! I reckon about... a hundred and fifty... kilometers. My...”
Barnard turned in his seat and spoke to Ted, “How close do you think he got, Ted?” he asked. But Ted was watching Louise’s behavior with great interest. He didn’t answer.
Louise answered in his stead, “I wouldn’t like to say. From here, George... my... my... what an idiot! We would all have been dead... if we’d been... on the road.”
“Nothing surer, girl,” George told her. “It would have been a head-on smash.” Again he turned to speak to Ted. “What color did you think it was? Was it white or cream or a pale yellow?” He eased the V8 back onto the road and brought it up to speed.
“Who cares!” Louise suddenly shouted. “Who gives a damn what bloody color it was!” She was looking pale and distressed.
Barnard glanced in the rear-vision mirror and saw Ted smiling. The professor wouldn’t answer. Louise’s behavior was intriguing him so much.
“Don’t go so fast!” Louise was shouting at George. “I’m rattled!”
“Relax,” he told her. “That deal back there — that was it, Louise. There’s nothing else coming our way between here and the capital city. Trust me. We’ll be fine.”
“Spooked I am. I’ve had it! Gosh, I nearly died of fright, Georgie,” she cried out. Tears were now rolling down her cheeks.
“Did you wet your pants then, Lou Lou?” he asked her and laughed.
“Don’t be stupid!” she shouted, suddenly turning on him. “You can say such stupid things! Dumb you are!”
“Yeah, I know I’m stupid, but I’m alive. We all are. A good fright now and then keeps you healthy, Louise. This close call will keep you looking young and beautiful for many years,” Barnard assured her.
“What an idiot you are!” she shouted.
It was good to see Ted Willis secretly enjoying himself so much with her antics. He would always remain a keen student of human nature, and Louise was far from hiding her innermost feelings. Not at any time did Professor Willis show any sign of panic or fear.
That was hardly the case with George Mathieu, although the therapist’s casual behavior might have been mistaken for his being a cold-blooded, risk-taking daredevil. Barnard began to slowly realize, and was simply overawed by, the accuracy of the advance information and visions supplied by Andrea and Ahbecetutu. He fell silent.
Hold-ups considered, they were making good time. Just ahead, a small red vehicle turned off at Northbourne Avenue and rolled into Phillip Avenue, ACT.
“Look at that,” Louise shouted. “There he goes! That must be him! Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but in real now-time. I’ll be...”
No one commented on the obvious.
* * * * *
According to the deeply entranced Louise Hewitt, the near-sighted oldtimer in the little red car was precious ‘merchandise’ to his fatherless grandchildren, one of whom would become a great achiever. But they all really needed him. The young Valiant driver, only an hour before, had broken up with his steady girlfriend. She had called it quits. Emotionally devastated, he had atypically become careless about his welfare and the safety of others. His people owned a farm not far from the lake and it was somehow essential for this property to be retained by the family. Although rather young, he was generally very responsible, and also their sole breadwinner.
Louise did not have to prove anything to George she had not already proven dozens of times in the years they studied together. Louise was a veritable wizard at picking these things out of nowhere — feminine intuition, supercharged, high-octane driven, Barnard called it then.
George Mathieu could rarely do what came so easily to Louise Hewitt, and the therapist did not always trust the accuracy of his intuition either.
“Check it out, Ted,” Barnard suggested. “Have a look at what Louise just snatched out of fresh air, and tell us what else you get.”
Willis’ unexpected answer alarmed his ex-students. “I taught you two to use your minds. You each took a different direction. I have many gifts for which I’m most grateful, but I can’t do any of the things you two were doing,” he said. It sounded almost believable.
Barnard veered off the road, too quickly, and stopped the car in a skid. They both turned and looked their old lecturer in the eye.
“You’re pulling my leg, Professor Willis,” George told him. “You should never say such ridiculous things when I’m driving a car at speed on a pitch-black night. That’s tricky!”
“Say you’re only joking, Ted,” Louise demanded. “Please, Ted?” she pleaded with him. For a moment, it seemed her world was in danger of falling apart.
Briefly, the white-haired old man reached out to her and patted her on the hand. “I listened to all you just said, Louise, and my own Spirit Self told me you’ve got it right. I can hear it in my mind, loudly. ‘This is so,’ or, ‘So be it,’ or, ‘Amen.’ I’ve heard this voice for years. Many, many years! But I can’t do what either you or George just did, and I never said I could, young lady. You both presumed I could from day one. I taught you to use your minds. Your individual talents and dissimilar minds.”
No one said anything until they reached Tumut. They all had different things on their miscellaneous minds.
Fancy Teddy Willis teaching us things he himself can’t do, Barnard thought. How
cool, how excellent is he? I always believed he was nearly perfect in every way — surely a Saint, and almost a God.
* * * * *
Ted Willis knew of the existence of the Eleven Eleven Spirit Guardians of the Half-way Realm and of their close association with Seraphim. Although the professor understood the Guardians to be occupying various facets of time within the space occupied by common mortals, he was always vague about their specific function. Ted often referred to them as ‘keeping universal balance.’ He called them the Voices of Joan of Arc, the Guides of Dante, or the Teachers of Nostradamus. But Ted knew none of them by their looks, name, code, or number.
George Barnard saw experiential evolutionary life as progressive according to a boldly sketched, eternity-foreseen blue-print. This blue-print could be little more than a rough outline of slow creature progress since the non-negotiable free will of fickle mortals could have an horrific impact on human advancement.
Accidents of space might ‘collide’ with the flow of required events in time. Key individuals might be lost from that giant chessboard of life. Essential events might not come about to complete one of many successive time/space schemes in the overall strategy of guided evolution.
As a spare-time mortal rookie in a platoon of Spirit Guardians, Barnard followed orders, mostly, as instructed by the brilliantly minded Eleven Eleven. In turn, the Guardians took their instructions from yet infinitely greater minds. And only the events most threatening to human welfare were circumvented by the Guardians. Only rarely was the mortal actually involved.
This was one of those occasions.
Louise Hewitt, Barnard suggests, might have long ago decided to care for her patients without relying on the advice of her real or imaginary Spirit Guide, John. Louise, for a time, continued to mistakenly see the event of the ‘Car at the Lake’ as coercion by the Guardians.
The mother of two refused to acknowledge the function of the 11.11 Spirit Guardians as Protectors and Teachers, trustworthy and ethical in their ways. Her time had not yet come, but she, too, would soon ‘climb that rope, up into the sky, to meet the Great Biami’. Barnard had sensed it, and probably, so had Professor Willis.
But Ted would never mention it.

In the Service of 11:11.
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Re: looking for answers

Post by kevinhaze »

Thanks all
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