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A sign from above.

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:06 am
by misery
Me and my husband have been going through a tough time recently. I decided to ask for help from the angels and god. I did a lot of research from the internet to find out how to contact them and what signs are common to see. Anyway I asked them to show me an unmistakable sign, not something I could fob off as a coincidence. I wanted to know that they, and God, was there and everything was going to be alright.

Well I started asking on Thursday night and by Tuesday I had my unmistakable sign. Every Tuesday I take my son to a playgroup held at a church, but they don't push religion on the mums or kids. I have been going for over a year and I have only ever said hello and goodbye to the lady who runs the group. That morning I actually started a conversation to the lady, just general chat really. Later that morning she came up to me and said I know this is going to sound starnge but I was praying this morning and God told me to speak to a woman wearing a pink scarf and pink top as she was having headaches and couldn't sleep. This was the sign I asked for plain as day. She said she doesn't get these messages very often and when she does shes not brave enough to tell that person involved. I think it was because I spoke to her that morning that she approached me. Also I looked in my wardrobe that morning and saw my pink top and thought, why do I never wear this. I haven't worn that top in over two years, but something made me put it on.

I now know that we are not alone and everything will be ok. :D

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 10:37 am
by Sandy
Hello Misery,
What a wonderful post! I still have tingles from reading about your wonderful sign... You know something that struck me too...was your patience. You asked on Thursday and you got the sign on Tuesday. Many people would have given up if it hadn't happened immediately. It is a nice example of God's own timing.
I now know that we are not alone and everything will be ok.
Isn't it a great feeling! :D

Thank you for sharing this with us Misery and a big welcome to our message board!

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:14 pm
by Daddy - O
Hi Misery,

That certainly is a wonderful story.

I'm glad you received the sign you had been looking for.

Welcome to the board.

Daddy - O

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 6:43 pm
by justylonging1111
Hello Dear Misery!!

I absolutely adored your story, isnt God awesome! Ask and you shall receive, reap what you sow! Love is the Key!

Oh my goodness I am so touched by your story, Misery, please keep on sharing, Wow!

Love to You and Yours, God Bless! :sunny:

Love Tannis

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 6:46 pm
by justylonging1111
I posted at 11:43!

This is another God Wink!!! God just said to me and us all I LOVE YOU!

1 (I) 4 (LOVE) 3(YOU) !!!!!!!!!!! :loves

Thank You God, We Love You TOO!!! :sunny:

I ask for all who read this to be touched by this amazing feeling!! :love

Love Tannis

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:57 pm
by Geoff
Dear Misery,

Welcome to our site. That was a very good message, and excellent proof we are not alone.


Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:40 pm
by lilly
Hello Misery,
What a lovely story. Don't know how I missed this one. Welcome to the site. Stories like this one are just so precious.
Love lilly xox :hithere

Re: A sign from above.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:35 pm
misery wrote: I now know that we are not alone and everything will be ok. :D
Hello Misery,
Welcome to You Here.
Your topic gave me happy tears and I had a good little cry. :D
I am so happy to hear that you received your confirmation from God and the Angels.
Hang in there, I've been going through a tough time myself and it was really lovely to read your post.
Nice to meet you.
Infinite Love,

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:08 am
by memawlaura
:D Hi Misery,
What a beautiful confirmation, it truly shows how each of us are needed to do Our Creators will.

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:16 pm
by misery
Thank you all for your replies. Its so nice that other people can appreciate my experience. Things with me and my husbands situation seems to be going down hill but I have my faith and that keeps me going.


Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:43 pm
by Tiggy
Hi misery,

Sorry you and your husband are having a tough time at the moment...I hope things work out for you both.
Your experience was wonderful....God certainly reaches out to us in many mysterious ways...........I know when I was once in the pits of dispair, I was put into a situation, like you, where I made a new aquaintance (a neighbour)....that aquaintance changed my life forever and I am so grateful to God for arranging it. I'm sure you will receive a helping hand very soon.

Joanne :loves