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Post by sammy »

I will TRY to keep this short.

I got VERY busy around Christmas time. I had a special request to send a very ill individual healing. I took time out to send, and a tremendous amount was accomplished, but it was quite obvious there was more work to be done. Everyday it was on my mind, but I never took the time to send or pray. I kept thinking "tomorrow".

Well, I was slapped in the face by is now to late to send healing.

Here's where the story gets interesting.....

I seem to know A LOT of people who need LOTS of prayers. They show up out of nowhere. I never thought too much about it...I just prayed for them. But the last several weeks I have been SO busy that I haven't even looked at the prayer request thread because I felt so guilty KNOWING I just couldn't connect to do any good.

Tonight I saw a woman that I met for the first time yesterday. She told me that her 30-something year old daughter had just been declared "healthy" after her 3rd bout with ovarian cancer. She rambled on for quite some time, giving me many details including her daughter's first and last name...suddenly she stopped and said "I'm sorry...I don't know why I told you all that...I've only told 3 people because I'm afraid I'm going to jinx it". (One of George's stories popped into my head there...I KNOW why you told me!) At that same moment I felt the warm presence of the individual that I neglected to continue "working on".

I had a knowledge that I should release my guilt, but that I AM supposed to be sending healing to all these folks who flock into my life...that is WHY they flock to me.

Quite the A-HA moment...thank you dear angels!

OH!!! and a nice little blue spark when I said thank you!

It just keeps getting better!

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Re: Assignments

Post by Twinstars »

I sort of know what you mean Sammy, and although I can't totally relate, I too am a little sad about being so busy lately. I don't get to spend near enough time here anymore, and although I enjoy posting And praying, but because I am pressed for time I have decided to read through each one, say a prayer, and go on with my busy schedule. :)

Love All... :loves
Love All...

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Re: Assignments

Post by sammy »

John...Great minds.... I just did that!

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Re: Assignments

Post by Petra Wilson »

Hi Sis, Hey Bro!

That's t'riffic sammy! I used to do a similar thing to the Bruce Almighty stunt: the bit where he answers everyone's prayers with a yes! Only it's not proper praying is it?
The best time (and often uplifting) is popping into the cathedral 'ere opposite and lighting a 2 €uro prayer candle and having a 10 minute prayer session. Yer Catholic priest (Oooh, what a dish! Looks like Enrique Iglesias!!!) always welcomes me and flashes me his knee-knocking smile and no it is emphatically NOT why I do my prayers in a Cathloc church now despite being not a Cathloic and I'm bloody rambling again and mucking up your thread...So, on that note, I'll get my coat, ahahahaha!

Love You's, Pet XXX
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Re: Assignments

Post by luvinlife »

Petra, I don't think there is an improper way to pray! Enjoyed your thread and the responses, Sammy and John!!!

Love, Clare
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Re: Assignments

Post by CutieKenge »

Awww....I just love you guys. LUV2
Great thread, Sammy!

I've been quite busy, too. So hello and sending much love to all of you! :love

Hugs & Love,
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Re: Assignments

Post by brianm »

Petra Wilson wrote:Hi Sis, Hey Bro!

That's t'riffic sammy! I used to do a similar thing to the Bruce Almighty stunt: the bit where he answers everyone's prayers with a yes! Only it's not proper praying is it?
The best time (and often uplifting) is popping into the cathedral 'ere opposite and lighting a 2 €uro prayer candle and having a 10 minute prayer session. Yer Catholic priest (Oooh, what a dish! Looks like Enrique Iglesias!!!) always welcomes me and flashes me his knee-knocking smile and no it is emphatically NOT why I do my prayers in a Cathloc church now despite being not a Cathloic and I'm bloody rambling again and mucking up your thread...So, on that note, I'll get my coat, ahahahaha!

Love You's, Pet XXX
:lol: :lol: :lol: :sunny:
I can usually count on you for at least one good laugh, Petra :sunflower:

Thanks, Brian.
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Re: Assignments

Post by lilly »

Hi Sammy
I like this thread, you are a lovely, warm hearted person....full of love. Like many here....Pet being one of them....also a right the same time. Nice to see John as well and Clare.... :hithere I've not been posting much... :kiss: I do love you all very much!! Goodnight and Godbless!! Sometimes there is nothing that can be done to save someone!! It's simply their time to go....
Love lilly xox
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Re: Assignments

Post by sammy »

Another funny thing happened today with the woman from the first post above (a woman I hardly know)....

I was having one of those days where I just felt like curling up in a ball and crying. LOTS of stupid little things going wrong...way wrong. I kept telling myself "it's not the end of the world"..."Everybody is healthy and safe"..."things could be a lot worse" (all those things you say to yourself on days like that). Then I saw the woman who's daughter I prayed for, the one I hardly know. I was so blah that just smiling when I saw her brought tears to my eyes. (And that is NOT me...I am little miss perky sunshine...annoyingly so...anyway...) She asked what was wrong and I told her "ohhhh...just stupid stuff, and for some reason I just can't perk back up"...

She gave me a HUGE hug! THAT's what I usually do to people like that...and they usually look at me like I have 3 heads, but leave with a smile. What a NICE hug! (Again it brought tears to my eyes, but happy tears.)

Thank you God for bringing this sweet woman into my life!

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Re: Assignments

Post by Sandy »

Love you sis! :kiss:
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Re: Assignments

Post by sammy »

HA! I could feel that one Sandy! THANK YOU!!!

And right back at ya' babe!

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Re: Assignments

Post by luvinlife »

Okay, guys, I want to get in on this action! I'm feeling the love!!! :loves

Love, Clare
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Re: Assignments

Post by sammy »

HI {{{{{{{{{{{CLARE}}}}}}}}}}}


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Re: Assignments

Post by oneworld »

I'm with you all...Starting with my birthday on Monday, I got into such a funk. NOT LIKE ME AT ALL! (Is there something in retrograde?) I spent a lot of the time reminding myself to be grateful for oh so much of my life. I've been gradually coming out of the funk and saw this thread.

