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Does anyone know which Midwayer this is? Have u seen her?

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:01 am
by agnieska
Several years ago, before I figured out I was getting these prompts, and was going through a very difficult time, I saw a woman.

I was laying in bed and she was floating above me cupping her hand whispering in my ear.
What she told me was the absolute right thing to do and the truth and I will never forget it. I am so grateful to her.

She had very fair skin. Very long redish blondish hair. A wreath around the crown of her head. Dressed in white. I know this sounds like your typical angel, but there were no wings (I think).

Does any one know who this is? Has anyone seen her as well?

Peace and Blessings,

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:44 pm
by lilly
Hi agnieska,
She sounds beautiful and helpful to you as well in your time of need. Many guides and people I've been helped by don't always give a name. Someone else here may know who she is. As long as that loving vibration is there, that's what matters most to me. Lovely story.
lilly xox :hithere

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:58 pm
by nasra1996
Hi Agnieska, there is one Midwayer, female i remember George mentioning who kind of fits that description i have forgotten her name... she delivers messages to us, i am pretty sure i have seen her too... she is very tall and very beautiful, she delivered a message to me once for a good friend and introduced me to his deceased relatives who also gave me a real message to send.... It's not Andrea is it...?

sorry i forgot...

Take care,

Love Sarah

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:54 pm
by Sandy
Are you thinking of Sharmon, ( MNO-6) Sarah? She's very beautiful and tall...a bit of a character too... Not sure about the red hair though. :scratch:

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:30 pm
by nasra1996
Oh yes, that is it... :D yeah the one i saw, i couldn't see the colour of the hair though, it was a light colour though.. she was very tall, with a long dress on, she was glowing with beauty, showed me some photos of a friend then a message for them, actually she visited me twice.

Anyway.... :D

Take care, Love Sarah

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:03 am
by agnieska
Thanks, for your's so funny that you say Sharmon, because when I was going through the list of names, that one struck me for some reason.

If you say she a bit of a character, I bet she is also responsible for the fire alarm as I walked down the isle on my wedding day. Yep, LOUD SUDDEN FIRE ALARM ON MY WEDDING DAY, as I was half-way down the isle with my dad in church. One of the most important moments in a girl's life. The grand entrance, the white dress, the long veil, the flowers, 200 guests, and your groom at the altar. It was unbelievable. When my dad and I got up to the altar (cuz we just kept walking, didn't know what to do), the deacon said in his 30 years of doing weddings he never thought he would have to say "dearly beloved we have to evacuate the church". 3 fire trucks arrive, no fire, no tampering, nothing.

At the time I was mortified, embarrased, very upset. But now I look back at it and have to smile.

I had actually gone to a well respected psychic channeler to try and find out what happened. Did someone pull the alarm? Why did that happen to me? The psychic, said it was "a call to attention".

It was soon after that that I saw and heard Sharmon, and now I understand what she was doing. For as delicate and lovely as she looks, she is really quite bold and fiesty. I would love to see and talk to her again.

Peace and Blessings,