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Pen to paper method. Try it!

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:01 am
by TonyS
Hi all,

I'm a bit impatient when it comes to meditation and waiting for weeks before making contact.

Take a blank A4 size paper and write your question at the top. I asked: "Are you sending me 11:11 prompts?". Then hold the top of the pen in a fist and and let the tip touch the paper just below your question. You will find the pen wanting to move. At this point follow the strokes so your guide can answer you on paper. It takes a little practice. My answer was "yes" in a unique hand writing and style. It was in cursive starting with a small y then a straight line to the middle of the page with the e then another straight line to the end of the page for the s . It was almost like my guide was saying yes finally.

All I worry about is whether the spirit is good or evil. Satan is the master of deception and I've heard of many ouija board stories gone wrong.


Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:26 am
by brianm
Hi TonyS

I'm very new here as well. Good to meet you :thumright:

As a newbie with all of this, I've been Googling around looking for info and answers in other places/sites and have found a number of sources which claim that satan and his demons are behind our prompts and other assorted communications. This bit of news troubled me just a wee bit until I did more reading here.
It would seem that if you ask for potection from God/Jesus Christ/associated Angels, you will be free to communicate with your Midwayers or Guides or Guardians without interference from anything evil. You will be in contact with Good or Enlightened sources only.
I would very much like to try your method of communication as well, but I'm with you....... think I'll wait for a "go-ahead" from more knowlegeable folks :salut:

I must say that I am still somewhat afraid and nervous and leery. Wish I wasn't.

Cheers, Brian.

Re: Pen to paper method. Try it!

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:34 am
by Geoff
TonyS wrote:Hi all,

I'm a bit impatient when it comes to meditation and waiting for weeks before making contact.

Take a blank A4 size paper and write your question at the top. I asked: "Are you sending me 11:11 prompts?". Then hold the top of the pen in a fist and and let the tip touch the paper just below your question. You will find the pen wanting to move. At this point follow the strokes so your guide can answer you on paper. It takes a little practice. My answer was "yes" in a unique hand writing and style. It was in cursive starting with a small y then a straight line to the middle of the page with the e then another straight line to the end of the page for the s . It was almost like my guide was saying yes finally.
Automatic writing is a method of receiving, that some people do use. You can also sit at the computer, and some folks report being able to type a message that way. None of these methods are inherently any better, just some folks find some work better for them.

TonyS wrote:All I worry about is whether the spirit is good or evil. Satan is the master of deception and I've heard of many ouija board stories gone wrong.
There is no "satan" any more. But there are mischievous and even some evil dead humans. They are the ones who can mess things up. But they won't interfere, if you assert you only want folks with your highest good in mind.

The Ouija board is also not inherently bad, the issue is folks who think its a game, they then attract spirits willing to participate in a game and they then get well frightened. However because the Ouija board is so very slow, typically advanced beings won't use it.


Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:48 am
by brianm
Hi Geoff

I don't mean to hi-jack this thread, but could you please direct me (and perhaps Tony) to where the non-existence of "satan" is explained?
I can use some good news.


Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:58 pm
by hmm
Every time I see a prompt, I stop what I am doing and say a prayer. Usually I thank God for his love and for sending me a sign.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:13 am
by Geoff
brianm wrote:Hi Geoff

I don't mean to hi-jack this thread, but could you please direct me (and perhaps Tony) to where the non-existence of "satan" is explained?
I can use some good news.

I have created a new thread on the Corrrecting Time


Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:55 pm
by TonyS
Thanks Geoff

Good to meet you Brian

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:21 pm
by Chrystalchild
Hi Tony!

I think its great that you can receive messages like that. :roll
A friend of mine is doing it the same way, the hand writing is quite 'old' style and sometimes hard to read.

Did you ask as well to whom you were talking? And will you get info about you and family or also about other things?

I had yesterday @ 21.33 the great need of getting my netbook on my lap and suddenly started to type in words and sentences. it was midwayer Helea with me :-)
I always ask who is talking to me and who else is there! Furthermore when starting the meditation i ask to only let those to my near who are from the highest. and i request there security :-)

Hope you will have some more and more great channel experiences.
Much love&light for you and your family!

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:43 pm
by jfarris
Wow, Vera!! That must have been awesome, huh.

Love and Light,


Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:28 pm
by TonyS
Hi Vera

Nice to meet you! Thanks for your input.

I can get simple replies like yes/no, but it is difficult and slow to get full sentences. I can't make out it's name yet and it seems it is a guide - not an angel or midwayer.


Re: Pen to paper method. Try it!

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:56 am
by Freemason 693
Okay...I tried the pen to paper method and it startled me to see what happened. I wrote the questions out, then entered a meditative state before touching the pen to the paper.

First question: "Are you sending me 11:11 prompts?"
Reply: "Yes" written in beautiful cursive
Second question: "Why?"
Reply: "You have been chosen."
Third question: "Chosen for what?" written in the same writing
Reply: "To be Raised and protect." This response was written in a different, almost child like print.
When I wrote, "What will I protect?" the response, in the first style, was, "You know."

