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relaxed or what

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 7:17 pm
by SunshinesMoonshines
The other day listening to the CD for the 11th time or so,
I suddenly managed to feel deeply relaxed but part of me wanted to just leave things as they are, leave the kitchen and all the housework undone and go for a walk near the sea... Does that happen to any one else too? Or is it just I? At primary hight school one of my teachers told me I was running away from myself by not attending the maths class? Could that be true? I love maths, seriously, I got my lucky numbers, you know...

Re: relaxed or what

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:25 am
by Sandy
Hi SunshineMoonshine,
The dishes and housework will still be there after you take your long walk by the sea. Balance yourself..feel at peace and the jobs we face will be less tedious. A peaceful walk with God and nature restores us by enrgizing our "life batteries."I smiled when I read your post because I did this very thing yesterday. We have been busy here and haven't taken a walk on the beach in about six weeks even though the sea is only a ten minute ride from the flat. Just as we finished breakfast George says..."Do you want to go to the beach?" Before the words were out of his mouth I was piling the breakfast dishes into the sink and grabing my shoes and overcoat. and dern it...those dirty dishes were still there when I came home... :? attitude seemd to have improved about washing them. ;)

Re: relaxed or what

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:11 pm
by blue nova
suddenly managed to feel deeply relaxed but part of me wanted to just leave things as they are, leave the kitchen and all the housework undone and go for a walk near the sea... Does that happen to any one else too? Or is it just I? At primary hight school one of my teachers told me I was running away from myself by not attending the maths class? Could that be true? I love maths, seriously, I got my lucky numbers, you know...
yep.....that happens to me all the time..... :D

also, when i was attending teachers said that i was always day dreamning....especially math class ( i stink at math ) :mrgreen: i never realized until recent years, what i was doing.....i was meditating. as soon as the school bell rang and i sat at desk,,,,,in my mind...i would 'fly out the window' and go far the beach :sunflower:

oh ...your post also reminds me of Mary,,,,,when Jesus showed up at her doorstep. Mary realized Jesus' role,,,,she recognized him for what he was, her sister did not. Mary.....went a bit sloth on the housework and attended to Jesus...the sister did not, she resumed housework and not listen to Jesus.

ever since i started 'seriously' meditating, the last few years....i have been a bit like Mary. sure i do the spirituality comes first.

Sandy wrote:
A peaceful walk with God and nature restores us by enrgizing our "life batteries."

:bana: :sunflower:


Re: relaxed or what

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:03 pm
by valorousflame777
Sunshine, you should see my apartment, heh heh! But I surely will not look back over my life, at the end of my life, and wish that I'd spent more time cleaning house! Yesterday, instead of cleaning out the kitty boxes, I played hooky and went to Santa Monica pier and got on the ferris wheel at the end of the pier. As I was marvelling that this was Heaven on Earth, a very clear picture of my orange tabby, a character named Precious Ray of Sunshine, came to mind, saying he wanted his Mommy home soon. A few hours later, I walked in the door, and walked right into a lovely little mushy present he had left waiting for me right inside the door.

Served me right, but I had a wonderful day, and he was glad to see me and the box of sushi I'd brought home with me! :bike:

Re: relaxed or what

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:49 am
by Petra Wilson
Sunshine wrote:
....wanted to just leave things as they are, leave the kitchen and all the housework undone and go for a walk near the sea... Does that happen to any one else too?
Every day! Lucky me though, I got me a daughter who loves to get stuck in with house cleaning
and all them boring chores. And saying that I look in exasperation at my windows...swallows have been having a
field day on 'em...and I got guests coming soon! *big sigh* Oh well....

Love, Petra x

Re: relaxed or what

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:05 pm
by SunshinesMoonshines
cheers guys, hearing this is some sort of relief to me!I am more manageable when I meditate I came to realize... :baby :cheese: :drunken: :alien: :love