Teacher Armesh -- Group Consciousness

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Teacher Armesh -- Group Consciousness

Post by George »

Nottingham, England, May 25, 2004.
Midwayer Teacher Armesh.
Subject: “Group Consciousness.”

Received by Helen Whitworth.

Armesh: “It is important to know that the things you write will not always make sense at first. This is fine. It will help to prepare the ground for the seeds that are sown by the other things around you, and, that when the time is right, these seeds will begin to germinate, and will suddenly pop from the soil even if they have previously been forgotten.

“This is the time to talk more freely about the aspects of space/time that have been confusing you somewhat. There are two ways of looking at it, from the perspective of one who is enlightened, or from the perspective of one who feels the need to fill the whole.

“The dimensions cannot be fully understood whilst feeling their lacking (concentrating on absence). They are around us and through us at all points. The great awakening is not about moving the dimensions down onto this world, but about moving ourselves up out of them. They are already here, and it is perfectly possible for there to be beings on many different dimensional levels; all coexisting in the same place right here and right now.

“We will see a movement towards the higher dimensions, and that is happening, but the main impetus is the evolution of the group consciousness into a higher cosmos. The evolution of the individual is required in order to raise the group consciousness. This is the next level of evolution for humanity, and if an individual does not have the level or organisation within his or her self to fit within the group whole, then he or she will not be allowed to evolve with it.

“Think of this like a single-celled being, versus a human being. Whilst the single cell has autonomy and may feel it is free, the cell that has become part of the tissue of a human being sits in collusion with surrounding cells, performing its function perfectly. This is a higher state to be in.

“The new human is in the process of being born, and we form its cells. We can, of course, choose to remain that single celled organism. However, from that position there is no further movement towards evolution, whereas working together in an organism of individual cells, having tailored each and every one to perform its function as a skin cell, a heart cell, or a brain cell, then the evolution can continue on and on, upward and upward.

“In order to break through from this analogy into that of dimensions, we need to see the other systems of organisation, which are currently manifest around us. With the animals, the level of organisation is low, yet they have a group collective as well. We cannot use the same analogy here, since it is not relevant. They form collections of tissues that fit together with other members of the animal world to form their own highly evolved system. Much more advanced than that of humans, but requiring the Oversoul Consciousness of individual species to take the place of humans at the cell level. Thus the individual animals are subcells, analogous to our own organ systems.

“The planetary systems around us fascinate you much. This is okay, and with time you will start to understand that more, too. The space beings that you have travelled with before form something more like the animal Oversoul levels. They are collections of consciousness and less consciousness (analogy: Fox, the archetype the primary consciousness, a fox the individual as ‘less consciousness’).

“Remember the level of consciousness seen by a being is always dependent on their own level. You only see bands close to those of your own, so a human will deny to consciousness of many of its physical organs and of its cells. Likewise, a ‘group soul’ will deny the consciousness of the individuals fitting within it, yet to the individual they are the ‘correct’ level of awareness, and on a large scale than themselves purely creates their environment. (Individuals will not usually see the consciousness of a city, or of the planet or solar system. These consciousness levels merely form our backdrop). Thus, whilst the level you have worked on in the outer planes is technically ‘higher’ this makes no difference, because in reality the only change is the nature of the environment working around you.

“Here your environment changes more slowly, and you have less options, which frustrate you, and make you feel that time is running out. This is not so. You push the limitations on a daily basis, and it is good to push outside of the bounds, but realize they are bounds, however much you may experiment with the elasticity of the boundaries.

“We salute you for this as it is through this irreverent pushing, the boredom fuelling a further push towards aspects of yourself that many are not yet searching that will help new things to be brought into your life and into that of humanity. However, much as you may wish to stay hidden and continue walking a nice little path for yourself down your country city garden. That is not allowed. We know this vexes you, and we know that telling you so little annoys you greatly. This is our intent. By stirring you in this manner you look everywhere around you for the signs, for the things that may show you where the next step is.

“This means that when the step is there and ready you will notice, and that there will be much of the hard work already done in the preparation.

“Yes, we wish you to share these writings with others which is why we pushed you to write this today directly in this manner. You never know when one may read something that is relevant to them as well as to yourself and you have already learnt that the best form of keeping oneself safe is to have no boundaries so there is nothing to protect.

“Make yourself as large as the world, encompass all from the heart space and there can be no fear and no need for protection so long as fear is removed and you stand tall with certainty and vigour and a light in your eyes. We will help sustain that light and the flame in the heart but it is your place to help spread the flames.

“This is a message to all of you who are in this place at this time that we cannot all stand by ourselves any more. And that the time has never been more right to turn around, spread our joy and happiness, and show by example how it possible to live in such times of confusion and within peace at the same time.

“Find your place of calm and watch on the world outside it. It seems to change but truly nothing changes, just your perception of what you see, and as your heart expands and love conquers fear, then you will realise that this world is beautiful, peaceful and perfect and that it always has been.

“If you do not understand these words, do not allow that fact to project you back into the place of fear, but read from the heart knowing that it knows the truth more completely than your brain and your intellect. The feet must rule us, as much as we are ruled by the head. And the heart should rule all.

“With love. I am Armesh.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group

Que Dios bendiga a los Pacificadores.
Intent is ALL that counts
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