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Seeing someone cross the veil before they really did?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:43 am
by d1angel
I had an interesting experience about a year and a half ago. I'd been dating a man who had been widowed a few years before. As the relationship drew to a close, I was laying on my bed, half drowsing but awake, and I saw a beautiful woman dressed in white, who I recognized as his wife (from pictures of her). She smiled at me and said, "Thank you for everything you've done for my husband."

At this point, he appeared, also dressed in white. They embraced and then beckoned for me to join them. I said no, my place is still here. Then he put his arm around her and they walked away from me and disappeared.

Ken was still living when I had this experience. He passed away a few months later.

He's been acting as a protector to my children since. My daughter Mercedes had horrible nightmares for a while, and I could not calm her down. I'd put Reiki symbols in her room, clear the space, smudge with sage, and try to talk to her, and then I looked up and Ken was there telling me he would be spending the night with her and for her not to worry.

So I told her. "Ken's here. He's wearing a green button up shirt and his black biker vest. He said he will stay with you all night and make sure you're OK." (it was 11:11 pm when this happened.)

Bless her little heart, she just said, "Ken's here? That's OK then." And went to bed. She's reported his presence a few other times. She's never had any more really scary dreams.

Re: Seeing someone cross the veil before they really did?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:01 am
by Sandy
Hello d1angel,
I very much enjoyed your first post... It's truly amazing to how you saw a possible reflection of sorts of what was to come, Ken as he would be at peace in the future. How that must have helped you in the days that followed and the event came to pass, knowing he was at peace. I suspect this event speaks volumes too about your loving nature as this was truly a gift from beyond, these words of gratitude spoken by someone who also loved Ken during her own mortal life. :happy

Thank you for sharing this lovely experience with us, and a big welcome to the message board! :hithere

Re: Seeing someone cross the veil before they really did?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:27 pm
by blue nova
:hithere a beautiful story ! :loves thank you for sharing it with us. welcome the the site :hithere


Re: Seeing someone cross the veil before they really did?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 3:24 pm
by luvinlife
Wow, that was a very beautiful story. Thank you for sharing it. Welcome too!

Love, Clare

Re: Seeing someone cross the veil before they really did?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:00 pm
by d1angel
The last time I saw him alive, I was telling him about my new boyfriend, Tim. ( link lost ) There was a strong sense of him "passing the baton" - like he'd been released, or that he knew I was taken care of, so he could go.

He hates country music, and when I'm listening to it on the radio, the signal will fade out and a hard rock station will fade in over it. :)

Thanks for the welcomes, all, it's nice to be somewhere where I'm not weird. :hithere

Re: Seeing someone cross the veil before they really did?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:59 am
by blue nova
it's nice to be somewhere where I'm not weird.
i understand what u say i feel the same way.. :mrgreen: ..i am sure there are others here who feel the same too... :sunflower:


Re: Seeing someone cross the veil before they really did?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:41 am
by Sandy
Anne wrote:
i understand what u say i feel the same way.. ..i am sure there are others here who feel the same too...
Yep, this little weirdo, sitting here in Australia, feels the same way! :sunflower:

Re: Seeing someone cross the veil before they really did?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:07 am
by nasra1996
Me too... :lol:

This is the only place i feel at home... :roll

much love

Sarah :loves