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Does anyone know if these are angels bringing me gifts

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:58 am
by Friendly2U
Does anyone know if these are angels bringing me physical gifts...???

Just recently I couldn't find the manual to my washing machine...I needed the manual to figure out the ratio of clorox to water to clean the internal get rid of the mildew odor...

A few days later...I was getting into my car and I noticed something shiny in my front yard...I walked over to get it...and it was a manual of the same make of my washing machine and it was in a plastic sealed package...

I used the instructions in this manual to find the clorox to water ratio...and now I have a clean smelling washing machine...

I kindly thanked everyone in the universe who looks after me...

A few days later...I was fingering some washcloths that I use in my business for spa cloths...they weren't the thick kind that I used to buy a few years ago...before our local mill store closed...

I was wondering if they even made the thick ones anymore...a few days from that date...a thick washcloth was laying in the front yard of my business with the tags still on it...and it was bought from the mill store that had closed a few years ago...

I was able to compare the thickness of the two...and I really wished that I had the thicker ones...

I felt like I needed to go out of town to a store that sells similar household towels...and they had exactly what I was looking for...the thick ones...not made by the same manufacturer...but thick ones just the same...

I was telling a good friend on Monday of this week about what has been going on with these physical gifts from angels???

I told him that the washcloth that appeared in the front yard of my business was made by the same manufacturer...This manufacturer changed their name to a new name over 20 years ago...and they didn't use the old name and logo anymore...

I really missed the old name and logo...I used to work in a professional position with that company with the old name and it has a special meaning for me...

On Tuesday...yesterday...I was walking around in the front yard of my business...and I discovered a small white square on the ground...1 inch by 1 inch...

I picked it up...and low and was a label that had been cut out...not torn out...of either a washcloth, towel, hand towel or a bath mat...

And it had the old company name and logo on the label...the one that I used to work for many years ago...

I am just overwhelmed now...

This past weekend 2 letters got stolen off my business sign out front...

It really made me sad to know that someone took them...

Also yesterday...when I was out getting the mail...I discovered the 2 letters not far from my mailbox along the side street...

Now I have the letters back and I am happy about that...

Note...both my house and business are side by side facing the same street...

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:30 am
by Geoff
Dear Friendly2U,

Yes it can happen, and it seems you are on a roll. George once had a live squirrel dumped on his desk.


Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:54 am
by George
Geoff writes:
George once had a live squirrel dumped on his desk.
I grabbed the little rascal and it bit me hard. I threw it and it jumped right back on my desk.

The message:

"nuts for the squirrel, squirrels for the nut." I was contemplating something in business that might have turned out to be disastrous, and I was warned.

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:11 am
by nasra1996
Lovely story Friendly2u...

I also remember George saying he receives xtra socks in his drawers too... :lol: ... whereas us lesser mortals only have one sock of each pair... :cry: If you happen to come across a white sock with frills at the top....... :lol:

Love Sarah

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:06 pm
by Jane***
WOW! i so love reading stories like these - I get lots of white feathers but makes me smile to think we can get any gift - from towels to squirrels!! Thanks for sharing! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:03 pm
by Geoff
nasra1996 wrote:Lovely story Friendly2u...

I also remember George saying he receives xtra socks in his drawers too... :lol: ... whereas us lesser mortals only have one sock of each pair... :cry: If you happen to come across a white sock with frills at the top....... :lol:

Love Sarah
Dear Sarah,

I explained this many years ago. Socks naturally ascend when the vibration is right and turn into wire hangers. I thought everyone knew that? For some reason in George's case, his wire hangers turn into socks.

love Geoff.

Thanks everyone for your insights

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:17 pm
by Friendly2U
Not too long after my brother-in-law died last year...

Dimes started showing up the car.....dimes, dimes, and more dimes...

I saved them...I felt something spiritual about them...

Eventually I mentioned it my sister...and she was finding dimes everywhere too...

She said that right before her husband died...that they started collecting dimes...or something like that...dimes had a special meaning for both of them...

All the dimes that they collected...and the ones that she had found after he died...the dates were significant to something in their lives...

She asked me what the dates on the dimes were that I found....when I told her she explained what had happened that year in their lives...they were married for over 30 years...

I offered to give her the dimes...but she said no...for me to keep them...because he wanted me to have them...that he was sending her plenty...

A few weeks little boy and I were walking inside the movie theater...On the ground he saw a dime...

He picked it up...and immediately asked me if this was from his uncle bob...I said...I don't know...cause there are lots of folks going in and out of the movie theater...they could have dropped the dime...

After I told him I don't know...I then said to him...if you find a white feather...then it will be a confirmation that uncle bob sent the dime to let us know that it was from him...and as soon as it got out of my mouth about the white feather...there on the ground in front of us was a beautiful white feather...

