ups and downs

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ups and downs

Post by thiago28 »

i used to be very active in 11:11 boards and Akashic Construct meditations.

i first noticed 11:11 back in 2004 and i felt a strong presence after what couldve been a very serious car accident. ever since i have had this as part of my daily life through my thoughts and choice of actions.

i am now 26 years old and have been on quite a ride of a life since that faithful day in my life where i knew there is something else influencing the course of my life. i have had some very high peaks which had left me in very low valleys, even now as i sit in my apartment sharing this i am probably in one of my lowest points but just coming off one of my best years in some areas in my life.

my question is to any and all that can share their experince and thoughts is ... what am i supposed to do? how are "we" supposed to lead our lives?

i have tried so many different ways to get to a level of inner peace with my surroundings which i believe is our ultimate accomplishment.

another thing i want to ask is about Love and Relationships.
i shared this crazy idea that i was somehow selected for a very important mission that i chose before i even made it to this planet with a girlfriend which i loved deeply... and for some reason i felt like that ultimatley lead to our break up and my spiral fall into the worst places i ever been and that my soul has experienced. i know crazy but ever since our break up i feel like my prompts have been tied to her as i see more of her prompts ( her birthday 11/6 1:16 or 11:06, the number i chose ofr our love 9 and her fav number 36, 9:36 ) than any other. ( this relationship ended 5 years ago!)


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Re: ups and downs

Post by happyrain »

hi thiago welcome
for me there is no one rigid and proper way in living OUR lives. thats kind of a personal thing you discover as you continue to live here- you're the one that sets and defines these things. i think these prompts have helped me recognize synchronicity. i don't understand why synchronicity happens really, or what's making it happen- but currently, i'm trying to put trust in it. when i recognize a synchronicity it feels like things happened at the perfect time, played out just as they were meant to, and i can move forward in confidence with faith in the universe. when things feel as if they're flowing together perfectly and in the moment i can sit back and feel that inner peace with my surroundings to some extent. there are times when i am prompted and don't know what it means. but there are moments when i am prompted and all i can think of is harmony. and when i feel like that's what is happening i am happy to exchange my energy with those around me. now i recognize some of these moments without a clock and it just feels right. how we choose to live our lives is our business
thats something im trying to figure out as well

anyways im going to be late for work ! i hope some of these thoughts were helpful
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Re: ups and downs

Post by happyrain »

o ya i wated to clarify it might not even be about sharing your energy with others. they could just be whispers or feelings only you could understand in the moment ! my friend told me yesterday he found it very strange how bad he felt the need to draw all of a sudden. hes a very talented artist. i noyiced the time was 11:22 when he had the feeling and thought he was receving some kind of heavenly creative boost heh :p sometimes u look at the clock and when u see the prompt, better understand your feelings. but i cant tell u what those r or what that means for u ! hah idk ok thx bye !
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Re: ups and downs

Post by thiago28 »

i hear what yo are saying ... and i know what you mean.

i found myslef doing the same ... sometimes i am doing something or something happens and i feel it sychronizes exactly with that moment and i know i am progressing ( ussually that feeling is followed by what i have gathered as a sign of my progress which is numbers in sequence 12:34 or any combination of 4:56 3:45 )

deep down i feel like i am on track for whatever it is that will be needed for me to continue on, but i still have deep feelings of fear and confusion about certain things in my life that i would like to be able to grow from.

i guess i am waiting for the next stage to happen ...
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Re: ups and downs

Post by happyrain »

hi again thiago ! don't wait, just live ! hehehe eehhhhh e.e i like how u use 34 as progress etc. neat ! thx for the reply. time to go back to work !
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Re: ups and downs

Post by Sandy »

Hello Thiago,
I think most of us can identify with those high peaks and low valleys that you mentioned in your first post as most all of us at one time or another experience this rolling waves of Life. I think that we can learn much from the low valleys, though. They stretch us and provide experience... valuable experience from which to gather ever greater wisdom in our eternal coffers. While most of us would dearly love to feel absolutely harmonious and peaceful 24/7 sometimes life has other ideas, as I found out just recently when faced with the deteriorating health of my dear one. I thought I could handle anything that came my way and discovered for a bit I was paralized with fear on his behalf. Yet I can say I have learned much from this experience and not the least of which is how much I appreciate the many individuals who walk the beat of their own drummer on this board. While we each have our own gifts, personalities, perspectives and belief combinations, what matters most is simple and pure and doesn't take a great deal of book knowledge to weld... Love. Love can be the greatest guide in the universe and as we allow love to guide our thoughts words and actions we inevitably find the answers and the paths in life we are so desirous of. At age 26 you are facing many choices...many paths leading in various directions. It can be rather daunting...yet our life has a way of unraveling with or without imput and thought on our part...Life is challenging but so very precious... each moment regardless of the various hills or valleys... each are equally important, I suspect. The growth you desire is a given as you experience the ebb and flow of life.
So jump into life with both feet and enjoy the moments...the small things you might otherwise miss, the tougher lessons that lead to knowledge and wisdom and the joy that comes from ever closer connections to our cosmic family.

I hope you enjoy this friendly internet home of ours and feel free to contribute and share to your hearts content. It is a pleasure to meet you Thiago28.Welcome
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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