I quit!

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I quit!

Post by AlphaFarfar »

I have seen a video about that 11 is demonic,,,,, ;( Dont wanna be here any more!
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Re: I quit!

Post by AJ »

So sorry that you feel that way but what does your own heart tell you? I am not one to listen to or believe in what others have to say. We all have our own truth bells that fire off if you are willing to focus and listen to them. Don't take my word for it, take Jesus's words: Mathew 7:16....

16 "You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? 17“So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. 18“A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. 19“Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20“So then, you will know them by their fruits.

So far I have only found nothing but love from the people of this board and nothing but love from the messages that are received. Their fruits are all good so how can they be of the demonic. Again, don't take my words for it but listen to your own heart. The truth lies within. Don't fear what others have to say.

All the best to you my friend. Remember, the sooner you cast out your fears and embrace LOVE the better you will be and the better the whole world will be.
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Re: I quit!

Post by AlphaFarfar »

oww idk.. :( From the first day that i started seeing 22:22 i allways thought it was something bad... :(
i mean only bad things have happened on 9/11 11 years till 20.12 11 is bad :(
So why is it good now? explain :((
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Re: I quit!

Post by theunim »

AlphaFarfar wrote:oww idk.. :( From the first day that i started seeing 22:22 i allways thought it was something bad... :(
i mean only bad things have happened on 9/11 11 years till 20.12 11 is bad :(
So why is it good now? explain :((

I want to talk to you about 9/11 in my point of view. Also, I happen to think that you're quite lucky in getting this opportunity to understand why you're getting certain messages this early in your life, but I also know that it can be overwhelming to get all this information, while you're still facing a lot of changes due to puberty and other things. I write all of this because I'd like you to know from my point of view why I think there will be nothing "evil" about the year 2.012, but instead will be part of a very overwhelmingly and powerfully good, loving time (so to speak!) for all of us on earth and beyond.

I lived in NYC just until up to last year, and when the 9/11 tragedy occurred, I was a second year high school student (I was 15) and in class on the second floor, at a school that had a great view of Manhattan's buildings. If you were at particular sections of the school, starting from the 5th floor all the way up to the top, you could see Manhattan across the water. I still remember my thoughts when I saw the clouds from the burning buildings that morning- I initially thought they were very dark rain clouds in columns, and why didn't I bring an umbrella?

Little did some of us know what was going on that morning until there were announcements made, and people went on their radios and phones to find out more. But other students saw the entire thing occur, and had to leave those sections of the school, it was such a traumatic experience for them. There were stories of students who lost their families that day while others had near-misses and close-calls concerning all of that. For example, my husband's uncle worked in those towers but he was late in getting ready for work, so he lived. These late-to-work stories are actually really numerous and to some degree, people will point out that either they were coincidence, a work of God, or a combination of luck and Heaven and timing. I am aware that for some, it was also a wake-up call or a catalyst to bigger things for them.

Anyway, that day in the city, many of us had a rough time getting back home- the subways were shut down on many routes throughout the day- and even dealing with its aftermath in the coming months, whether or not we had been affected through family members or ourselves. It was a collective feeling, those buildings to us in the city were our landmark, our visual cue that we were home, in the greatest city on Earth. At some point or another, we all asked, "Why us? Why those buildings?" and other variations. However, from then on and even now, the city's people, for the most part, feel a unity and to some extent, there are many who could say that they felt more towards their human brothers or sisters because of such a tragedy.

Politically speaking, there's too much to go into, and you can do research online on this. But, on the level of human mentality and conditions, I have this to conclude with about the whole matter: 9/11 happened because there were people who took it upon themselves with their free will to execute themselves and fellow humans for power and selfish gain, nothing else. All the number connections were made later on and fear motivated a lot of it. That's really unfortunate, but people need to be able to choose what to believe, because that's what makes us human. Free will is the key term here- God is everywhere but us humans, we are able to ultimately determine with our decisions if we should do wrong or right. If anything, since 9/11 has already occurred and all that negativity associated with it has been unleashed, all we can do is use our free will to do the opposite of whatever evil there is out there, with big or small actions, and hope for the best for ourselves and for each other, instead of fearing that there is nothing we can do.