My arms immediately felt like chill bumps all over...I got wobbly legged...

I thanked him and the angels for watching over us...

I put the white feather in my wallet...and it is still there...

socks and wire hangers

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:21 pm
by Friendly2U

I wish that all of my older socks would turn into hangers...

plastic hangers... :D

nuts for the squirrels

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:26 pm
by Friendly2U
If you keep the squirrels over there George.... :D

I'll send you a case of nuts... :lol:

white feathers

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:29 pm
by Friendly2U
Hi Jane...

I have always heard that when you find a white feather that it is was sent from heaven...and it also can show validation of something going on in the physical... :)

What have you always head about white feathers?

looking for socks with frills

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:34 pm
by Friendly2U
nasra...I'll keep an eye out for finding that one... :D

In the whole life is so full of the unusual...that sometimes it overwhelms me...

One thing that I have come to understand is that it has to be for a reason...

I just thank everyone in heaven who looks after me and my family...

And hopefully one day...I will fully understand the reason...

Re: nuts for the squirrels

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:42 pm
by Geoff
Friendly2U wrote:If you keep the squirrels over there George.... :D

I'll send you a case of nuts... :lol:
We don't have squirrels here, it was brought from Europe, and taken back, cause our biological control guys would have FREAKED out. We already have too many feral introduced animals.


Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:43 pm
by nasra1996
Geoff wrote:
nasra1996 wrote:Lovely story Friendly2u...

I also remember George saying he receives xtra socks in his drawers too... :lol: ... whereas us lesser mortals only have one sock of each pair... :cry: If you happen to come across a white sock with frills at the top....... :lol:

Love Sarah
Dear Sarah,

I explained this many years ago. Socks naturally ascend when the vibration is right and turn into wire hangers. I thought everyone knew that? For some reason in George's case, his wire hangers turn into socks.

love Geoff.
Oh God, i needed that laugh..... :lol: :)

(((Much love)))


Quarters in the lobby

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:45 pm
by Friendly2U
I have been a small business owner for over 3 years now...

And only last month...have I started finding quarters...

At the end of the day...I vacuum the lobby and clean up...

During this one week last month...I found numerous quarters on the floor...several days in a row...

I prayed about that too...

One morning when I opened my business...I have to walk thru the lobby to my work room...

On the way thru the lobby...on the front edge of a leather chair was a quarter...

It scared me at first...because I know that I cleaned the lobby really good the evening before...

I picked up the quarter and looked at it...then I took it to my office and layed it in a dish on my desk...

A few minutes later...I went back to the lobby to turn on the television and there was another quarter in the same spot on the leather chair...

I almost fainted...then I convinced myself...that I didn't just find a quarter a few minutes ago and take it and put it on my desk...

So I hurriedly went back to my office...and on the dish on my desk was the other quarter...

So now I found two quarters within minutes of each other in the same spot on the chair...

Both quarters have the same year...2000
One quarter is from Maryland 1788
The other one from Massachusetts 1788

I saved them...

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:48 pm
by Geoff
nasra1996 wrote:
Oh God, i needed that laugh..... :lol: :)

(((Much love)))

Yesterday we got a personal message from Jesus, and in it he mentioned for us to be more light-hearted, because Father is light-hearted. Awesome thought?


Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:56 pm
by nasra1996
... it is... awesome.. wow... :D

Hi Friendly2u, i found lots of pennies last year, they turned up everywhere, and at the right moments..

Love Sarah

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:21 am
by Jane***
think i needed to hear that one Geoff, I know i take life WAY too seriously, after all, we're supposed to be having fun on this journey right?!

Hi Friendly2U - white feathers are to me, reminders that angels are always there ready to support me - they appear usually when i'm praying or feeling low and asking for help! sometimes they also show when i've been thinking of something in particular and they want to say 'yeah, go for it, good idea!' :lol:

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:49 am
by Geoff
Jane*** wrote:think i needed to hear that one Geoff, I know i take life WAY too seriously, after all, we're supposed to be having fun on this journey right?!


Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:57 am
by Tiggy
Then God's certainly having a laugh with me this morning Geoff.......I couldn't find any socks.........and my tootsies are cold :( Going now to check them wire hangers.

Love Tiggy :D

Pennies sprinkled from heaven

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 4:44 am
by Friendly2U
Hi Sarah

I loved reading that you have received money-pennies too...

I haven't found pennies in years...There was a time in my life that I would have sworn that pennies were being sprinkled from heaven...

I kept finding so many day an older lady told me to make a wish and give the penny to someone else...and then I would be blessed and the person that I gave it to would be blessed...

I started doing was almost a full-time job just wishing and making sure that I gave the pennies to cashiers in restaurants and department stores...LOL

Then one day...they quit being sprinkled on me...