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Amazing Experience Last Night

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 2:50 pm
by AJ
I just have to share this before I forget it. Last night I went to bed about 11pm or so. Shortly after falling asleep and I guess entering the dream state, I remember having a darker, more depressing dream but don't remember the details of that dream. All of a sudden while in this dream, I heard my real, living self and or mind begin to pray. I don't even remember the prayer but it was something along the lines of casting the darkness out by mentioning Christ. As soon as I did this, I felt my whole body instantaneously surrounded by the most beautiful song. It sounded like a very large, very loud church choir but I did not understand the language. In what seemed to be almost a half second later after being engulfed in this song surrounding my whole body and coming from every direction, this bright light came toward me moving towards my lying down head not from above and moving down but as if you were laying down on a highway and a car was coming toward your head with its brights on. As the light came I could feel the excitement in my soul. My heart was pounding and my adrenaline was going crazy. My whole body tingled all over engulfed in this light and song and I began to feel my soul move out from my body as if the light was pulling me out by the shoulders. The sensation was way to much to bare and I clearly remember yelling out WOW and WHOA and then I grabbed back onto my body and was pulled back in and opened my eyes. When I looked at the clock it was just after 1am. So I either was about to have an amazing out of body experience and I just couldn't take it or I was being abducted by little green men ha ha.

What are your all's thoughts on this?

I just rember waking up and feeling amazing but then sad that I grabbed back on and didn't let go on the journey.

Re: Amazing Experience Last Night

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 10:20 pm
by sammy
Hi AJ! :love

What a fantastic experience! Wow! I've not had anything like that happen, but it sounds a LOT like an experience a friend of my mother's had when she was very sick in the hospital. She said "it felt like my personality was being pulled out of my head". Sounds to me like you had and exciting adventure! cool that even in dream state you thought to pray!


Re: Amazing Experience Last Night

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 2:24 am
by Shredder
Hi everyone :hithere

Cool one AJ.

I'll have a little ramble and see what comes out, something all over the place probably ;)

Many people "drift" unintentionally out of their bodies during the night and sometimes you may "catch" yourself at it and is related to lucid dreaming.
Sounds like this has whats happened to you Aj. As this is unintentional there is usually no "preparation" of a grounding
type first.

With unintentional OBE's ( when were not grounded/prepared and then become aware of whats happening ), the "contact" can be a little overwhelming
because you werent ready the "wowness" of things as they were, even though you may have a good idea or picture of it already in your mind and also
been something you've been looking to experience ?

sammy cool that even in dream state you thought to pray!
Right on Sammy, that IS awesome Aj 8)

Sounds like "instinct" took over and you prayed when you became aware that you were in a circumstance in which you were uncomfortable and perhaps unprepared and then been aided and protected by your guides back to your "regular" state. Feeling their closeness and contact and then separated from this love will certainly leave you with mixed feelings for sure. as the "real" world seems less... well ... you know, just less after being closer to "home" so to speak.
Kinda like when you first come off the highway and go at town speed you feel like you going super slow .... same kinda principle in the after
out of body thing. ;)



Re: Amazing Experience Last Night

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 3:19 am
by Sandy
Hi AJ, :hithere
I see you made it back safe and sound from the vacation road trip with the family. :sunflower: Its good to have you back and hope you all had a wonderful time.

What an awesome experience to remember and share. I have always wished to hear celestial singing as Sarah as mentioned a time or two in posts. I hear songs ..well lines of songs but it is different...human artists and songs in my head that are used to give me a quick message....but to hear the sounds of music ..from other realms...Wow!!! :happy I hope its sound remains in your heart forever...


Re: Amazing Experience Last Night

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 6:06 am
by nasra1996
Hey AJ sounds like an amazing experience you had, i sleep too deeply to even remember any dreams these days... with regards to the celestial music, yeah i used to get amazing sounds, always started with some loud flute like noise to get my attention :) then heavenaly voices exactly like you would hear in a church choir, expect thousands of voices in perfect tune, plus some cosmic instrumental sounds... ive often read that the old composers such as beethoven etc first heard these heavenly choirs and orchestras in stillness or dreams and they simply replicated the sounds that were played out to them.. if true, the angels have amazing choirs :) aint heard any gospel singin yet :)

love Sarah xxx

Re: Amazing Experience Last Night

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 7:49 am
by Sandy
Hi sarah,
As I was reading your post just now and thinking once again..."Gosh I would love to hear those choirs!" (the grass is always greener on the other side kind of thing :mrgreen: ) I looked up and saw a 444 and felt a rush of love. .. maybe some day... :finger:

Re: Amazing Experience Last Night

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 3:45 am
by AJ
It has been a few days now and I can still remember how intense of a feeling it was. Those voices in unison vibrated my whole body like I was plugged in to an outlet. It was almost unbearable to feel that in this mortal form. Felt so warm too. I wish I could have taken it a bit longer and let it go. Maybe next time....if?

Re: Amazing Experience Last Night

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 3:47 am
by AJ
Oh sandy, vacation was fun. Kids did great in the car for the sixteen hour drive. We broke it up though stoping in Valdosta, ga on way down and Knoxville, tn on way home. Thank god for DVD player!!!!

Re: Amazing Experience Last Night

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 4:31 am
by Sandy
Hey AJ,
Knoxville is my old stomping ground and close to my parents home just outside Clinton. It makes me happy to know you and the family were there. :sunflower: Glad the roadtrip was a great success!

Re: Amazing Experience Last Night

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:52 am
by Plgraffeo
I had a similar experience.... The way you describe the light. I had that flash of light that woke me up as I was drifting off to sleep last night. I wasn't dreaming yet, so I didn't here music like you described, but when I opened my eyes... The clock was 11:11... This happens often with me and my husband as well.... What does it mean. I often see the time 11:11... But this is the first time the light came before it.. It really took my breath away.

Re: Amazing Experience Last Night

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:51 am
by CityLight
Welcome Plgraffeo! :hithere

Re: Amazing Experience Last Night

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 7:31 am
by Sandy
Hello Plgraffeo,

Welcome to the board! :hithere
As you search around the site and read the experiences of others you will quickly see that many other people share your 11:11 experiences. It truly is a very good thing... a sort of wake up call by beings similar to angels who have been assisting humans on this world for thousands of years. In fact, much work attributed to angels in reality has been performed in the physical by these wonderful friends.

Here are a few urls that might be able to answer your question more in depth.

11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

11:11 signals are driving me nuts!

11:11 - more questions about number sequences

It's nice to have you join us! :)