Sending love to each and every one of you.

And Sammy...I think intention means a lot...sometimes just thinking about a certain person or situation adds to the increased vibration.


Rebecca :loves
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Re: Assignments

Post by luvinlife »

Rebecca, I hope that you're doing okay. I always feel guilty when I'm in a funk because I remind myself that people have much bigger problems than me (Haiti, for example). But, I read somewhere that we should acknowledge our turmoil or sadness, because not to do so is not confronting it. Something like that. Anyway, my prayers are going out to you and to everyone.

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Re: Assignments

Post by oneworld »

Thanks so much Clare.

It's interesting that this comes up in this thread..."Assignments". I am struggling right now with an intense homesickness for my home state of California, a job I actually hate (as well as a knowledge that this is not the right path for me), and an urgency to DO something about it.

Now I know well that sometimes DOING something just because you feel you need to can be more "harmful". I am trying to relax into this situation to get more clarity on my current "assignment".

I have yet to buy a portable CD player, so I have yet to start the AC CD...which I know I "should". Maybe, as tomorrow is payday, there are no more excuses, eh?

My deepest love to all of you,

Rebecca :loves
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Re: Assignments

Post by sammy »



You can meditate on your own!!! (Wait, let me pull that log out of my own eye first :lol: )

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Re: Assignments

Post by Sandy »

Hello lovelies!
You guys always give me "spiritual goosebumps" when you spread the love and the hugs! :kiss: I love it and all of you who have so often lifted me from my own battle with homesickness. Rebecca, while I cannot know exactly how you are feeling I can certainly sympathize with you. Over the past few years there have been days when I so longed for the places and people I understood knew and loved. Yet, I suppose in my sadness I was missing the larger picture... All the wonderful adventures to be found in this new abode.
But with that said, only you have the right of it, though...only you know the depths of your feelings...or maybe what I mean is only you can interpret those little knowings that issue from within yourself that help direct, guide, comfort and even head us off when needed... So Sis, I think you will gradually know as you follow your path in life and from your time spent within, the answers to gratitude and happiness and all those wonderful things we all long for.... It is sometimes hard to see the way or even accept it when it presents itself at times, isn't it?... but from all the things that we enjoy and endure in this life we learn in leaps and bounds. Just keep loving...spreading your light around and I suspect the love in return will bowl you over and help you to burn even brighter and all those things that you long to be will be in your grasp. Oh my, I don't really know exactly what I am trying to say here. Only I just want you to know that you aren't alone as you walk your path or even in your feelings in your longing for California and what you have found that you miss and love... Your siblings here...human and otherwise ...well... we will gladly share it with you and help you through the unhappy spots with the best gift I suppose we have all been given. Love... just as you do for all of us when needed. Thanks for that! :kiss:

Anyway... Here's a hug from me to I think about you and my dear friends who live worlds away.

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Re: Assignments

Post by sammy »

Sandy wrote:
Just keep loving...spreading your light around
Awww! THAT IS what it is all about, isn't it!

{{{{{Rebecca Sandy Clare Joann Star Kendra Petra John Brian Geoff George...ALL OF YOU}}}}}

(That was a group hug...not a speech at the Golden Globes.)

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Re: Assignments

Post by luvinlife »

Thanks for the group hug, Sammy!
Sandy, beautiful words.
Rebecca, I posted on another thread. I have been thinking about you and how you feel about California. My advice to you is to follow your heart, and if it's in California, then maybe you should start lining up your ducks to get there. Just a thought.

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Re: Assignments

Post by oneworld »


Sammy...thanks for this thread, and my intention is not to detract from your original post.

Sandy, Clare, Sammy, I have tears in my eyes when I read this. And Clare, I DID see your other post, thanks.

Moving back "feels" like the right thing. That being said, I have many many "ducks" to get in a row before this can happen, and it may take some time. I will start moving in that direction.

Of course, I don't really want to leave my singing trio here, but...Sheesh! I'm just a waffler, aren't I?

I do believe that as I use the AC CD more, I will achieve more clarity around all of this.

Again, thanks so much for your love and support, and those group hugs are THE BEST!


Rebecca :loves
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Re: Assignments

Post by sammy »

Hi Rebecca!

I am the queen Hijacker- so no worries my book it's called "conversation" flows like a river.

As for moving, "they" say (whoever 'they' favorite line lately) that we are in changing times and that our "energies" will be "drawn" to certain areas. There are some who believe that certain energies act as "anchor energies" so that as changes come the will be an easier transition.

So if you have ducks to get into'd better get quackin' ! dang, no ducky smilies...this'll have to do :albino:

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Re: Assignments

Post by oneworld »

sammy wrote:Hi Rebecca!

I am the queen Hijacker- so no worries my book it's called "conversation" flows like a river.

As for moving, "they" say (whoever 'they' favorite line lately) that we are in changing times and that our "energies" will be "drawn" to certain areas. There are some who believe that certain energies act as "anchor energies" so that as changes come the will be an easier transition.

So if you have ducks to get into'd better get quackin' ! dang, no ducky smilies...this'll have to do :albino:

Sammy you so!!!!

It DOES flow like a river...I used to have a book called "Don't Push the River" ...loved it!

As to being "drawn"...that has also been on my mind. I know I'm here to help people through whatever happens... Quacking away!


Rebecca :loves
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Re: Assignments

Post by CutieKenge »

This thread is great. You gals are wonderful. :loves

Much love.
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Re: Assignments

Post by sammy »

Hi Kengie Girl!
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