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Strange Happening

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:13 pm
by angel91124
A few months ago my daughter had asked me if my Uncle was okay. She said she kept hearing his voice. This happened a few times. On January 4th my Uncle passed away. I just thought this was so strange. I think she has some psychic ability. She also saw a gray streak run from my dining room last weekend. I believe this was my cat Missy, she was gray and I do believe she visits us.

Re: Strange Happening

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:51 pm
by Twinstars
Hi Angel,

I'm not surprised your daughter heard your uncle's voice. We all are psychic to some degree, and at this time in our evolution, children especially seem to be more in tune. Have you decided if you are going to nurture and help her develope her gift?

In the house I recently moved from I used to see a phantom cat wandering through quite often. I didn't have a cat there, but the neighbors cat used it as a second home, and I Know she saw it. She often, at the same time I did, would raise her head to watch it walk across the room. She nearly always looked at me afterward, as if asking "You saw that too, right?"
And my beautiful german shepard, Buddy, who used to sort of lean against and s l i d e down the side of my leg as he lay down beside me. Sometimes if he would surprise me he could push my chair away from my desk. After he passed I never saw him, but felt him and would even feel his weight against me enough that I unconsciously reached down to pet him. It's been a couple of years now since he passed and I no longer Feel him. But I do hope to see him again one day.

love, john

Re: Strange Happening

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:06 pm
by sammy
JOHN!!! We used to have a Cocker named buddy...then we had a mix named Casey who died a couple years ago. When I was meditating the other day I saw her...(don't laugh TOO hard at me...) with a brides veil on KISSING another dog! First I HEAR Marvin this!


Re: Strange Happening

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:12 pm
by angel91124
My daughter is in her 30's and she has had things happen before. She is very into this. Her daughter (age 10) has seen grandparents and has more of a psychic ability than my daughter. My daughter talks to her about it and tries to keep her calm, she gets upset because she says she gets a funny feeling that someone is coming into a room and she doesn't want to see them. My daughter is trying to help her to understand what is happening and that it isn't a scary thing. My granddaughter says its okay if she sees my cat Missy, that wouldn't scare her. She just loved my cat. She was very young when Missy died. And she still remembers her. I think it is great to have this ability. I have very little, wish I had more.

Re: Strange Happening

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:17 pm
by luvinlife
Oh, Sammy, you make me laugh! I love the bride's veil! Right after my son's grandfather passed, my son saw him (he was 14 at the time) and was really scared by it. I told him that he should feel blessed by it. I don't want him to bury his gift, but he seems to have.

Love, Clare

Re: Strange Happening

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:51 pm
by sammy
I think it's just the age Clare. I think most kids at that age bury it for a while. Too much going on for them between hormones, peer name it. Just not a "convenient" time for them to be the "odd ball" (as many might see it). :(

Hopefully they will dig it out at a more convenient time!


Re: Strange Happening

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:13 pm
by brianm
luvinlife wrote:Oh, Sammy, you make me laugh! I love the bride's veil! Right after my son's grandfather passed, my son saw him (he was 14 at the time) and was really scared by it. I told him that he should feel blessed by it. I don't want him to bury his gift, but he seems to have.

Love, Clare
I suppose I could make some sort of lame joke about Sammy's dog also burying her (wedding) gifts, but I won't.......... :roll: :roll: :sorry: :roll: :roll:

My Wife has also seen a few Spirits in our house, including her Grandmother twice and a couple of others who she doesn't know at all. It just seems to happen every once in a while. It doesn't seem to phase her at all though...... she just mentions them to me as a matter-of-fact. I honestly don't know how she can be so (seemingly) calm about them. I do suspect that she's far more excited about them than she lets on, though.
I know that I'd be hopping all over the place :bana: . I remember how excited I was when I heard a voice on our last fishing trip.
( cue John for a "that sounds fishy to me" type joke :roll: :roll: )

Cheers, Brian.

Re: Strange Happening

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:37 pm
by sammy

So she is calm and matter of fact about a "ghost", but doesn't believe you hear voices or that the numbers mean anything?

I don't mean that to sound mean in any sort of way, I am just trying to put it into perspective....and wondering if my husband will EVER believe the things I see when I meditate.


