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Very Basic Question.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:23 pm
by hosnappp
What proof do you have for this belief at all? This all seems as made up and ridiculous as scientology. Can someone explain the reasoning behind believing any of this at all? There seems to be no history at all for it. Some of the 'phenomena' is also easily explained by basic knowledge.

Re: Very Basic Question.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:57 pm
by AJ
Well welcome but I must admit for a first post you come off rather rude. Did you read any of the site before you posted this question? There is tons of proof here. Countless messages, personal stories and experiences by those who practice the meditation daily and have contact. I don't even want to get into all the proof and research George and Geoff and others have provided over the years. There is also the history of the Urantia Book going back to the 1930's when it was recieved and published. Check out the web and read some of that book though it is several thousand pages long with tiny print. Can I convince you of hands down absolute proof? No of course not. I also can't prove to you hands down that God exists or the feelings of love but I know and have faith that they both exist. If you do the research yourself and you practice stillness yourself, you will find all the proof you need from your own experiences and that is what truly matters. Don't look to others to convince you, do the work and convince yourself. There is no explanations you could ever provide me that disproves this phenomenum to me. And trust me, I am a statistics major and probablity expert and when I ran the probability numbers once of suddenly waking at 5:55 am every morning for 5 days in row and then to have it only change to waking suddenly at 3:33 am the next week for 5 days in a row I would have a better chance of both winning the lottery and getting struck by lightening twice that same day before I could match the highly unlikely phenomenum of that scenerio happening. Plus you can't say that my brain created that experience. I mean you can but that too is highly unlikely with very low probability. It is real my friend but you need to do some of your own work if you want them to take your serious. Good luck to you!

Re: Very Basic Question.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:49 pm
by sammy
Hello Hosnappp,

Well, the good news is you're not the first one to arrive who has started off on unsettled footing....many have even chosen to hang around a while.

If you have a genuine desire to learn about the 11:11 phenomena please do take a look at the FAQ's and board rules, we will be happy to answer any questions you have.

If however you are here to debate us, you've come to the wrong place. (We won't debate, but if we did, AJ and his statistical background would set you straight in no time ;) )

Please take a moment and carefully consider your motives...I do hope you stick around to learn what it's all about.


Re: Very Basic Question.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:02 am
by inlikeflint
Dear Hosnappp,


The best way for you to find the answer to your very basic question(s), is to use what you know and go with it.
If you believe that what you see it easy to explain, then it is and you should be content with the answers you already have.

Never let anybody else tell you what to believe in or not believe in.
Use your own best judgment.

Anyway, this is what I believe.



Re: Very Basic Question.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:58 pm
by luvinlife
Hi Hosnapp! I was awakened every night for about 2 weeks to the clock reading 11:11 or 2:22. It wasn't a coincidence, so I googled it and arrived at this site with these beautiful souls. You are free to believe what you want and good luck on your journey.

Love, Clare

Re: Very Basic Question.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:25 pm
by Waterlilly
I just love :loves how everyone on these boards respond to potential negativity with such LOVE! I have been off and on these boards for a few years and recently, off for about two. Recently, the same cues that have been haunting other Lightworkers have come back to wake me up even more intensely since I first found these boards. Thus, I was "called" back here. SO nice to be among kindred! KNOK Your light dissolves any and all negativity. I love that! :sunflower:

Re: Very Basic Question.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:46 am
by sammy
Hi Waterlily! :hithere

Welcome home! It's a pleasure to meet you!


Re: Very Basic Question.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:08 am
by Sandy
Hello Waterlily!
It's good to see you again, Lady! You'll always have a home here at this "internet pond". :loves

Re: Very Basic Question.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:07 pm
by Waterlilly
Sammy and Sandy, if you could see my face, it would look like this: :D

Happy to be among like minded friends again! :hithere (And it really DOES feel like home here!)

Re: Very Basic Question.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:16 pm
by Tiggy
Sandy :loves

Just your abundent LOVE alone........makes everyone feel 'at home'..........I'm just about ready to put my feet up and relax with all you guys..........this is a loving home indeed.
:lol: :hithere :kiss: :roll

Tiggy :loves :loves

Re: Very Basic Question.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:33 pm
by brooklyn
Basic answer to basic question... An old jamaican Saying...
"Who Feels it knows.."