We need to keep in mind that love is the basis of all that is good and that you need to radiate this out somehow every day of your life, whether or not 11 will ultimately mean good or bad to you.

Besides, for me, 9/11 is my dad's birthday, too, and that was NOT a bad event. :loves :lol:
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Re: I quit!

Post by Geoff »

AlphaFarfar wrote:I have seen a video about that 11 is demonic,,,,, ;( Dont wanna be here any more!
Hmm. So you saw a video, and so it must be true? Because someone made it? There are videos on why its good to be a suicide bomber too you know. And there are young people who believe those, unfortunately.

That's not a good way to to go through life. Its far better to learn how to discern what is true. But you are certainly welcome to do as you please, and believe what you want. The result will be your creation of yourself, and hopefully you will like the result.
AlphaFarfar wrote:oww idk.. :( From the first day that i started seeing 22:22 i allways thought it was something bad... :(
i mean only bad things have happened on 9/11 11 years till 20.12 11 is bad :(
So why is it good now? explain :((
Bad things happen, so do good things. The bad things are always reported, the good stuff almost never reported. But I don't know where you would get the idea that on 9/11 every year bad stuff has happened. I certainly do not have that impression. So we just had an earthquake and tsunami that has probably killed nearly 40,000 people in Japan. That's about ten times worse than 9/11. Was that the devil too? Oh yeah, that occurred March 11th.But March 12th for Americans. So are both those bad dates now?

I can tell you something that may take you a very long time to realise. What you think about you CREATE. Live in fear, and you will create a life full of fear for yourself. Live in love, and you will create a life full of love. The choice is yours.

But, I suspect this is one of those turning point moments in life. For some reason the notion of "demonic" seems to have struck a chord in your mind. I guess there would be some reason for this. Its not as if you asked a question here about that. You just said, in effect: "Geez this is a problem" And I don't want problems. But I suspect you know nothing about "demonic", and those who may have influenced you probably also know nothing. I can state that, because I have a library full of books on this subject. And I can tell you there are no demons - defined as a power greater than other advanced Celestials, never mind God. Yes I have books written by Catholic priests about their battles with the "devil", even books by world renowned psychiatrists. If you are of that frame of mind, every dark entity will rear up and claim to be the devil. That's no surprise at all. But I have other books written by little old ladies (well tough ones) who have removed every dark entity they ever met, pronto, with no dramas.

And, over the life of this board, three people have been helped by the administrators of this board. Naturally I am not going to name names. In one case, no one suspected the presence of an entity or astral shell. In another case, the individual found sounds coming from her mouth that were not of her making. In the third case, we identified a problem with the individual, and then sorted it. That individual was initially unaware that the entity they were talking to was not the sort of entity that one would seek. But we will not make this board a place where we discuss these things. There is no need to invest energy in it. And in fact every reason to give it no focus or energy.

I hope my sharing this indicates that we do know what we are talking about. If ever anyone thinks they have such a problem, a pm to an administrator will resolve the problem. Guaranteed.

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Re: I quit!

Post by sammy »

Geoff wrote
What you think about you create.
WOW! Thank you Geoff! (I've been gone for quite some time, but those were EXACTLY the words I came back looking for!)

Alpha- My only suggestion is to take a moment to evaluate what you get from the members of this forum....I've been in and out of here a few times over the last several years. I leave because I allow myself to get distracted by other things, and I always return because for me this is a place filled with love. In my mind, there is no way that anything evil could possibly provide that kind of love.

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Re: I quit!

Post by LurkerAbyss »

It is funny I should find this topic when I did, because just last night I stumbled upon an "11:11" movie page that had me shaking my head at how hard some try to convince others to fear.

What can I say that has not already been said?
Learn to let go of being afraid of things.
Learn to think for yourself.

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Re: I quit!

Post by theunim »

sammy wrote:Geoff wrote
What you think about you create.
WOW! Thank you Geoff! (I've been gone for quite some time, but those were EXACTLY the words I came back looking for!)

