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New but had this a long time...really need help??

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:44 pm
by Little spy
Hi Everyone,

This is the first time I have joined a forum regarding 11:11 or things like that, even though I have been seeing it for a while time now, since i was 14/15? and now im 19.

After really noticing i was noticing it, and being terrified each time i saw it i decided to look on the internet and it came up with thousands of results..
i saw that, panicked and just kept trying to ignore it.

Now i sort of realise that i shouldnt really ignore it...but i dont entirely understand the meaning of it, and i feel like i need to. and also im a bit worried of people thinking im

Can anybody perhaps help me or had similar experiences of seeing 11:11 and being terrified..even without knowing what it meant? like really spookily scared?
Theres been alot happen to me thats been related and after a few years of ignoring it im starting to think perhaps i should try and figure it out....its like i know im supposed to be doing something but i dont know what :S

Sorry for a long story, im not really sure how to do this :|

Little Spy

Re: New but had this a long time...really need help??

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:55 pm
by Geoff
Dera Little Spy,

Welcome. I think I am going to repeat here what I posted about half an hour ago to another new poster:

All your questions are answered in the threads in the first forum - FAQS. Particularly important are:

11:11 Signals are driving me nuts

and a short video


Re: New but had this a long time...really need help??

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:59 pm
by Little spy
Thank you, sorry i got a bit lost on here !

Little Spy

Re: New but had this a long time...really need help??

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:21 pm
by brianm
Welcome, Little Spy :hithere

Relax..... you have come to the right place, so take a deep breath and know that the people here are the kindest, most helpful and knowledgeable folks I have ever met.
Just do as Geoff has suggested, ask questions when you are unsure, and in just a short while, you will be rid of your uneasy feelings with excitement and joy to take their place. Honest! :D

Cheers, Brian.

Re: New but had this a long time...really need help??

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:38 pm
by sammy
Hi Little Spy!

No worries! Sit back, relax, absorb all the info you can on the site...and ENJOY the ride!


Re: New but had this a long time...really need help??

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:33 am
by daemon
:loves little spy

welcome to the forums

we were just talking about it earlier today-
fear- ...of the unknown? (very soon you will be in the know- a simple read through the FAQs and later, coming to form your own understanding of this- the 11:11 phenomena)
"there's nothing to fear but fear itself"

meditate- calm down- ask for clarity- "inquire within" ...really want to change- really want this
focus on love- you have the power to be courageous-
gods love is infinite- there's an abundance of it simply waiting for you to open up and receive!

there's much to be excited for regarding these prompts... it only gets better
trust in yourself

wishing you the best

btw... we all experience fear- its how you decide to act on it that defines who you are/who you want to be

love & light

Re: New but had this a long time...really need help??

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:32 pm
by ~*Star_Struck*~
Hi little spy!! Welcome :hithere :D

I am a big believer in the saying "there's nothing to fear except fear itself". Fear hinders spiritual growth in my experience, give it some time and browse some of the helpful reading posted all over this website. :sunflower: You will find only support and love on this board so please know you have come to the right place. I look forward to seeing you around the board


Re: New but had this a long time...really need help??

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:10 pm
by luvinlife
Star, you a so right about fear. That was one of the things that had me stifled on my spiritual quest. As soon as I let go of the fear, things started happening.

Love, Clare