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Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:42 am
by judyrose

I asked for Dr Mendoza to help in the healing of my sister Judy. She was on the table when out of the elevator came a short, asian looking man wearing a long white doctors coat. He indicated I should start reiki on Judy, while he proceeded to pull a flat shiny metal machine about 3 inches wide out of a slot in the wall. It was on a swing arm that could be pulled straight or folded up. He put this machine, which was about the size of a breifcase about 3 inches above her chest. It had rows and rows of colored lights. He started pushing these buttons, which made a zapping sound. Sometimes Judy would jump from the zap, but appeared to be in a deep sleep. Back and forth, back and forth he went, very focused and intense. He then put one hand over her stomache,(she says it feels like an 8 pound bowling ball in her stomach because of bloating and discomfort there),and he dipped the other hand into her stomach and was pulling out black energy. He did this about 3 times. He put his hand on top of her stomach and left green energy. He then worked on her liver and kidneys. He went to her feet and started rubbing the soles really hard and would whoosh his hand up the length of the bottom of the foot. He did this 3 times on each foot. He pushed the machine back into the wall slot and put his hands on each side of Judy's head and left ice blue energy there. He checked her throat and left green glowing energy there. He said "That is all I can do." Then he got on the elevator. He was very intense and quick with his work. This whole healing did not take very long. Do you think this was Dr Mendoza or someone else? Is that psychic surgery?



Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:49 am
by Geoff
Dear Judy/rose,

I cant say for sure if that was Dr Mendoza, but he does not hang about. Everything that exists in the physical, also has an image/counterpart in the astral. What appears to be happening, is that they repair the astral body, and I guess that reflects then in the physical, or impacts on the physical.



Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:46 pm
by judyrose

Thanks for your input. It makes a lot of sense. That guy did everything fast and he was serious about it! Boom, boom, boom-done. See ya.

bless and protect


Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:53 am
by judyrose

I just talked to my sister and she said her stomach felt much better, still not knowing about the psychic surgery performed on her. She found it extremely interesting when I told her instead of doing a reiki session on her she was in my healing room with Dr who? Her feet prior to the doctors foot rubbing were painful and swollen, after felt much better with swelling gone.

bless and protect