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Ive got it all wrong.

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:35 am
by pinksummer
I beleived that I was getting signs from my angels about certain things in my life. But everything has gone wrong. The complete opposite has happened and im devastated. I don't understand how I could get it so wrong. Im starting to lose my faith and feel like a crazy person seeing signs when it must have been all in my head. Im doubting everything in my life now. Nothing makes sense anymore.

Has anyone else expereinced this?? :cry: :cry:

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:33 am
by justylonging1111
Hello Dear Pinksummer!

I would suggest that there is no way for anything to go wrong! We Allways Win! There may have been an unexpected turn but I truly believe that no change to see viewed as positive or negative! I am sending you much love and positive energy!

God Bless You and Yours! :sunny:

Love Tannis

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:57 am
by ChildofGod
Hi. I was seeing signs for 6 years while I was depressed. Once day I decided to plan on how to end my life when I woke up to 11:11 pm two nights in a row. Something told me to look it up on the internet and here I am almost two years later. I'm happy, healthy and my life has value.

So one must come to his/her lowest point of their life (like I wanted to die) to realize that there is a way out.

You must crawl before you walk.

Keeping yourself happy inside and positive, being grateful for what you have's the only way to go.

God bless you and keep you well.

Love and light


Child Of God

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 11:38 am
by lilly
Hello Pinksummer,
I'm sorry you are feeling like these times we need to completely let go of expectations and keep our faith in our Creator, strong. Without knowing any details it's hard to know what to say to you. Clouds tend to have silver linings, I know that old cliche is often true. Further up the road we see it. Sending you a ((HUG)) and a loving prayer for your situation to become clear for you.
Love lilly xxx :loves

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:06 pm
by George
Hi PinkSummer,

There is info in the FAQ's that teaches you how to make contact with the "angels" that are prompting you.

You will get better info from contact than in merely guessing what the prompts mean.

God bless....

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:57 pm
by Judy
Hi pinksummer,

When I began to more fully wake up spiritually, I often confused inner prompting and leadings with my own human minds desires and scrambled up the lessons I was to learn. When I look back in retrospect, even those confusions led to greater growth and I did finally learn my lessons. Some of them I had to repeat a few times until I finally got it! There are lessons to be learned in ALL of life's happenings, if we only look, even those that appear to be the worst. Those "absolutely awful" appearing occurrences are often the biggest blessings in disguise. In my own experiences, through illnesses with myself and family, through deaths, very bad choices, etc; all of these things turned out with what would appear to be miraculous conclusions, and my own faith hugely enlarged. A far greater capacity for patience and greater understanding and relationship with our Creator occurred along the way...
Don't know if this helps, since you have not elaborated on the situations, but try to be still within yourself and discuss the circumstances with the Spirit of God within you. Ask for the peace that comes from our Creator. It is given freely and if accepted will get you through the apparently worst of circumstances.