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12:12, 1:11

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:20 pm
by myst1calz
are there other digital codes that midwayers use to communicate with us? do they have different meanings? i've been seeing 1:11 and 12:12 a lot recently.

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:29 pm
by lilly
Hi myst1calz,
Welcome to the site. Yes it appears there are other prompts they use.
Love lilly xox

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:41 pm
Hello Myst1calz,
Welcome to You here. :hithere
The answer is Yes !
Wait until you get woken up in the middle of the night to see 333 or 555 .
I have received numerous prompts. :D
These are some of them: 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, 666, 777, 888, 999, 11:11, 12:12, 1:23, 2:34, 12:34, 4:32, 3:21, 12:21, 10:01.
I have been getting a lot of 12:12 and 2:22's lately.
And a lucky 777 yesterday.
Take a look at this subject on numbers here:
It is part of the FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions) found here:
Welcome to your Spiritual side.
Infinite Love To You,

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:42 pm
by Geoff
Dear myst1calz,

There is only one time that we are aware they WILL NOT USE. That is 20:12. So yes, all sorts are used, but those with 11 in them or a multiple of 11 are the most frequent.


Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:29 pm
by lilaslight
There is only one time that we are aware they WILL NOT USE. That is 20:12.
Although I get 12:21 all the time. In fact just today even and I generally associate those numbers with the rest of the whole scare bit, as in 12/21/12. Not that i buy in to the worry and panic.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:02 pm
lilaslight wrote: Although I get 12:21 all the time. In fact just today even and I generally associate those numbers with the rest of the whole scare bit, as in 12/21/12. Not that i buy in to the worry and panic.
Dear Lila,
Our Midwayer and Spirit Guardians are not giving us prompts for you to associate certain ones with a 'scare bit' as you put it.
Yeah, I get the 12:21 but I look at it as a mirror image of the # 12.
I also get 1:01, 2:02, 3:03, 4:04, 5:05, 6:06, 7:07-a favorite of mine as it is the area code I live in, 8:08, 9:09 and of course 10:01- another mirror image of the # 10.
I also get 11:34 which I was told was a sign from Hell. HA AHA HA HA HA
I just laughed at the person that told me this.
I then replied that , yes, if you flip 11:34 upside down it looks like this:
but.......if you add the missing digit of zero (0) you get this:
hEll0 ......a nice Hello.
When I get this unusual prompt, and sometimes often, I look up and say HELLO aloud. Then I smile.
Try to see the positive of 12:21. or just see it as I do.
Never worry, never fear, they only prompt out of Love.
LOVE=Living One Vibrational Energy.

I'll shut up now.
Infinite Love To You,
;+) +Greg+ (+;

P.S. I still miss your smile, all the while as you hug that Dolphin.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:12 pm
by lilaslight
You misunderstood me I think. I DO NOT worry and I do not fear anything from this or any other prompt. And what you said about 11:34 made me laugh too because I have seen that a time or two but what nonsense that it is a sign from hell!
Lila's Light

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:28 pm
Dear Lila,
O.K. O.K. We got things straight.
Thank you for the clarification.
Yeah I did misunderstand. :roll: :oops:
Still love your ol' picture that's M.I.A. :hithere

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 4:39 am
by myst1calz
i almost forgot, daylight savings time started a little over a week ago. guess what happened? i had already adjusted my digital clock in my car. i was driving to the store, came to a stop light, there's a big storage building of some kind to my right. the building has a huge digital clock at the top and guess what i saw??? thats right 11:11!!!

when i saw that, i immediately looked at the time in my car, and it was already 12:10pm which was the actual time. no one had adjusted the appropriate time on that building yet.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:42 am
by Barkimmy
Occasionally I get 8:38 which I immediately recognize as the prefix to my phone number. strange.

they can use 20:12

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:19 am
by lost

normally 8:12 p.m. is not a reported time prompt, but however the u.s. military uses a 24 hour clock so it is possible that 20:12 does happen. i personally do not use a 24 hr clock but i have read that midwayers use whatever time prompt that will grab an individuals attention. unfortunately i am sure most civil servants in the military are too skeptical to pay any attention to the time code or even know what 2012 is, although i hope that there are some in the military who believe. don't take it personally, it merely a fact that merits mention. 2012

peace to all


not that again

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:48 am
by lost

i think it is silly to have 20:12 changed to **not that again** even though i am mentioning it in a benign factual statement. don't worry i am not going to start a 'not that again' thread or any thing but if you want to censor your subscribers posts out of fear of your forum changing you need not worry. your a smart guy, all you have to do is tell people not to start a [not that again] thread. i am not here for "not that again". its your playground but i think it is silly. just my opinion. dont take it personally. :wink:



Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:21 am
by Geoff
You clearly have no idea how many folks don't read ANYTHING. That's why we have word censors.
