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list of fun 11:11 prompts

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:21 pm
by AquarianRenegade
Over the last few years i've gotten a lot of 11:11 prompts. Heres a list of ways my guardians/teachers have made their presence aware. :hithere
11:11 digital clock (probably the most common)
11:11 normal clock
11:11 track time when listening to a cd
11:11 time elapsed on a digital home phone
1111 on license plates
1111 on obscure street signs :!:
1111 on an adress of a house i happen to drive by
111 score when bowling (bad game :P )
11.11 date (i get out of touch of the date when im busy and just happen to want to check on november 11th)
11:11 blinking on my vcr after a power outage (weird) :roll
11:11 blinking on my vcr with NO power outage (even weirder) :lol:
11:11 in a dream (very cool 8) )
1111 the last 4 numbers on the odometer
10:11 (just noticed as im typing this :lol: )
1 1 1 1 (4 bare looking trees that reminded me of 11:11)
probably others i don't quite remember
not to mention all the 1:11 11:22s 2:22s 3:33s 12:34s 777s and many others

anyone else want to share some fun/interesting 11:11 prompts?

Re: list of fun 11:11 prompts

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:50 pm
by luvinlife
I like when I get awakened out of a sound sleep, only to see 2:22 on the clock! I also love it when I get a white feather in a strange place. I have quite a collection!

Love, Clare

Re: list of fun 11:11 prompts

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:07 pm
by sammy
I think I will ask out loud for a feather! I still haven't had one of least not where it shouldn't have been!


Re: list of fun 11:11 prompts

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:14 pm
by luvinlife
After I posted that this morning, I went out for my lunch break. I was thinking that it's been a while since I've gotten a white feather....sure enough, ten minutes later, there it was at my feet. I couldn't make this's amazing! :bana:

Love, Clare

Re: list of fun 11:11 prompts

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:53 pm
by sammy
Yeah Clare! :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:

I, on the other hand, spent the entire day cleaning...not a single feather...I have 4 cats...Hmmmmmm! ;)

Re: list of fun 11:11 prompts

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:24 pm
by brianm
sammy wrote:Yeah Clare! :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:

I, on the other hand, spent the entire day cleaning...not a single feather...I have 4 cats...Hmmmmmm! ;)
I know what you mean, Sammy. I have two cats and I never count the messy clumps of feathery residue either :x blurghghghgh......! :x
I've bought them bells to wear, but they always manage to get them off. Rats.

Cheers, Brian.

Re: list of fun 11:11 prompts

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:10 pm
by Petra Wilson
:lol: I had a white feather float around me last week. I was down...deep way down there, all curled up foetal like, so this tiny, but distinct dancing feather before me was just the thing I needed! I know it came from my favourite ancient feather eiderdown, but it didn't danced in my face, like as if to say: "LIGHTEN UP YOU EEJIT!!!!" and I DID!

Okay, a li'l list then from just yesterday... 1234 as I watched a heap of dvd's as it was pouring.
1111 on neighbour's number plate (every morning, hehe)
1111 oven clock
1234 oven clock

That's about it, apart from a few 2's aswell!

Love, Petra

Re: list of fun 11:11 prompts

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 5:15 pm
by EJM1111
Over the past 10 months I've gotten many interesting prompts. Here's some that stick out in my mind.
clock & watch, obviously
stopped a movie at 11:11 while fast forwarding through previews
111,222,333, etc. on license plates all the time
1111 as phone numbers & addresses in newspapers
on CNN where they have the DOW in the corner of the screen, I almost always see 11.11 & other numbers of the same digits
I was in a store one time and walked back to the bathroom and just happened to look at stuff they had hanging on the wall, and there was something that said Store # 1111.
11-11 as the expiration date on my contact lenses
22.22 as the amount on a restaurant receipt

That's just a few that come to mind.

