Earth Living, Doubt, Grids and Concert

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Earth Living, Doubt, Grids and Concert

Post by George »

Cheshire, UK, June 1, 2004.
Unknown Teacher.
Subjects: “Earth Living, Doubt, Grids and Concert.

Received by Helen Whitworth.

“You are ready, ready and clicked in to hear the next phase of the information I have for you, which will entertain you, hopefully, as well as instruct.

“I start now by telling of the tale of one day when I was alive in the same fashion as you are now, and when I was walking down a lane to meet a friend of mine who worked in a butcher’s shop. He was a tall man, and it seemed to me like there was a tree standing on the corner of the lane as I approached. As soon as I got closer, I realized that it was not a tree, but a person, my friend, who was standing there static waiting for me to appear.

“In his wisdom, he had felt the need to stop still and to become one with nature, and without him knowing, that is exactly what he had become. His whole essence vibrated with that of Tree, such that I could no longer separate him from that of his surroundings. He fitted so well there, despite being an individual tree within that place, and actually being a tree encapsulating for that moment the spirit of man.

“You, too, need to learn to be like my friend—able to become at one with everything around you in your area, feeling and merging, melting and phasing, learning to live the life from the inside so that you are so much part of the world, it can never be doubted that your place is here and only here, for right now that is true. It may be that there are and have been other times when this environment was not you, and will not be you, such as my friend standing in a city, when it may be more appropriate for him to be a lamppost. See, I have you smiling. But you get my drift, don’t you?

“Now we move onto to new things, another way of looking and sensing that I feel it is time for you to learn about and talk about with your friends—“the trees that stand beside you within that grove”. They often feel there is more mystery than there is knowledge. This is not true. All knowledge can be gathered, but at times you just have to look for it in the most unusual places. It is like the pine cone—a small store of many, many stars, each radiating out in a different direction, and different manner, forming spirals within its shapes, circles and grids—truly a wonderful key access into the books of knowledge.

[Snipped—information for the group]

“Even as you sit here you doubt. Why? There is no room for doubt in this world any more, and if I am being stern it is because I have to be. What you are learning is of vital importance to yourself, and to many others that you will never see and never know. Do not assume it is all for your benefit. That would be very arrogant indeed, and do not forget that spirit learns from your interactions as much as you do from us. We need you and the others as place-holders on earth, wires to transmit through.

“We cannot see all that you can see of that dense world, and only through you agreeing to embody in dense matter can spirit learn anything about the harshest forms of realities. You are doing service, all of you, to people on the other side of the veil, but when the veil begins to grow thin, it is your collective responsibility to learn as much as you can, and to move through that veil into the wider picture.

“We are still learning of the darker sides of Earth patternings, but we have learnt enough of that, and now need to learn more of the positive potentials of humankind and of what it is capable when it is open to spirit and embodying the God-spirit within its own daily life. This is an experiment and an exciting Now for all involved. The film is turning to the next page of the plot. Please turn with us.

“You really, really need to lose the doubt and to learn the trust. Be the fool, wandering to the edge of the cliff and be prepared to step off the edge if that is what it takes. Trust. Trust. Trust, and more Trust. You will not be taken anywhere you cannot handle, and where there is no fear alongside that trust, then you will dance and sing with spirit, soul and joy your way through the next parts of the journey. Otherwise they will feel like miles long, a burden, and trudging.

“Since it is getting late, we will not keep you longer, just to say that the (energy) grids embody the movement of spirit. So much as we can tell you it is more than just magnetic, though that has an underpinning. Allow your imaginations to roam free on this one because the grids can become anything you wish them to be, and from concerted effort and effect, will and word, you can use many, many techniques to create the same effect.

“Co-creation is one of the most powerful techniques available to you at this minute, and, having the group you do, this should be being practiced to a further extent than at present. The power of many can move the mountain that will exhaust an individual. You have started to see this through the healing practice. Use this method of concert for other forms. Holding visualizations of peace and goodwill to start, to get you comfortable with the energies before focusing on more detailed aspects of those things close to your hearts and your spiritual growth—from abundance, through health, love, and worldly joy, everything can be there if requested in love, without expectation of 'how' and so will the trust that I talked about with you earlier.

“I am, and I leave you in Love.


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Awesome again!!!
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