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time prompt emotional release

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:47 am
by happyrain
how many have found themselves crying at exactly x44 x11 x33 etc ?
x14 :happy

is it random ?

Re: time prompt emotional release

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:39 am
by Sandy
Hi HP,

Well I am an emotional little thing and find myself crying rather frequently as a result of happy, sad, inspired, beautiful thoughts etc... so I am not a very good judge of such things... I am wondering, though, if our emotions are ours, though, a result of our free wheeling mind and rights of free will how could something outside ourselves effect us. Yet with that said, how many times are situations outside of ourselves on a physical level guilty of affecting our emotions and many other areas of our mental life... Yet, still we ultimately have control. To cry or not to smile or not to smile. ;) I know we speak often of a loving feeling of a sort when we experience a time prompt...But even it a stimuli from afar or a reaction to something tangible on a spirit type level? Hmmm or maybe those two things are the spirit realities are in many circles considered more real than our physical realities. I honestly don't know in answer to your question above, but it is interesting to think about... :scratch:


Re: time prompt emotional release

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:31 am
by LurkerAbyss
How interesting! Thank you for this thread.

I am not really the type of person to cry very much, but it's not what it sounds like. It's not that I'm insensitive; believe me, I am actually a very sensitive person when it comes to the definition of being moved and affected or afflicted by things outside of thy self. When I was younger, say in public and high school, I used to cry during breakdowns and moments of non-stop painful thoughts. Nowadays, I tend to shed tears over profound spiritual thoughts and moments. Most of the time, however, I'm a rather placid person and I'm more prone to smile than to cry.

I can only think of a rare few times when prompting has moved me in such a way, and even then I can not remember the times themselves so much as just the fact that they have occurred, but I think it has a lot more to do with what was going on around the time of being prompted as opposed to just the prompt itself. Ultimately, I would have to say that it comes down to the conscious experience of the individual and the factors and foundations that contribute to the state of that consciousness.

I am prompted so many times every day that it isn't necessarily a profound astounding moment, but I can understand how much it means to others who are prompted, say, one or two times a day, a week, etc. That's not to say I take it for granted, I always smile and say "thank you" when it happens, it really means a lot to me. The prompts that move to me laughter and tears are the ones that occur in conjunction with my greatest joys and distresses; those are the moments where I not only feel most alive but that I feel it MATTERS that I'm alive.


Re: time prompt emotional release

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:17 pm
by blue nova
(((Happyrain))) :hithere

mine are spontaneous...i believe. when they happen, my focus is on the release itself....i do not notice the time.


Re: time prompt emotional release

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:10 am
by happyrain
thank you all for the response

it is interesting

Re: time prompt emotional release

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:44 am
by Elektrum
Who cries all the time? Sometimes I do. I like the 33's and 22's and 44's, for happiness and celebration too...

Re: time prompt emotional release

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:46 am
by Elektrum
11,14,17 amazing numbers too, innit.

Re: time prompt emotional release

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:10 am
by Sandy
Dear Electrum,
Who cries all the time? Sometimes I do.
I hear you, dear far away sister. I do too. But sometimes it feels like a release and I feel better afterwards. How about you?
Tonight I send you (((hugs))) from Australia. :kiss:

You are much loved.

I too see the numbers you see, even the 17's. :D

Re: time prompt emotional release

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:05 pm
by Elektrum
oh, yes. Cheers! LOVEU2...