Re: list of fun 11:11 prompts

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:39 pm
by luvinlife
Petra, I think you need a hug ((((((Petra)))))))

:loves :loves :loves :loves

Love, Clare

Re: list of fun 11:11 prompts

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:03 pm
by linda1111
Hi everybody,

Can somebody please tell me, and don't get upset, why it is so important to watch all these times on your clocks, microwaves, license plates, etc.? I was prompted also, a long time ago, and also see 11:11 now quite often, but that isn't the major point here, right? If they keep having to prompt you, is it because your not answering? I am just bothered by this, and all the time spent watching times.

Linda KNOK

Re: list of fun 11:11 prompts

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 4:58 pm
by brianm
linda1111 wrote:Hi everybody,

Can somebody please tell me, and don't get upset, why it is so important to watch all these times on your clocks, microwaves, license plates, etc.? I was prompted also, a long time ago, and also see 11:11 now quite often, but that isn't the major point here, right? If they keep having to prompt you, is it because your not answering? I am just bothered by this, and all the time spent watching times.

Linda KNOK
Hi Linda,
If you are warching, they are not prompts. I agree... if you are spending time looking for number sequences, you are wasting your time. They mean nothing.
True prompts (and synchronicities) however, are caused by amazing unseen beings with incredible powers, talents and intelligence, who are in constant contact/communication with the Angels and our Heavenly Father! They want us to know that they and other amazing beings are there and are waiting for us to to reach out to them. They want to let us know that we can talk one-on-one with them! With each prompt, they are letting us know that they are not going away and are still waiting. Such patience!
This just blows me away. I am excited and inspired by this. I am not "bothered" by it in the least..... nor should you be, Linda. I honestly don't understand why you are :scratch:

Cheers, Brian.

Re: list of fun 11:11 prompts

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 5:10 pm
by linda1111
Hi Brian,

I am only bothered by people looking for number sequences on license plates, microwaves, etc., because that isn't there point. It is truly amazing that they contact us, I love that. :loves

Re: list of fun 11:11 prompts

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 6:00 pm
by Manifestations
Does anyone remember Tom Hanks in 'Forrest Gump'?

If I recall correctly, there was a feather in the beginning and end of it.

Re: list of fun 11:11 prompts

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 6:53 pm
by brianm
linda1111 wrote:Hi Brian,

I am only bothered by people looking for number sequences on license plates, microwaves, etc., because that isn't there point. It is truly amazing that they contact us, I love that. :loves
I agree 100%, Linda :thumright: ....... on both counts. Looks like I mis-understood your last post :oops:
Can't wait for the day when we can talk with these Beings at will, getting on-the-spot direction so we can put an end to our flounderings, which have caused and still are causing so much needless suffering. Not to mention spitting in our Father's eye as we stupidly do. Continuously :grrr

Cheers, Linda.

Re: list of fun 11:11 prompts

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:52 pm
by linda1111

Speaking of talking with those beings, I have only told my immediate family this one, but thought I would share it with you guys, see what you think of this. This was years ago, when I first got the 11:11 prompt, but I was sitting in my living room and the electricity went out in the entire complex. At that same moment when the electricity went out, a loud voice, starting in my kitchen area, and I mean it was very loud, can only describe it as electronic/robotic sounding, speaking in a language I didn't understand! I don't know what it was, I do know it was talking to me, and I will never forget it. It happened twice in that condo., where I was deeply meditating and first got the 11:11 prompt. What do you think that was? And I'm totally telling the truth!


Re: list of fun 11:11 prompts

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:35 pm
by luvinlife
Linda, you are not alone! These wonderful things happen to all of us. I'm not sure I can answer what the voice was telling you. I know for myself, when something happens and I see or hear something, I will meditate on it to get my answer. I usually get a prompt when I have the right answer. I hope that helps.

Love, Clare

Re: list of fun 11:11 prompts

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 3:07 am
by linda1111
Hi Clare,

Thanks for the reasurrance, I don't think I'll get an answer to that one though, I wish someone would have been there with me when it happened. I wasn't meditating at that moment, maybe I wasn't clear, it was days before when I was meditating. Anyways, this voice was loud throughout my condo., it wasn't of this plain for sure! Thanks again though Clare.