The problem is, I don't know. I don't think it would be Heaven...isn't that what archangels are for? Why do they think that I already know? Could it have something to do with an oath in which I swore to protect the Christian religion? In addition, the term "Raised" has meaning in Freemasonry, but I can't discuss that further. I'm wondering if that's what it meant?

Re: Pen to paper method. Try it!

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:02 am
by Geoff
Sounds like you will discover, if you persevere.


Re: Pen to paper method. Try it!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:48 am
by sammy
Boy it would be SO nice if someone had (and would tell) all the answers to all our questions! (Without having to die first :lol: )

I'm a bit funny that way...I'm very long as I know how long I have to wait. But if the time frame is, let's just say patience is not my best virtue!


Re: Pen to paper method. Try it!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:50 am
by Geoff
sammy wrote:Boy it would be SO nice if someone had (and would tell) all the answers to all our questions! (Without having to die first :lol: )!
I have bad news for you Sammy. Its an ETERNAL search.


Re: Pen to paper method. Try it!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:29 pm
by sammy
Geoff wrote:
I have bad news for you Sammy. Its an ETERNAL search.
Dear God, please give me patience...NOW!!!


Re: Pen to paper method. Try it!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:39 pm
by brianm
sammy wrote:Geoff wrote:
I have bad news for you Sammy. Its an ETERNAL search.
Dear God, please give me patience...NOW!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You can be quite hilarious, Sammy.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Cheers, Brian.

Re: Pen to paper method. Try it!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:43 pm
by jfarris
Geoff wrote:
sammy wrote:Boy it would be SO nice if someone had (and would tell) all the answers to all our questions! (Without having to die first :lol: )!
I have bad news for you Sammy. Its an ETERNAL search.


Is it just me, or does Geoff's avatar seem to be smiling just a bit more beside this post? :sunflower:

Re: Pen to paper method. Try it!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:26 pm
by sammy eeevil little smile.... ;)

And Jody...THANK YOU!!!!!


Re: Pen to paper method. Try it!

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:31 pm
by luvinlife
I don't want it to be an ETERNAL search!!! :x

Love, Clare

Re: Pen to paper method. Try it!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 3:44 pm
by Petra Wilson
luvinlife wrote:I don't want it to be an ETERNAL search!!! :x

Love, Clare
Me either! *stamps foot very hard like a snotty spoilt 3 year old and storms out of this thread banging the door hard behind her!*

Re: Pen to paper method. Try it!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 3:49 pm
by Petra Wilson
:( *pops head back in thread with sorry look on face* :sorry:

Seriously, it can take an eternity, or not? I'm of the 3 steps forward 2 steps back variety so this is gunner be a long haul for me, hahahaha

And talking of pen to paper, I'm a bi like Vera....I'll get a HUGE urge to write to someone and I'm writing stuff and so fast too, I always send it straight away too without checkng for mistakes. Then when I've sent it and look it over again I'm sometimes amazed at what I've written, no to mention the receiver! :D

Love, Pet xxx

Re: Pen to paper method. Try it!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:15 pm
by jfarris
Maybe you two should go on a date.. KNOK :lol: jus coffee ior somethig. :D who knows.... :roll

Re: Pen to paper method. Try it!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 1:53 am
by calicomeow
I've tried automatic writing before. For me it's easier to type out than to write. Sometimes it's poetic gobbledygook. Sometimes awkward goobledygook. Sometimes it halfway makes sense. Here's what I got just now, I think this one might actually mean something halfway sensical:

"Happiness dwells in the hearts of those that follow the truth. Incubation periods remain stricken in the hearts of those that dowse the meaning of regret. Despite affinities toward the stricken, it remains preserved that fortitude establishes gains in the long run. But don't despair, in truth, things that follow remain the same as before."

When I'm typing, I try to tune out attempting to understand the sentence coming out, and just focus on hearing the next words that pop into my head. Then when I go back to read each sentence, it's really interesting and fun to see what your mind comes up with when you're not "thinking." :)

Re: Pen to paper method. Try it!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:13 pm
by AJ
Petra Wilson wrote:
luvinlife wrote:I don't want it to be an ETERNAL search!!! :x

Love, Clare
Me either! *stamps foot very hard like a snotty spoilt 3 year old and storms out of this thread banging the door hard behind her!*

You won't be alone! I am coming too with you until we both decide that we either need to move on together or not in the mansion world. I think Sandy said once she is coming with us as well. Anyone else want to come along and tackle this task and path together as a family! I know we can help and encourage each other on this great, long journey!

Re: Pen to paper method. Try it!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 10:22 pm
by Geoff
AJ wrote:You won't be alone! I am coming too with you until we both decide that we either need to move on together or not in the mansion world. I think Sandy said once she is coming with us as well. Anyone else want to come along and tackle this task and path together as a family! I know we can help and encourage each other on this great, long journey!
Dear AJ,

We will have an 11:11 section on the Mansion Worlds. Wont that be fun!!!
