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11 11 and angels - what happened to me

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:01 am
by Barkinghorse
I am new here. Didnt know about this forum till just now.
Seeing 11:11 for years now, but didnt know what to make of it. Had read a lot of stuff on the web, but still didnt connect it with Angels.
Anyhow, I take lots of nature and surfing photos. Waves, dolphins etc because I live on the coast.
One early morning I was shooting waves and just happened to glance up at a weird cloud formation. I could see what looked like a pair of wings.
So I snapped a couple of shots of it, and carried on.
Imagine how my jaw dropped when I later checked my pics to see a FULL actual angel ... not just wings !!!!!
I was shooting the cloud wings looking out over the ocean, where my elder brother had been lost at sea on a fishing trawler with all hands many years ago.
Then my jaw fell on the floor totally when I realised the date I took the clouds.... it was Feb 7 ... his birthday.
I could post the shot here if I knew how it could be done.

Re: 11 11 and angels - what happened to me

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:32 am
by Sandy
Hello Barkinghorse,

It's nice to meet you. Welcome! :hithere

I am sorry you and your family experienced the loss of your brother. But how comforting to see what must seem such a surprising and unexpected photo of a full angel recorded in the clouds on the day of the birth of your brother. My first thoughts when I read about this amazing photo was, new birth... perhaps a comforting reminder from someone "very special" that your brother has found that peaceful realm we all pass to when we walk through death's door.

I would love to see it and even though my computer skills are nearly non existent, I can quote one of Sammy's posts who recently advised someone else who wished to show the board members some of her own photos.
So here it is and I hope it helps. ( I look forward to seeing it! :finger: )
February is a great month to be born. My first and, so far, only grandchild was born on February 8, 2012 (proud grandma here. ;) )
So First go there and get a free account.

I usually do this with 2 *"tabs" (or *windows) open. (I have my post ready to go on one page or "tab", and photobucket open in a 2nd tab)

Then all you have to do is click the button that says "UPLOAD Images and video".

This will give you a "browse" button and you can look through your computer files to select your image.

Luckily I was just on photobucket today...they have changed things a bit...once your photo is uploaded to photobucket a little "tool button" (if I'm remembering correctly it looks like a gear) will appear, click on it,
bring your mouse cursor down to the one that says "IMG code" and (I think RIGHT mouse click on "img") and the word copied will appear. (No need to highlight/copy)

Then simply paste that code into your post.

HINT/TIP before you click on "submit", click on "Preview". This will allow you to see if the image appeared properly in your post. If it did not appear, and you saw just the "code" that you copied from photobucket, try it one more certain you copied the "img" code rather than one of the other codes.

Hope I got all the steps in there!
Let me know if you have trouble.


Re: 11 11 and angels - what happened to me

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:25 pm
by sammy
Welcome to the board Barkinghorse :hithere

What a wonderful sign you got from your brother! Please do share those pics!


Re: 11 11 and angels - what happened to me

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 12:09 am
by Barkinghorse
Thanks heaps,

Ok Ive uploaded it to another site...

All I ask is that people respect the image. I absolutely have done nothing to it except the outline.

Thanks again

Re: 11 11 and angels - what happened to me

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 12:19 am
by sammy
Wow, you can even kind of make out eyes and other facial features...very awesome!


Re: 11 11 and angels - what happened to me

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 4:31 am
by Sandy
Oh Isn't it beautiful! :happy Thank you !

Re: 11 11 and angels - what happened to me

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 2:57 pm
by 11light11
:sunflower: Thank you for sharing. What a blessing to get that sense of your brother being with you that day. :kiss:
With love, Michele