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In the Garden

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 9:03 am
by lilly
Hi Everyone,
Today I sat out in the garden in stillness, just enjoying the sun on my back. Closed my eyes and a brilliant red filled my entire being, it then turned to a wonderful deep orange. I remember asking for all negativity I'd picked up around me or needed to release from my own memories, to leave me. A lovely gold colour poured through my whole system....I could see someone in front of me in the spiritual vision, with a very kind expression, pale complexion, very ethereal looking. Felt them close with so much Love and compassion for me. Have been feeling a little fragile lately and need Strength and Love like never before. Coming to terms with life's mistakes and lessons is not easy. Those who are already free from this are very fortunate. I have a lot to be thankful for and will do my best to keep up the meditation or stillness because it works.
Going within can feel strange and fear will come to block our efforts. We can read, hear and be told that fear isn't ....and it's not. :study: Yet it still creeps in... :roll: We mustn't feel bad for we are human. I'm going to persist until I don't feel it anymore. Total trust and Faith :sunny:
Love lilly xox :loves

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:56 am
by Petra Wilson
Thanks for that Liller's! I heard you were out of sorts and have been thinking of you. That experience made me have tears in my eyes. Sarah was just asking about a yellow light when she feels a Midwayer on another thread,
A lovely gold colour poured through my whole system

Love, Pet XXX

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 12:49 pm
by blue nova
how wonderful for you lilly !! :sunny: :happy
Coming to terms with life's mistakes and lessons is not easy.
it is a journey isnt it ? but, such a wonderful one, although we sometimes do not realize it because it seems hard. it is a way to freedom ....

things from my past kept coming advice, be easy on forgiving and it will go smooth.

:cheers: :kiss:


Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 12:51 pm
by blue nova
you are being shown these to learn from....not to rub it in onya... :wink:

this happens to all at one point, even to Guru's and the Masters.....

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 2:11 pm
by MichelleP
Hi Lilly,

It is very important to remember you don't have to be perfect. What a beautiful moment. Thanks for sharing. :love


Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 7:35 pm
by justylonging1111
Dear Lilly!!

Its it 12:34 Now!! Much love to You! It up for a healing! :wink:

God Bless You all Now! :sunny:

Love Tannis

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 9:57 pm
by lilly
Thankyou Everyone,
Feels good to know we are not alone in both realms.
Love lilly xox :D