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simple way to comunicate with angels

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 5:09 am
by 11george11
Try this simple method for a couple of weeks:

Write a simple question (mine was "is there afterlife?"), on a note pad.
Under the question, write the "multiple-choice" answer:

"xx:22 YES"
"xx:42 NO"

Place the note pad on the table, near your bad.

You can choose any numbers instead of '22' or '42', this was just an example.
If you are being waked up during the night, repeatedly, for a few days within these few weeks period, at a time which has the minutes at '22', (for example at 1:22 or 6:22 etc) than the answer is YES.

Important: Sleep normally, without any expectations.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:45 am
by nasra1996
Hi George... hmmm interesting, i have dilemas much of the time and get lots of prompts, sometimes i dont' know what they are trying to tell me... perhaps this is a good method.. :)

I don't know if anyone has ever noticed this, but i find just before i wake up in the morning, all my problems and dilemas in my life that i cannot make a decision...come rushing into my thoughts, and i am given all the answers, truths...

Love Sarah

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:49 am
by George
Sarah writes:
just before i wake up in the morning...
That's precisely when you are in the right state of mind to receive answers. 8)

You can do the same in meditation. :idea:

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:05 am
by nasra1996
:D Is this George you by any chance... :lol:

Oh yeah, i forgot to mention you can attain the same answers in meditation... its amazing though isn't it when the truth hits you.... :shock: ... you know it is from God.... unfortunately i don't take the advice most of the time... :roll:

Much Love,


Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:26 pm
by George

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:00 pm
by Sandy
Hello 11george11,
As strange as your method sounds...I suspect there is real possiblilities there. The Midwayers and Angels are opportunists and will most likely work with you in whatever way you will accept to make a connection. This method would probably work as well with any other two numbers (clock related of course) that you choose as well.
I had a friend who used to connect and ask questions from the Celestials by knocks on his furniture. ..Can't remember all the details now but basically something like one knock yes..two knocks no...

With that said...there is something special though about sitting down and having a heart to heart with your Teacher and Guide...even better your God Within...It is a great beginning... the numbers... but they will lead to so much more with a little effort on our part.

Welcome to the board.