Alpha- My only suggestion is to take a moment to evaluate what you get from the members of this forum....I've been in and out of here a few times over the last several years. I leave because I allow myself to get distracted by other things, and I always return because for me this is a place filled with love. In my mind, there is no way that anything evil could possibly provide that kind of love.

Welcome back, Sammy! I'm Theunim~ Hope to get to know you better :)
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Re: I quit!

Post by luvinlife »

Hi Alpha! I'm not sure if you're still here reading this. Follow your heart. All I can say is that if you read around this site, it's about love and our own personal journeys in this world. Everyone here comes from different backgrounds, but we all have one thing in common. We were "prompted" to be here. No one here thinks that their "truth" is the only one. No one here is looking for money. (A big sign that this is not "evil".) I hope that you find what you're looking for.

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Re: I quit!

Post by sammy »

Hi Theunim,

Careful what you wish for...I tend to be a babbler!

Nice to meet you!

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Re: I quit!

Post by Sandy »

Sammy!!!! I thought I saw you last night as I was heading off to bed! Gosh you and your fabulous way of looking at the world have been so missed! Babble away, sis! :sunflower:
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Re: I quit!

Post by sammy »

LOL Sunny Sandy! It's funny, I left because I just wasn't feeling "connected"...like it was too much work to be connected. I was feeling like I was needing more than I was giving, and I don't like feeling that way. I actually had composed a post last night asking for some guidance but the note would not post, THEN I couldn't access the site at all. Finally, I stopped trying to post and went to bed thinking that for whatever reason, I was not meant to share that post. This morning I was able to get back on and the first post I read hit home...I got the help I needed without even asking!...and literally, like a snap of the fingers, I felt like the old me again!

Been poking around the site for a good part of the day...still poking!

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Re: I quit!

Post by sammy »

By the way, you haven't aged a bit! ;)
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Re: I quit!

Post by Sandy »

By the way, you haven't aged a bit! ;)
:lol: With my pathetic computer skills, I will probably hang onto that same photo till I'm well into my nineties... :roll:

Needing or giving...we are happy you are back. :D I think you don't fully realize what flows from you... many good healing things. ;) I do understand though. There are times most of us have these "backrolls of spirit"... It's sort of like an ocean wave. At some points we feel we are riding the crest like the greatest of world surfers and then there are those days you feel like you have been driven into the beach head first for one reason or another. I drove myself into the beach a couple weeks ago. :lol: I can smile now but it felt bad while I was there in that mental place. The funny thing, sometimes, just as you noticed this morning, someone will say something that sets a light bulb off in your brain... or is it your heart? And it all make sense. Like they they knew perfectly well what you were needing and thinking and posted just for you. I love it! :sunflower: And that is why I love this place...you guys are awesome and I am including all posters in that phrase..."brand newbies" as well. God spirit can use us all to assist and He/She sure enough does just that! ((((everyone))))

Keep on poking and babbling. You are worth your weight in silver! :love
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Re: I quit!

Post by sammy »

Keep on poking and babbling. You are worth your weight in silver! :love
Only silver?????? :grrr (just kidding!)
someone will say something that sets a light bulb off in your brain... or is it your heart?
OH! Most definitely the heart! The brain can feel clear and "fine", but when the heart is well lit it is an AMAZING feeling. I think that feeling must be a taste of heaven. :loves

Ahhhh...thank you all again for being here...I feel so....trying to think of the right word....calm but happy...I feel love!

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Re: I quit!

Post by luvinlife »

It hurts when people leave because of fear. I used to think that way too until I did some heavy duty soul searching. Sandy, Sammy, Theunim, Lucky, Geoff....you are all blessings.

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Re: I quit!

Post by theunim »

(((GROUP HUG!!))) I feel very blessed to be here amongst you all, as well! :loves :loves :kiss: :kiss:
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Re: I quit!

Post by Kenneth »

Hi AlphaFarfar,
I'm incredibly new here too, I'm still quite reluctant to post for some reason and my opinion may not yet be valid, however I shall endevour.

I like to ask myself in relation to discovering new things like this is, "How does this make me feel?"
and "what is the greater objective or message?"

