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abrupt awakening

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 2:55 am
by lost
the other night i woke abruptly in the early morning. i was wide awake and i totally felt that a presence was filling my room. i didn't feel like it was a ghost or anything evil, but honestly was too afraid to roll over and look. i didn't even look at the clock for a few minutes to avoid seeing the time code that i assumed i would see. then when i finally did look at the clock it was 4:44 a.m. after a few minutes the presence diminished and disappeared and i fell back asleep. i wish i had turned around to look or even just to verbalize that i acknowledged the presence. i was a little unnerved. has anything like that ever happened to any one else?

lost :?

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:25 pm
by Blandydoes
Same here but I actually heard a voice, well two... one was female and she felt nice but teh other was not so nice feeling.. I dont know what to do now because she told me to prepare for it... but i dont know what.

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:52 pm
by lilly
Hi Blandydoes and lost,
Nothing can hurt you, only your own fear. Nice to meet you.
Love lilly xox :hithere