2:10 Everywhere!

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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2:10 Everywhere!

Post by Writer »

A few months ago I shared a story about me seeing 11:11 around the same time and the scary experience I had around it. I'll reserve my experiences with that scary event in that other post I which I'll update later because it doesn't belong here...but I wanted to share with you how far down this 11:11 rabbit hole I've gone...I'm looking for some kind of guidance.

So a few months ago, I opened myself up to looking for signs of angels or anything. I've heard about the 11:11 phenomena for years but have never really experienced it first hand. Within a few days of doing that, I start seeing 11:11 everywhere. On digital clocks, in tv shows, on licence plates, on random newspaper article...the 11:11 was popping up everywhere.

I learned from looking around online that 11:11 was something angels use to make you notice something...and when you're ready, they start guiding you towards what you're supposed to figure out. Shortly after that, I began seeing 12:34 (or 2:34, 1:23 or some variation of sequence of numbers) all the time.

What I gathered is that this means I'm going in the correct direction...up until a few weeks ago when I began to get frustrated that I kept going along 12:34 without any apparent destination. I needed to know what was just beyond the horizon.

That's when I had a dream: My wife, daughter and I drove up to this single level community centre in the middle of some rural farmland area near a river. It was a nice late summer evening. We walked in...and I instantly have a thought that I'd been here before. We walk past this small kitchen area and a fishtank with a few gold fish. I grab my wife right before we enter the main room and tell her, "We have to go." We turn and I notice the numbers 2:10 (I don't recall if this was on a calendar in my dream or if it was a clock.) and then the water in the fishtank starts sloshing back and forth. I realize that we're having an earthquake. The three of us run out of the community centre jump in the car and drive away past the river as the trees shake. Then I wake up.

Since that dream, I see 2:10 almost as often as 11:11. Most notably, this past weekend when I was watching a VERY late night movie (just didn't feel like going to bed) when the power flickered in the entire house shutting down the tv. When the power came back on, I noticed the time on the VCR (which hadn't reset itself because it was so quick): 2:10. It kinda freaked me out slightly. I was almost expecting an earthquake to happen...but nothing else did.

I'm wondering if the angels are trying to warn me about something...or maybe it means Feb 10? I don't know. Maybe it's something good? I'm not sure. But I go get a sense that it's important...at least to me.

Anyone else can add to this to help me out as to what it could mean?
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Re: 2:10 Everywhere!

Post by MichelleP »

Hello Writer,

It is nice to meet you. First off I will say our dreams are very symbolic and as such what I see things to symbolize might be different from what you see things to symbolize so always take another person's dream interpretation with a health sense of question and accept only what feels right to you. You can also probably do some pretty good research online now for dream symbolism. Essentially find the meaning of the symbols in the dream and then put the story together. That all being said I will give your dream a go and you can take it for what it is worth.
My wife, daughter and I drove up to this single level community centre in the middle of some rural farmland area near a river. It was a nice late summer evening. We walked in...and I instantly have a thought that I'd been here before. We walk past this small kitchen area and a fishtank with a few gold fish. I grab my wife right before we enter the main room and tell her, "We have to go." We turn and I notice the numbers 2:10 (I don't recall if this was on a calendar in my dream or if it was a clock.) and then the water in the fishtank starts sloshing back and forth. I realize that we're having an earthquake. The three of us run out of the community centre jump in the car and drive away past the river as the trees shake. Then I wake up.
A new lifestyle or mindset is entering into your life (farmland represents the planting of new ideas). These new ideas/ideals center around global principles that encompass the whole human race (community center). Walking into the kitchen reinforces the idea that these are new ideas/ideals you are embracing as the kitchen represents food for thought. The thoughts are of a spiritual nature as represented by the goldfish. However something about this new way of thinking/lifestyle may cause some strife within your family unit. You sense turmoil enough so that you want to instinctually walk away. The restlessness of the fish tank indicates these new ideas might be the root cause of the strife and the earthquake pretty much indicating your world will be shaken to its foundation with this new path you are taking. This could mean everything you thought you knew will change drastically. It could also mean this may cause a rift in your family if your family isn't interested in following you on this new path. So essentially I caution against pushing your new views on your wife if she isn't ready to embrace them. You two can coexist with different outlooks on life. The important thing is to just love and respect each other. So essentially I see two possible scenarios. One you are simply going through a major personal transformation that will shake your world to its foundation or two the dream is a warning to watch that this change does not upheave your family in a destructive manner. Finally keep in mind our dreams tend to over dramatize our lives. This is done for effect so we take notice. So though an earthquake might seem like the end of the world always remember there is a new better world on the other side. Change is never easy but it is always worth it for the growth we gain. My best to you and your family.

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Re: 2:10 Everywhere!

Post by Writer »

Thank you Michelle.

That does make sense in a way. There has been a lot of stuff going on in our lives the past bit and I'm trying to reinvent myself and embrace my spirtual side more.

But I do appreciate your insight!
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