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i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:41 am
by ASH_111
i dont know why i had this urge to look on the internet this morning about guardian angels and somehow got onto how to talk to angels etc. i read a tiny bit about angels sometimes sending messages as numbers. i had read that you should ask your angel to reveal its self by asking out loud - i did this an hour ago (i asked very softly, as i felt a bit ridiculous). a few seconds later i had the urge to look at my watch - it was 11.11 (i had no clue as tot he time) i was in another room and about a minute later i returned to my computer and happened to look at the time on my pc 11:11 (must be slow). i honestly feel that it was a message - want to tell someone but think people will think i have lost the plot! i have been reading more on the number phenomena.

Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:24 pm
by sammy
Welcome to the group Ash!

My understanding is that angels use 1111 to get our attention...they are saying "Hello!".

I hope to hear more about your experiences!


Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:18 pm
by luvinlife
Welcome. I definitely can believe that this happened to you. It's happened to so many of us.

Love, Clare

Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:43 pm
by theunim
Welcome! I hope your wonderful journey is just starting! Keep on coming back to find out more, I hope! :)

Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:30 pm
by mm1111
Hello and welcome Ash!

Thanks for sharing, ask and you shall receive I guess! :shock: :lol: There is lots of information on this site, I have been a part of it for a year now and I am so glad I found it. Hope you have many more awesome experiences to share! :finger:

Much love, Maggie.

Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:07 pm
by MichaelXavier
Hello, Ash and welcome. We all have guardians, and when we acknowledge the fact of this wonderful things will start to transpire about us. They cannot help us unless we ask, because they respect our free will. Since they often times work with feelings, emotions, and signs, they choose things that would help us understand.
Seeing 1111 is kind of like saying hey, were here. Its a way of lovingly saying hello.

It's great to see you here, and I hope you come to explore this more. The blessings are amazing.

Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:25 pm
by Geoff
Dear Ash,

Yes we have all had those experiences, and some even more astounding. I got a txt from 11111. How was that? And the timing was perfect too.


Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:47 am
by Sandy
Welcome Ash,
Your enthusiasm is contagious! I felt a little surge of happiness reading your post and remembering my own moments of first discovery. Thank you for sharing this memorable experience with us. I am so glad you have joined us! :hithere

Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:39 am
by Geoff
And today, in the supermarket, I was casually scanning the pork roast (raw) section thinking it was time to do a roast again, and I noticed they had a special on. But I was planning on salmon risotto tonight. Then I saw a piece, at $11:11. Marked down from $21.61. It's curious that it was not marked down exactly 50%, but some weird % to arrive at $11.11. Not only was that very cheap for 2kgs of roasting pork, I could not resist the exact price. So tonight I am having pork roast. Any takers? As I am only one, there will be lots left for guests, otherwise in the freezer it will go!


Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:50 am
by sammy
MMMMM...I could make some nice pork pot pie with the leftovers!


Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:58 am
by LurkerAbyss
sammy wrote:MMMMM...I could make some nice pork pot pie with the leftovers!

Of course, you can't post that thought out loud without me letting you know that you must share with us! Aha :lol: :kiss:

And a hello to Ash! :hithere Yes, indeed we all have felt the sense of getting a "message". My thoughts? It is not a "warning" or a "command", it is a positive uplifting greeting from the spirit world, and an invitation to begin learning and experiencing the mysteries of Love and the Universe.

I welcome you to check out the board, see what people have to say here about their experiences, and check out some of the threads at the top like the FAQs and whatnot.. actually if I'm not mistaken there is a whole forum dedicated to this.. ah, here it is the 11:11 Background & FAQs . Please don't hesitate to tell us about further experiences and, perhaps after reading a bit about it, letting us know your thoughts and feelings!


Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:33 am
by Sandy
Wow! You did well Geoff! I'd say that pork roast was definitely meant for you. Unfortunately, I must politely obstain from joining you fora pork dinner but I bet George would be there with bells on. :pig:
Enjoy! :)

Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:53 pm
by luvinlife
I love how so many of our posts turn into talking about food! :lol:

Love, Clare

Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:21 am
by Sandy
I love how so many of our posts turn into talking about food!

Love, Clare
Clare I almost hate to admit it, but sometimes in my case, I think food is clamoring with love for "top spot!" :oops: :lol:

Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:18 am
by theunim
But you can make food with love~! Then doesn't that mean they'd share the spot? :)

Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:52 pm
by Petra Wilson
Yeah Clare, always drifts on to grub and my belly starts to grumble.

Welcome Ash, good to have you around.
Everytime I go shopping now I see a lot of €1.11, €11.11, €4.44 etc, and I buy them
irrelevant if they're not on my list (which I always lose or leave at home) and I end up
perfecting certain dishes now, for instance (if I may be so egoistically bold) my beef
Burgundy is absolutely to die for now.
My daughter told me that her teacher can't face eating at the school canteen anymore
after whiffing whatever it is I'm making the kid's and Phil for lunch. (We live just above
next to the college.) Nice boost there. OK no more talk about food....till next time.