Re: Strange Happening

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:02 pm
by brianm
So she is calm and matter of fact about a "ghost", but doesn't believe you hear voices or that the numbers mean anything?
Oh yes, she does believe that I heard the voice as she was right there when I was asking, "did you say that??" LOL.
She also believes that the number prompts mean something because she gets them as well, but for some reason, she is not looking into it at all. She did join the Board some time ago but hasn't done anything here and can't even remember what her password is. I think she just needs some more time. She does ask me how "things" are going from time to time though.
She is far more nervous/scared than she lets on.

Re: Strange Happening

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:54 pm
by Twinstars
Oi! What a time to run out of fish jokes! :lol:

Re: Strange Happening

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:53 am
by sammy
Hmmmm...I don't know why I never thought about this until now, but maybe I'll try praying for my hubby to be more open to this stuff.

And John...sorry dude, I got nothing either.


Re: Strange Happening

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:56 am
by janievh
Hello all.
Sammy, I had a cocker too; Brandy, that I saw after she passed. I was at work. I wasn't meditating, but just thinking of nothing while I was putting files away. She just 'popped into my head.' I turned my head to the direction I felt she was. She was so happy, tail wagging. I could even smell a just-bathed pup! she was saying "I'm here!"
That was quite a time ago. She became deaf and had poor eyesight as she aged, but she was the cutest little dog.


Re: Strange Happening

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:02 am
by sammy
Hi Jane!

What an awesome experience!

I wish I could see things that clearly! Even when I meditate most of what I see is black and clouds changing shapes. I have had a few times where what I saw was like "real life", but for now anyway, mostly black and white...but some pretty interesting things none the less.


Re: Strange Happening

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:10 am
by janievh

What few times I had any visit, are few and far between. I am just lately trying meditation, and as for the Construct...well, I am definitely a work in progress....Nothing!!! HAHA!!! I really don't know what I am doing!!!


Re: Strange Happening

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:00 pm
by Petra Wilson
Angel wrote:
My daughter is trying to help her to understand what is happening and that it isn't a scary thing
Good on your daughter! There are so many parents who poo-poo any phenomenon (my mum on occasion, then I found out it was because she was really psychic when she was a girl and it scared her too much).
There are many here who know just what your grand daughter is experiencing.

Love, Petra

Re: Strange Happening

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:34 pm
by sammy
(OH PET!!!) Thank you for getting my brain back on topic!

Hi Angel!

Seems like we have had discussions before about kids and their psychic abilities, but I can't seem to find an entire thread about it.

"They say" (who ever "they" are :lol: ) that kids are born able to "see" things most adults can not see. "They" also say that because adults do not typically acknowledge the unseen things that little ones typically shut off that ability. I can tell you that my younger son (Jake, now almost 16 years old) when he was about 12 years old started seeing auras and having some unusual dreams which seemed to be prophetic.

I was very open to this, but because he had a couple rather "scarey" seemingly prophetic dreams, he chose to "turn off" the ability. I say "turn off" because during a conversation about it I used the term "shut off" and Jake corrected me. It was pretty funny actually, he said it like I should KNOW there was a difference. He said "MO-OMMmm, I DIDN'T SHUT it off, I TURNED it off. If you SHUT it off you can't get it back! If you TURN it off you can turn it back on when you want to!"

I'm still waiting and hoping he'll be ready SOON to turn it back on!


Re: Strange Happening

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:03 pm
by Petra Wilson
sammy said:
(OH PET!!!) Thank you for getting my brain back on topic!
I wasn't being funny or owt sammy! :loves I love the bantering between you, Clare, Kenge, Bri, John et al! Pet's a bit serious these days...need a little stress-free break me thinks?

Where were we???.............

Love, Petra

Re: Strange Happening

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:22 pm
by sammy
It has been a bit serious, but at the same time, I know George and Geoff are working hard to get out their message...I feel a bit guilty when I get too off topic....I just can't seem to help myself sometimes! :roll

By the way, did you hear about the man from Nantucket? (just kidding! :lol: ) (For those who don't understand the question, it's the beginning of a dirty limerick :mrgreen: )


Re: Strange Happening

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:50 pm
by luvinlife
Petra!!! Love you!!!! Actually, I love all you guys!!!!

Love, Clare