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A Great Potential Stuck in a Drawer

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:47 am
by George
A Great Potential Stuck in a Drawer.
An Akashic Construct student writes -- October 15, 2010.

Sometimes the Creator has plans for us, and these plans don’t coincide with what we have in mind. Impatience is not the answer. Meditation usually is. This is just one example.

Jennifer writes: I’m sure, George, that you do not even remember me now, and I guess you come across this in every day life…. that someone buys an Akashic Construct CD and puts it in a drawer never to look at it again. That almost turned out to be my way, and then I got myself into difficulties, and then I remembered my CD.

Well, I guess, that’s the way many others are. I take heart in not being the only slothful one on the planet. Three weeks ago I began in earnest to take the time to meditate, listening to your voice, stilling my mind, and now I have made first contact. I am almost 100% certain that my Celestial friend is a Midwayer. It is something that I feel, and because I cannot see him very well. I also do not know his name, and as well, I have so far only heard a few words of advice.

I guess all this is a little frustrating, but the good thing that I have noticed is that I wake up in the mornings, and my plans for the day are clear in my mind. In just three short weeks I have solved serious difficulties with my colleague at work and refinanced my home, which is a much better deal than what I had. I suggest that my friend (I call him Friend) works with me while I am sound asleep. Hopefully the time will come when I can address him or her by his or her proper name. For now ‘Friend’ will have to be it.

Right now I am very sorry that I did not begin to meditate two years ago, but I promise you that I will do my very best from now on. Some day soon I hope to be a healer and do my little bit to make this a better world. Thank you for reading my lengthy message.
Cheers ~ Jennifer.

George: “Friend” seems a good name for now. Even Michael had to watch the pennies when he walked this earth, and even the most obnoxious co-worker can be placated. It probably all happened at the right time for you. Go with the flow, expect nothing, but don’t be surprised by the most ‘outrageous’. You are on your way!

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.