Love to you All, Petra xx

Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:54 pm
by sammy
MMmmm! Beef burgundy! I MUST try making that! Sounds heavenly!


Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:29 am
by Sandy
Hi Guys!

T wrote:
But you can make food with love~! Then doesn't that mean they'd share the spot? :)
It's funny you mention that because I was just thinking about something Pet wrote to me a few months ago. She was busy making home made bread loaves for her family. something that not only saved costs but tasted so much better than store bought loaves. Anyway, she mentioned that as she kneads the bread she thinks about her loves and adds a genourous portion of love as she works. I am sure this makes not only for a most delicious loaf of bread but one that has much stabilizing emotional and mental nutrition as well.
Our intentions are what counts! I just told her this week I am following her example and doing the same thing now with the low carb bread I am making for George and I.
Thanks Pet for planting the seed for something so satisfying and beneficial... You know it reminds me of Geoff's post on another dishing about “Doing the washing up.” Putting love into everything we do. Seems to be a reocurring and much needed theme of late. :)


Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:43 am
by theunim
Yummy, I am actually preparing to make more homemade items for myself and for my husband, and whoever else wants to eat it! It is so very fun to make food and discover new things to make. The second best thing is discovering good restaurants to eat at, but alas, where we are has good restaurants way too far for us to travel to at times now, and we don't want to waste too much gas....

:LOL: However, in terms of homemade items, I feel the bread pudding I made days ago is about to "go" in that sense, so I best chuck it when there is time, since I have bad reactions to spoiled milk-based foods. :( Though I hate wasting food, I know how it is to have an organism or an allergic reaction wreak havoc on your body and internal organs. Back in 2009, I had been back in the Philippines with my immediate family to visit the country and our relatives for the first time in years, and I became sick from having amoeba in my system. Seems like it got there because more likely than not, it was because I consumed either water or food contaminated...*sigh.* It was the worst way to lose weight quickly, seriously.

Also, became rather bloated from too much of IV saline solution with medicine in my system, but that was due to misunderstanding of what the dosage should have been, coming from my parents...AHHH!!! The moral of the story here is that no matter how much saline solution is left in the bag, do NOT change the drip's speed just because you think it might be a waste of medicine, right when you or your loved one is about to get discharged, even if you intend on helping! I can :lol: now at that but back when I figured out this shouldn't have happened, I had been annoyed at my parents for increasing my dose, since I retained water and looked a bit bigger for a good couple of weeks. I got a number of "You became/got/are fat." comments from family members for the remainder of the trip, then when I finally lost the extra fluid, people noticed I was skinny again. :roll :roll But, must remember, my parents meant well and were only trying to help...just wish they could have read to make sure if there was no other type of medicine put into the saline solution before doing that, because I couldn't- I was so woozy from sleeping off the illness in the hospital that night and I had not eaten for more than 12 hours because I couldn't keep anything in my system.

Oh, I totally sidetracked it seems, but I am definitely getting back to what Sandy replied with~

Sandy, please let us know if there is a difference in the way you experience eating the food you make for you and George, while having the loving intentions there. :)

Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:27 pm
by nasra1996
Yeah, its actually true that your thoughts and intentions penetrate the food you're cooking, its been proved... :D I love cooking for people, i actually think it's one of the best ways to express your love for someone or some people...


oh and by the way, i usually have really terrible allergies this time of year, ive been experimenting with eating mostly fruits, salads and nuts with a bit of protein, ive had a terrible bloaty stomach but my allergies are teeny so far... i guess your cells regenerate with tons of fruit..



Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:42 pm
by luvinlife
Wow, Sarah, that's really interesting. It's funny that my food tastes better when I'm cooking it for someone else!

Love, Clare

Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:49 pm
by theunim
Sleep and lots of natural food should help you out! I hope you feel better soon, Sarah!

Clare, I guess it's because you're trying to make sure they have a good-tasting meal when they visit, right? :D

Love to you all :)

Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:22 pm
by Sandy
I am taking sarah's advice and picked a few more fruits today as we did our shopping. We've been feeling a bit drained and I think a gradual introduction of a few more healthy carbs like fruits will help us feel tip top again. I am missing the bananas though. They are almost $13.00 a kilo after the floods in Queeensland wiped out the banana crop a couple months ago. Too much for our budget...but I hope those who can afford it will splurge to help keep the growers hang onto till the crop is ready next year.

Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:35 pm
by theunim
$13/kilo for bananas? That's way much!!! I do hope the growers get a bit of financial support from the sales that do happen. What fruits did you and George buy then?

Re: i cant believe what jus happened!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:01 am
by Geoff
theunim wrote:$13/kilo for bananas? That's way much!!! I do hope the growers get a bit of financial support from the sales that do happen. What fruits did you and George buy then?
Yeah they have been over $15.00 a kilo, that's over $4 each. It was the Queensland cyclone that wiped out about 90% of Australian banana plantations. Give it another six months and it will be $2 a kilo again. I refuse to pay that price, and I do miss my bananas at breakfast time.