All I have to go by is my feelings, and for me and this new found information/11:11 is, that I feel good, it makes me feel good, a part of something beautiful and real, based in only in love, with an objective for the betterment of each and everyone one of us.

With so much fear being pushed down our throats, I know I couldn't be more grateful right now for the love and truth that is being offered to us, it's a gift and I can't wait to unwrap it.

Youtube is great, and full of cute cat videos too... we just have to search for them ;)
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Re: I quit!

Post by sammy »


Kenneth, that was beautiful...and just so you know, from my experience, every opinion is valid here...whether you are helping someone or learning something...there is a lesson in all of it!

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Re: I quit!

Post by Geoff »

Looks like our OP has indeed quit: Last visited: Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:41 am

That means he has not seen most of the responses. It also means its a waste of effort replying at this time.

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Re: I quit!

Post by Sandy »

Hmmm.... I don't know, Geoff.I am thinking... AlfaFarfar may be gone but there may be others who may inwardly express the same fear and hesitation. Fear is so easy to adopt and to sustain. But stepping out in faith a little harder...especially when facing strict and harsh religious mandates. I am thinking that perhaps something all of you said will touch a chord inside and help someone else reading this thread who is struggling with the very same worries. Without realizing it our young AlfaFarfar may have been inadvertently assisting our celestial lightworkers. I suppose it is not for us to know for sure but it helps to think positively when we are feeling a loss.

Kenneth, your words reverberate with spontaneous heartfelt wisdom....simply put and honestly delivered. I hope you will continue to share with the rest of us, newbies. We are you know...each of us young ones, "newbies" in the eyes of the Universe.
With so much fear being pushed down our throats, I know I couldn't be more grateful right now for the love and truth that is being offered to us, it's a gift and I can't wait to unwrap it.
I love that!
There's so much to learn! Lets all start unwrapping! :D
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Re: I quit!

Post by Geoff »

Sandy wrote:Hmmm.... I don't know, Geoff.I am thinking... AlfaFarfar may be gone but there may be others who may inwardly express the same fear and hesitation. Fear is so easy to adopt and to sustain. But stepping out in faith a little harder...especially when facing strict and harsh religious mandates. I am thinking that perhaps something all of you said will touch a chord inside and help someone else reading this thread who is struggling with the very same worries. Without realizing it our young AlfaFarfar may have been inadvertently assisting our celestial lightworkers. I suppose it is not for us to know for sure but it helps to think positively when we are feeling a loss.
Dear Sandy,

That's a good point.

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Re: I quit!

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Sandy, you are right and I agree with you wholeheartedly. I like to think that the posts between people on this board are not just for those involved in the discussions; I feel that the point of the discussions we have here is to help those that we may not even realize are reading or can relate to the subject at hand, and I really do feel like there are more people silently lurking this board than we may realize.

Kenneth, thank you very much for your touching contribution. For awhile, although perhaps for different reasons, I also never really felt like posting for about 5 years, as I didn't feel like my opinion would be "valid". However, in the last year or so, I began posting and following the board heavily and now I cannot imagine it not being a part of my life. The key, I found, was that if you just follow your heart and intuition and you know that the thoughts and words you're expressing are out of love, regardless of how much you "know" or how much you have to say, then you are doing the right thing and more than qualified to post. And I agree fully with what you said also; the best thing to go by is how you feel. At the end of the day, that's what this comes down to. Not some set "way" or "rules" that must be followed by everybody.

To all, you are wonderful friends and family and we have something beautiful and precious here, and you are ALL a part of it whether you post once in awhile or a ton everyday, whether you have paragraphs to share or a sweet simple sentence to deliver. The presence and contributions from everybody here make this board wonderful and, what's more, make me confident in the Light growing on this world.

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Re: I quit!

Post by Sandy »

Hi Lucky,
You said that beautifully! :sunflower:
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Re: I quit!

Post by mm1111 »

I just wanted to say that while reading this I got just the heart felt boost I like to get before I meditate. I am really feeling the love :kiss:

Much love to my 11:11 family! Maggie
Follow your heart
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